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Alexander Grodzinski

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Alle Inhalte von Alexander Grodzinski

  1. Dragon’s Domain Records, to be distributed through buysoundtrax.com, presents THE MARK SNOW COLLECTION, VOLUME 1, featuring two superlative orchestral scores composed by Mark Snow (THE X FILES, SMALLVILLE, GHOST WHISPERER) for select television movies from the 1990s. The first, THE LITTLE KIDNAPPERS, is a remake of a family drama set in northeastern Canada; the second, SMOKE JUMPERS, is based on a true story, a portrait of heroism and sacrifice in the midst of a deadly Colorado wildfire. Both scores show how Mark Snow can wield an energetic orchestra and an exceptional melody into an effective and dramatic piece of film music storytelling. THE LITTLE KIDNAPPERS is a family friendly TV movie co-produced by the Disney Channel and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, filmed on location in Nova Scotia and Halifax, Canada. THE LITTLE KIDNAPPERS tells the story of two orphans who are sent to Nova Scotia from England to live with their grandfather James MacKenzie (Charlton Heston), a bitter and hard-hearted Scotsman of advanced age whose furious anger over his son’s death at the hands of Dutch soldiers during the Second Boer War remains undiminished and focused largely on his genial Dutch neighbors. The film title reflects an episode in the original short story written by Neil Paterson where the two young boys find a neighbor’s baby, left briefly unattended, and, thinking it a Dutch orphan, decide to care for the child themselves and keep it from their grandfather. Ultimately the themes of the film are those of redemption and reconciliation as, through the circumstances of its story, MacKenzie learns to forgive his innocent neighbors and free himself from his long-standing enmity towards the countrymen of those distant Boer soldiers. Snow’s music ranges from his wonderfully lyrical main theme with its a captivating melody to eloquent flute interludes that are reflective of the film’s coastal village setting, and various musical elements of danger and reconciliation as demanded by the film’s story. SMOKE JUMPERS is inspired by the true story of wildland firefighter Don Mackey and his wife René before and during the tragic loss of fourteen firefighters on the South Canyon Fire on Storm King Mountain, Colorado, in 1994. The film stars Adam Baldwin (THE X FILES’ Alien Bounty Hunter) as Don Mackey, whose love of danger, as the movie has it, threatens his relationship with his wife (Lindsay Frost) and family. The movie was filmed in Martell in wooded northeastern California, including at the California Dept. of Forestry & Fire Protection’s [now CAL FIRE] Amador-El Dorado unit headquarters. Bob Bente, a U.S. Forest Service foreman and trainer for a smoke jumper unit based in Redding, California, served as Smoke Jumper Technical Advisor for the film; and the real René Mackey assisted as a production consultant. The score is built around a brassy theme that has a lot of bravado to it for the Adam Baldwin character and his elite team; there’s also a more intimate theme for woodwinds and piano that covers the central love story of the film. Performed by an orchestra of about 60 players, Snow’s music is thickly orchestrated for heroic brass and percussion, providing the right atmosphere for the firefighters as they parachute in to danger. Mark Snow is primarily known for his work in the medium of television, including many seasons of music scoring for shows such as THE X-FILES, MILLENNIUM, SMALLVILLE, GHOST WHISPERER, BLUE BLOODS, NOWHERE MAN and many others. In 1993, composer Mark Snow began a fruitful creative collaboration with producer Chris Carter on THE X-FILES, which culminated in a unique marriage of music and macabre storytelling. Snow’s work on THE X-FILES put him on the Hollywood scoring map, offering up a unique mix of atmospheric sound design and affecting layers of ambient melody on a weekly basis and this sound became very much in demand in the industry. Mark is considered one of television’s most capable composers. The large percentage of his musical output has centered around the subjects of the supernatural, the macabre and outright science fiction or dark fantasy but there have been occasions for him to break out and work on other projects, such as PRIVATE FEARS IN PUBLIC PLACES and WILD GRASS for Alain Resnais, the legendary French director. Mark Snow has worked on more than two hundred television movies and series, PC games and feature films including THE X-FILES, MILLENNIUM, SMALLVILLE, GHOST WHISPERER, BLUE BLOODS, and NOWHERE MAN, among others, returning to THE X FILES recently when the series made its triumphant return to television in 2016. Mark has been nominated for 14 Primetime Emmy awards since 1984 and won at least 19 ASCAP awards. The composer is also a founding member of the legendary New York Rock'n'Roll ensemble, along with fellow composer Michael Kamen. The band was signed to Atlantic Records and Mark toured and recorded with them for 5 years before turning his focus to writing music for film and television. Dragon’s Domain Records, to be distributed through buysoundtrax.com, presents THE MARK SNOW COLLECTION, VOLUME 1, featuring the original television soundtracks to THE LITTLE KIDNAPPERS and SMOKE JUMPERS, featuring music composed by Mark Snow. THE MARK SNOW COLLECTION, VOLUME 1 is a limited edition release of 500 units. The first 100 units sold through the website will include a booklet autographed by the composer. DDR644 Original Motion Picture Scores The Mark Snow Collection Vol. 1: Orchestral • The Little Kidnappers • In the Line of Duty: Smoke Jumpers Music by Mark Snow $17.95 THE LITTLE KIDNAPPERS (1990) (Original Score) 01. Prologue/Main Title (2:03) 02. Carriage Ride Into Town/The Long Walk/The Kids Meet Their Aunt (3:09) 03. The Boys At Play (1:22) 04. The Boys Find The Cave (2:19) 05. Strapping/Outhouse/ The Boys Want A Dog (2:56) 06. Falling Down The Cliff/ Trouble On The Hill (3:03) 07. To The Woodshed/ The Baby On The Beach (2:46) 08. Bedtime Chat (Not Used) (1:27) 09. Out The Window/The Baby Lost (2:37) 10. The Kiss (2:20) 11. Kirsten Falls/The Doctor Departs/ Search On The Beach (2:40) 12. Finding The Baby (1:42) 13. Happy Ending (1:23) IN THE LINE OF DUTY: SMOKE JUMPERS (1996) (Original Score) 14. Prologue and Opening Titles (6:45) 15. Should Have Let It Burn (1:47) 16. “I’m Pregnant” (4:13) 17. Bad Summer For Fires (2:38) 18. Timmerman Is In Trouble (3:21) 19. Better Than No Fire/Final Fire (8:39) 20. End Credits (1:12) Total Time: 63:16
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  3. Ist doch keine Seltenheit mehr. Im amerikanischen Amazon-Store ist sogar der 8. Dezember angegeben. Entweder kommt der bei uns früher oder das Datum wird noch angepasst.
  4. Bei Amazon ist eine Doppel-CD gelistet, die auf der zweiten CD scheinbar die Elfman-Bonus-Tracks hat. Justice League Doppel-CD
  5. Snow Files of the Week: "UFO Technology/Transfer And Release" aus The X-Files, Episode "Deep Throat" (1993). Zu Beginn der ersten Staffel "Akte X" war die musikalische Richtung noch relativ offen. Chris Carter wollte keine pompöse Musik, es sollte "auf den Punkt" sein, wie er es beschrieb. Und so experimentierte Mark besonders in diesen frühen Folgen noch recht stark und erschuf Klanglandschaften, die man bis dato noch nicht gehört hatte. Mit der Folge "Deep Throat" etablierte Mark nicht nur ein Thema für Mulders Informanten (zu hören in "UFO Technology"), sondern tauchte auch tiefer in die Welt der Ambient-Musik ein. Diese beiden Tracks stammen aus dem kürzlich erschienenen dritten Set von LLL, welches auf 3000 Exemplare limitiert ist. Viel Spaß beim Hören!
  6. Es hätten durchaus mehr ruhigere Stücke drauf sein können, aber das Album läuft gut durch. Schade finde ich, dass das Stück aus der dritten Staffel, als man zum ersten Mal das Aquarium des Gouverneurs sieht, nicht dabei ist.
  7. Ja, mal abwarten. In der Vergangenheit hat Warner solche Sachen gerne ausgesessen und den Fehler nicht behoben. Na ja, da Gal Gadot das Vorbild für die Figur war...
  8. Ich schau die Sachen meist auf englisch, von daher stört mich das nicht so. Aber ich habe auch schon von den Tonproblemen gelesen, die Musik setzt an manchen Stellen später ein in der deutschen Fassung.
  9. Im Vergleich etwas leichtere Kost, inklusive schicker Figur.
  10. Nun auch in diesem Hause: Bear McCreary - The Walking Dead
  11. Das Thema für Eleanor erinnert mich immer etwas an das Thema aus GHOST AND THE DARKNESS, besonders der Schluß.
  12. Ich würde mir das Set nur wegen des erweiterten THE STAND holen, einer meiner liebsten Scores. Aber ob die Titel wirklich auch einzeln kommen? Bisher war es bei den Varese-Boxen ja eher umgekehrt, da waren Titel enthalten, die es vorher schon einzeln gab.
  13. Dann stell dir das WW-Thema "geschrien" vor. Mir ging es ja um die Melodie, nicht um die Interpretation. Ich musste jedenfalls sofort an den Immigrant Song denken, als ich es zum ersten Mal gehört habe, auch wenn es keine 1:1-Übernahme ist. Und scheinbar geht es nicht nur mir so, auch, wenn man den Song vorher nicht kannte. Aber ist ja keine schlechte Inspiration. Der Song inspirierte Carpenter auch zu seinem ASSAULT-Thema, man achte auf die Bass- und Rhythmus-Gitarren-Begleitung.
  14. Liegt wohl daran, dass das WW-Thema stark nach Robert Plants "Schrei" aus Led Zeppelins "Immigrant Song" klingt, zumindest muss ich immer daran denken. Und wenn ich richtig informiert bin, kommt der Song auch im neuen THOR vor. Von daher wirst du es wohl da gehört haben. ("Schrei " bei ca. 12 Sekunden):
  15. Bei Varése gibt es nur noch 150 Stück von der Box und der Preis wurde um $50 gesenkt.
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