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  1. Bastet

    Lustiges aus aller Welt

    Diese Katzen sind die neuen Stars im Netz Sie heißen Basil, Mace, Sage und Pepper, leben in Seattle und tun nicht viel: ein bisschen essen, sich manchmal streiten, ziemlich viel schlafen. Klingt eher langweilig, trotzdem schauen ihnen Tausende per Livestream dabei zu. Und wenn Sie auf den Link hinter sich klicken, sind Sie selbst schuld und ab sofort auch gefangen im herrlich-schnöden Alltag der Viererbande. Basil, Mace, Sage und Pepper sind nämlich Katzen. Klein und extrem puschelig noch dazu. Denen entkommt man online - ob man will oder nicht - einfach nicht. Meistens will man ja auch gar nicht: Die "Spice Kittens" zumindest - alle vier sind nach Gewürzen benannt - haben bereits 67.000 Fans auf Facebook, 2.454 Follower bei Twitter, durchschnittlich beobachten rund 8.000 Leute weltweit, was sie in ihrem Spielzimmer in Seattle gerade so treiben. Tendenz steigend. Der Mann hinter der Katzen-Kamera nennt sich übrigens "Foster Dad John" und ist eigenen Angaben zufolge ein Programmierer des US-Telefonkonzerns AT&T, der ehrenamtlich für die Tierschutz-Organisation "Purrfec Pals" Katzenbabys aufpäppelt. Auch die vier Gewürz-Katzen, die zur Zeit vor der Linse seiner Webcam tollen, betreut er, bis sie groß genug sind, um von der Mutter getrennt zu werden. Danach werden sie von "Purrfec Pals" an neue Besitzer vermittelt. Bis es soweit ist, werden die Vier die Krone des Katzen-Contents hochhalten - und Netztheoretiker der Lösung eines alten Problems deutlich näher bringen. Über die Entstehung des Netzes gibt es ja zwei Theorien: Die erste besagt, nicht das US-Verteidigungsministerium, sondern Katzen hätten das Internet erfunden. Die zweite lautet: Das Web wurde ausschließlich erfunden, Katzen zu huldigen. Nach näherer, ausdauernder Betrachtung des Livestreams der Seattle-Katzen vermuten wir: Letztere stimmt. (ej) Hier geht's zum Livestream: http://new.livestream.com/FosterKittenCam/TheSpiceKittens Quelle: http://www.mopo.de/panorama/tierischer-livestream-diese-katzen--sind-die-neuen-stars-im-netz,5066860,20928404.html
  2. Nach Capitol Collectors Series [import] Capitol Collectors Series, Ray Anthony wird der Abend mit Iff Bennett [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iff_Bennett] beendet.
  3. Selten so :lol2: über das Zitat. Das Problem liegt meiner Meinung nach nicht bei Bookloker, sondern eher bei der Software des Anbieters.
  4. Nach der Filmmusik etwas beschwingter: My Way Anka Paul gefolgt von Ray Anthony Ray Anthony Concert/The Anthony Choir dancing in the dark hit songs to remember LP
  5. Nach Major Dundee [soundtrack, Import] Daniele Amfitheatrof und Trinity stand tall / Vinyl single [Vinyl-Single 7''] Gene Roman kommt jetzt George Antheils Pride And The Passion / Kings Go Forth an die Reihe.Die Mischung solls machen.
  6. Bastet

    Lustiges aus aller Welt

    Kommt ein Häschen in die Konditorei und fragt: „Hattu Bienenstich?“ Sagt der Verkäufer: „Leider ausverkauft.“ Am nächsten Tag kommt das Häschen wieder: „Hattu Bienenstich?“ Der Verkäufer sagt: „Leider aus.“ Am dritten Tag kommt das Häschen wieder: „Hattu Bienenstich?“ Der Verkäufer ruft triumphierend: „Ja, ganz frischer Bienenstich!“ Sagt das Häschen: „Muttu Salbe drauftun!“ ★★★ Kommt Häschen zum Optiker: „Hattu Möhren?“ Der Optiker antwortet: „Nein, ich verkaufe Brillen.“ Tags darauf kommt das Häschen wieder: „Hattu Möhren?“ Der Optiker erwidert: „Nein, nur Brillen.“ Am dritten Tag fragt das Häschen wieder: „Hattu Möhren?“ Da brüllt der Optiker: „Du blödes Häschen, ich kann dich nicht mehr sehen!“ Sagt das Häschen: „Muttu eine von deinen Brillen aufsetzen.“ ★★★ Häschen kommt zum Teppichhändler: „Hattu Läufer?“ Darauf der Teppichhändler: „Ja, nur die besten!“ Sagt das Häschen: „Muttu zur Olympiade schicken!“ ★★★ Kommen zwei Hasen nach China. Sagt der eine: „Hattu Stäbchen?“ Sagt der andere: „Nee, hab Löffel.“ ★★★ Ein Hase kommt in einen Schallplattenladen und fragt die Verkäuferin: „Hattu Platten?“ – „Ja!“ – Sagt das Häschen: „Muttu aufpumpen!“ ★★★ Häschen ruft beim Metzger an und fragt: „Hattu Schweineohren?“ Darauf der Metzger: „Klar!“ – „Hattu Hühnerbrust?“ – „Natürlich.“ – „Und hattu auch Rinderbauch?“ – „Aber sicher.“ Sagt das Häschen erschrocken: „Muttu aber scheußlich aussehen!“ ★★★ Woher kommt eigentlich der Häschen-Witz? Er entstand in den 1970ern in der DDR und war die humorvolle Art, die sozialistische Mangelwirtschaft dort aufs Korn zu nehmen. Quelle: http://www.bild.de/news/inland/witze/kenttu-die-schon-muttulachen-27269280.bild.html
  7. Kritzerland is proud to present a world premiere limited edition soundtrack release: CAREER Music Composed and Conducted by Franz Waxman In 1959, Paramount brought Career (based on James Lee’s hit off-Broadway play) to the screen with a terrific cast including Dean Martin, Anthony Franciosa, Shirley MacLaine, Carolyn Jones, Joan Blackman, and Robert Middleton. The film was directed by Joseph Anthony, who was a successful theater director and an expert at turning plays into films – prior to Career he’d already done two for Paramount: The Rainmakerand The Matchmaker. The film was a success with audiences and critics, and received three Academy Award nominations – Best Art Direction (Hal Pereira, Walter H. Tyler, Samuel M. Comer, Arthur Krams), Best Cinematography (Joseph LaShelle), and Best Costume Design (Edith Head). But the film shines in every department, none more so than with its dynamic score by Franz Waxman. From the exciting opening chords that lead directly into the big city theme, the score is absolutely thrilling. It is the kind of dramatic scoring that Waxman did so brilliantly. He gets inside the drama and the characters – the yearning, the hunger, the nastiness, the competiveness, the romance, the first taste of success, the bitter taste of failure after failure – it’s brilliant music from start to finish. By the time of Career, Waxman’s own career was filled with masterpiece after masterpiece – the 1950s alone brought forth Sunset Blvd., My Cousin Rachel, A Place in the Sun, Prince Valiant, Demetrius and the Gladiators, Rear Window, The Silver Chalice, Mister Roberts, The Spirit of St. Louis, Sayonara, Peyton Place, and The Nun’s Story – to name just a few. During his long and distinguished career, he was nominated for twelve Oscars and took home the prize twice, for Sunset Blvd. and A Place in the Sun. He had a unique musical voice and will forever hold a high place in the pantheon of great film composers. Waxman’s score for Career is presented here complete and in stereo from the original session tapes housed in the Paramount vaults. We’ve included several bonus cues that appear in the film, including the source music song “(Love Is a) Career” by Sammy Cahn and James Van Heusen, and a little dance music cue composed by Gus Levene, as well as a couple of the cues from the mono music stem. It’s always thrilling to be able to bring an unreleased Franz Waxman score to CD, especially one as dynamic and beautiful as Career. Career is limited to 1000 copies only. The price is $19.98, plus shipping. CDs will ship the second week of December. Quelle: http://www.kritzerland.com/career.htm
  8. ALDI Nord bietet ab dem 22.11.2012 wieder einige DVDs an: http://www.aldi-nord.de/aldi_ab_donnerstag_2211_48_5_1063_17187.html
  9. Da siehst du mal, wie wertlos der €uro geworden ist!
  10. Bastet

    Lustiges aus aller Welt

    Esel als Kandidat für Parlament abgewiesen Die Kandidatur eines Esels für das Parlament ist in Ecuador von den Wahlbehörden abgewiesen worden. Eine Gruppe junger Menschen führte am Donnerstag den mit einer roten Krawatte geschmückten Esel zum Wahlamt in Guayaquil, um ihn als Abgeordnetenkandidaten für die Wahl am 17. Februar 2013 zu registrieren, wie die Zeitung "El Comercio" berichtete. Die Behörden verwehrten dem Vierbeiner den Zugang und wiesen die bereits ausgefüllten Formulare ab. Mit dieser Aktion wollten die jungen Leute auf die ihrer Ansicht nach mangelnde Qualität der Parlamentskandidaten hinweisen, unter denen sich Fußballer, Schauspieler und Fernsehstars befinden. "Don Burro" ("Herr Esel") hat aber trotz des Scheiterns am Wahlamt an nur einem Tag über 4.000 Follower seines Twitter-Accounts gewonnen. Quelle: http://www.krone.at/Schlagzeilen/Esel_als_Kandidat_fuer_Parlament_abgewiesen-Schlagzeilen-Story-341061
  11. Hier eine kleine Übersicht seiner filmmusikalischen Arbeiten: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0006442/ Der Wikipedia-Artikel: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Robbins Und hier ein ausführlicher Nachruf des HOLLYWOOD REPORTERS: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/richard-robbins-dies-oscar-nominated-389475
  12. http://www.booklooker.de/Musik/John-Carpenter/id/A00ppFjZ21ZZs
  13. Und wie fällt Dein Vergleich zu der alten Decca-Einspielung mit Miklós Rózsa aus, abgesehen von der längeren Einspielung der Tadlow-Veröffentlichung?
  14. Mal etwas ganz ausgefallenes: Über den Komponisten: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taki_Rentarō Über das Lied: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kōjō_no_Tsuki
  15. Schau mal hier: http://www.ikea.com/de/de/catalog/products/13690607/ Davon habe ich seit 1978 10 Regale voll mit LPs, Singles, CDs und DVDs und sind immer noch topp! Vielleicht hilft Dir das weiter.
  16. Mit 70 hat man noch Träume... - Harrison Ford will in den „Krieg der Sterne“ ziehen Als Haudegen „Han Solo“ gelang Harrison Ford (70) vor 35 Jahren der große Durchbruch. Jetzt kann sich die Hollywood-Legende eine Rückkehr im nächsten „Star Wars”-Film vorstellen. „Harrison ist offen für die Idee, den Film zu machen”, sagte ein Insider der US-Zeitschrift „Entertainment Weekly”. Der mittlerweile 70-Jährige begrüßt demnach die Idee, die Weltraumsaga nach dem Verkauf von „Lucasfilm“ an „Walt Disney“ fortzuführen. Angeblich können sich auch Fords Kollegen Mark Hamill (61, „Luke Skywalker“) und Carrie Fisher (56, „Prinzessin Leia“) ein Wiedersehen in Episode 7 vorstellen. Allerdings will Ford zunächst das finale Drehbuch und die Wahl des Regisseurs abwarten. Fans sollten sich jedoch auf ein trauriges Ende ihres Helden einstellen. Schon zum Abschluss der Originaltrilogie vor 30 Jahren hatte Ford für den Tod Han Solos plädiert. „Als Figur war er für mich nicht so interessant”, hatte Ford 2010 dem Sender ABC gesagt. Der neue „Star Wars”-Film soll 2015 in die Kinos kommen. Quelle: http://www.bild.de/unterhaltung/kino/harrison-ford/wuerde-gern-im-neuen-star-wars-mitspielen-27062374.bild.html 'Star Wars' sequel: Harrison Ford open to idea of Han Solo role -- EXCLUSIVE by Geoff Boucher Harrison Ford is open to the idea of bringing Han Solo back to life on the silver screen in 2015, according to sources close to the just-announced Star Wars sequel, but don’t be surprised if his contract includes a mandatory death scene for the sly old space smuggler. “Harrison is open to the idea of doing the movie and he’s upbeat about it, all three of them are,” said one highly placed source, referring to Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher, the trio that made a hyper-speed jump to global fame on May 25, 1977, the opening night for George Lucas’s original Star Wars film. The Hollywood trajectories of Hamill and Fisher led to reinvention — he’s now an in-demand voice actor; she used a gift for acerbic memoir to deliver Postcards from the Edge and Wishful Drinking. But Ford, who reached his 35th birthday in the summer of 1977, launched himself on a truly historic career run that synced up with the blockbuster bonanza of the 1980s. Ford’s star rose with The Fugitive, Air Force One, Clear and Present Danger, Presumed Innocent, Blade Runner, and of course, the four fedora films as a certain archaeologist named Henry “Indiana” Jones. The actor, now 70, is plenty proud of Indy, Jack Ryan, John Book, and Dr. Richard Kimble but in the past he didn’t disguise his disdain for Solo. “As a character he was not so interesting to me,” the frosty Ford explained in an ABC interview in 2010. The slippery Corellian pilot’s great talent is keeping himself alive, a skill that apparently extended beyond the screen. Solo’s death scene in early outlines for Episode VI: Return of the Jedi was scrapped, according to Ford and others, because the character was a top seller as an action figure. EW Daily Poll: Best election movie? As Ford told ABC in the same interview: “I thought he should have died in the last one to give it some bottom…George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.” Disney, which acquired Lucasfilm in a $4.05 billion deal, sees plenty of retail future with Star Wars sitting on the same corporate toy shelf as Marvel and Pixar, and they’ll certainly be offering a stellar payday to coax Ford to bring his star power back to role that started it all. More than money, Ford might be drawn back by the upside of changes at Lucasfilm where the respected Kathleen Kennedy is taking over as company president, and with the Jedi franchise as a whole now that Kennedy is in as executive producer and Lucas will take on a consultant role, leaving the director’s chair for someone else. Indeed, Ford won’t go to the next level of contract talks until there’s a script and director in place. Either could be a deal breaker. Still, at any stage, an “upbeat” signal from Ford on any Solo matter is enough to shock and excite fans who view Star Wars as something close to religion. Solo, Luke Skywalker (Hamill), and Princess Leia (Fisher) appeared in two more films and when last we left them (in 1983’s Episode VI: Return of the Jedi) they were on the forest moon of Endor reflecting on the downfall (literally) of the Emperor and Darth Vader’s final act of redemption. Now a new-look Lucasfilm — with Lucas moving into retirement and the Walt Disney Company taking over — plans to circle back with a new trilogy that picks up the story decades later and presumably uses the original trio to hand off the franchise to a new generation. (It’s a familiar approach; 2009’s Star Trek beamed Leonard Nimoy back aboard or 2010’s Tron: Legacy turned to Jeff Bridges to initiate the next cycle.) Hamill told EW that he and Fisher heard about the idea when Lucas summoned them for a lunch in August, not long after both were onstage return guest at Star Wars Celebration VI, an official Lucasfilm event that drew tens of thousands of fans to Orlando. Many of those true believers are delirious about the new hope of a third trilogy but Hamill, 61, knows that some outsiders will roll their eyes. “I can see both sides of it,” Hamill said. “Because in a way, there was a beginning, a middle, and an end and we all lived happily ever after and that’s the way it should be — and it’s great that people have fond memories, if they do have fond memories. But on the other hand, there’s this ravenous desire on the part of the true believers to have more and more and more material.” In the 29 years since the red carpet premiere of Return of the Jedi, Ford has declined hundreds – if not thousands — of offers to appear at Star Wars events and cast reunions even the ones sanctioned and run by Lucasfilm. In fact, in all those years was only one offer he accepted: He attended a 30th anniversary screening of the The Empire Strikes Back in 2010 to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. About 400 fans (including Christopher Nolan, Jonathan Nolan, Jon Favreau, and Kevin Feige) paid $100-$175 each to hear Ford reflect on his Millennium Falcon days. I was the moderator for the event and the star arrived in a cheery mood but, after watching the film, he was weary of the crowd’s zeal for something he could never love. “I don’t know that I understood it very well,” Ford said in a flat tone of the franchise’s ascension in popular culture. “I’m not sure I understand it yet…I was very happy to be involved. I was pleased to be a part of an ensemble.” It was a bare-bones answer but still the crowd cheered and no one asked for a refund – everyone was just excited to see Ford back in the same theater as the Star Wars universe. That alone may be the Force that brings Ford and Solo back together for their date with destiny. Quelle: http://insidemovies.ew.com/2012/11/05/star-wars-sequel-harrison-ford-han-solo-exclusive/
  17. Bastet

    Lustiges aus aller Welt

  18. Kritzerland präsentiert Alfred Newmans LOVE IS A MANY-SPLENDORED THING und THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH: Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing was a big, glossy, uber-romantic tale of an illicit interracial love affair back in the days when that sort of thing was rather scandalous. The screenplay was by John Patrick (from the novel by Han Suyin), who had won a Pulitzer Prize for adapting The Teahouse of the August Moon for Broadway. To direct, producer Buddy Adler hired the wonderful director Henry King, a Fox regular who’d helmed such pictures as The Song of Bernadette, Captain from Castile, A Bell for Adano, The Gunfighter, David and Bathsheba, The Snows of Kilimanjaro, King of the Khyber Rifles and many others. The stars were starry indeed – William Holden and Jennifer Jones. The film was a box-office and critical success, and audiences loved the story, the performances, and the lush cinematography of Leon Shamroy. The film was nominated for a whopping eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actress, and it won for Best Costume Design, Best Song (by Sammy Fain and Paul Francis Webster) and, best of all, Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic of Comedy Picture. Alfred Newman’s score is one of the most romantic and beautiful scores ever written. Newman’s stunning variations on the Fain and Webster song, along with his own gorgeous secondary themes creates a unique atmosphere with a swirling tenderness that’s almost indescribable. The music for Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing aches and roils with love, loneliness, lost feelings, and confused hearts. It’s a glorious listening experience and one of Newman’s crowning achievements in film scoring, and that’s saying something given the number of masterpieces he wrote during his long and illustrious career. Just a few months previously, before audiences would swoon to Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing, Billy Wilder’s film version of George Axelrod’s hilarious play, The Seven Year Itch, had audiences rolling in the aisles. With original star Tom Ewell repeating his Broadway role and the incandescent and stunning Marilyn Monroe as “The Girl,” The Seven Year Itch was a huge hit, due in part to the iconic image of Monroe standing on a subway grating with her dress (designed by Travilla) blowing up – it was not possible to escape that image that year, and it’s been hard to escape it ever since. As the tagline to the poster read: It TICKLES and it TANTALIZES, and boy did it ever. And equally as tantalizing is the score by Alfred Newman. Newman’s score is monothematic, with many variations on the same theme – “The Girl Upstairs.” It also has a classic Newman main title that gets things off to a rousing start. Love Is a Many Splendored Thing was released previously by Varese Sarabande and was a quick sellout. For this release, we’ve remastered it and moved two early source cues, one of which is by Leigh Harline, to after the film score proper, giving the actual early score cues a bit more prominence. The Seven Year Itch is making its world premiere on this CD. We’ve included the main title, and several variations on “The Girl Upstairs,” which represents most of what was usable from the somewhat problematic original materials. The entire program is presented in that unparalleled Fox stereo sound. Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing/The Seven Year Itch is limited to 1000 copies only. The price is $19.98, plus shipping. CDs are in stock and will ship within a day or two. Quelle: http://www.kritzerland.com/splendor_itch.htm
  19. Einen hab' ich noch für die geliebte Nation: http://www.booklooker.de/Musik/Ernest-Gold/id/A00pmahW21ZZJ Übrigens, billiger wird es bei dem Anbieter nicht!
  20. http://www.booklooker.de/Musik/Paul-Sawtell-Bert-Shefter/id/A00phduf21ZZV
  21. http://www.booklooker.de/Musik/Albert-Glasser/id/A00ph98221ZZK http://www.booklooker.de/Musik/Jerry-Goldsmith/id/A00ph98021ZZE
  22. Monstrous Movie Music veröffentlicht Nicholas Carras Missile to the Moon [bestie des Grauens] & Frankenstein's Daughter [Die Unheimliche / Frankensteins Tochter] Missile to the Moon & Frankenstein's Daughter (MMM-1970) contains two scores by the marvelous-but-unheralded composer and orchestrator, Nicholas Carras. Although written for two low-budget 1958 science fiction films directed by Richard Cunha, there is a wealth of invention and good, old-fashioned fifties sci-fi fun on this 60-minute CD. Besides soaring electric violin, pummeling Rock Men underscore, scary giant puppet-spider music, lovely melodies for gorgeous Moon maidens, and thundering Frankenstein music, there are bonus cues featuring spacey musical sound effects by the legendary team of Jack Cookerly (Atomic Submarine, The Black Scorpion) and Elliot Fisher. This is the first Nicholas Carras soundtrack ever released, and it contains a 20-page liner book discussing all aspects of the music, as well as containing copies of some of the written scores. It’s blessed with arresting cover art by celebrated space illustrator Vincent Di Fate. MISSILE TO THE MOON 1 Main Title - Prologue :17 2 Main Title 1:53 3 Suspense :33 4 Rocket Ship Suspense 1:13 5 Rocket Trap, Part 1 :42 6 Rocket Trap, Part 2 :42 7 Blues for a Blonde 1:29 8 Food for Thought 1:08 9 Panel Flash :34 10 Blast-Off 1:57 11 Airborne :19 12 Off Balance :28 13 Heavenly Bodies 2:29 14 Moonshine, Part 1 :51 15 Moonshine, Part 2 :10 16 On the Moon 1:34 17 Rock Man Rock 2:22 18 In the Caves 1:23 19 Cave Suspense 2:02 20 The Lido :50 21 Sweethearts on Parade :47 22 Medallion Suspense :40 23 Boy Meets Girl 2:02 24 Cat Fight :42 25 Mind Over Matter 1:06 26 Spider Monster, Part 1 :51 27 Spider Monster, Part 2 :58 28 Spider Bait :57 29 Mind Me! 1:20 30 Lido’s End 1:35 31 Court in Session 1:17 32 Crime & Punishment :17 33 Spider’s End :47 34 Minds Over Men 1:13 35 Lethal Lever :54 36 Electric Violin :28 37 Do or Die 2:28 38 Final Escape 1:20 39 End Title :38 FRANKENSTEIN’S DAUGHTER 40 Lab Suspense :43 41 Monster 1:26 42 Chase - Suspense 1:12 43 Lab Suspense #2 1:01 44 Hit and Run 1:04 45 Monster’s Return :38 46 Oliver’s Unveiling :38 47 Oliver’s Revenge :49 48 Suspicion #2 :57 49 Cop-Killer :42 Missile to the Moon Bonus Tracks! [7:19] 50 Dance 1:40 51 Electric Violin (weird sounds), Part 1 :45 52 Electric Violin (weird sounds), Part 2 :54 53 Percussive FX Patterns and Organ :55 54 Vibraphone Through a Signal, Part 1 1:03 55 Vibraphone Through a Signal, Part 2 :20 56 Drum Sweetener 1:41 Quelle: http://www.mmmrecord...o_the_moon.html
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