Wow 🤩 das sind spannende Neuigkeiten! Mir gefallen auch die Kapiteltitel.
640 Pages | 31 color plates, 26 interior photographs
ISBN: 9780197620885
Chapter 1: The Ancestral Home (1877-1932)
Chapter 2: Very First Adventure (1932-50)
Chapter 3: Leaving Home (1951-56)
Chapter 4: Love Theme (1956-68)
Chapter 5: In Search of Unicorns (1969-74)
Chapter 6: The Beginning of a Friendship (1972-76)
Chapter 7: Binary Sunset (1977)
Chapter 8: Death on the Carousel (1978-79)
Chapter 9: The Miracle of the Ark (1980-83)
Chapter 10: Cadillac of the Skies (1984-87)
Chapter 11: Somewhere in My Memory (1988-91)
Chapter 12: Journey to the Island (1991-96)
Chapter 13: Duel of the Fates (1997-99)
Chapter 14: Where Dreams Are Born (2000-03)
Chapter 15: Confluence (2004-07)
Chapter 16: Simple Gifts (2008-14)
Chapter 17: Old Friends (2015-19)
Chapter 18: Reunion and Finale (2020-24)
Epilogue: Heartwood
Acknowledgements: Close Encounters with the White Goddess