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13 Ergebnisse gefunden

  1. Ihr wisst ja, wir von der Cinema World geben jedem Komponisten eine Bühne und so konnte ich nicht "Nein" sagen, als ich das Angebot bekam, diesen aufstrebenden Newcomer zu sprechen. Der soll wohl ziemlich spannende Gruselmusik schreiben... Nur sagt der mir halt so überhaupt nichts. Doch vielleicht kennen ein-zwei Freaks von euch diesen Namen und können mir helfen, ein paar spezifische Fragen zu Projekten zu finden. (dieser Absatz kann Spuren von Ironie enthalten) Und ein wenig ernster: Wenn ihr Fragen habt, die ihr Christopher Young schon immer stellen wolltet: Schießt los!
  2. Mal ein Fantasy-Action-Adventure-Auftrag für den guten Young.. Hier ein Teaser vom Film
  3. na wer sagts denn!? Young ist zurück... und das mit einer King Verfilmung! Wird jetzt seiner Karriere nicht den A-Kick geben, aber nach IT setzt man da sicher drauf, dass der Film sehr erfolgreich wird. Schön, dass Young mal wieder allen zeigen kann, wie man Horror richtig macht!
  4. Caldera Records is proud to present Christopher Young’s and Bob Badway’s concept album “The Lost Children of Planet X”. In the daily grind of film scoring, composers are often left with great bits of material that they love, but for various reasons were dropped from the scenes they were written for. Sometimes these pieces find new life in other films, sometimes they are buried forever, or sometimes they are resurrected – as in the case of Christopher Young and his latest album. Young’s re-working of these tracks into a concept album was something that started as a passion project, and it wasn’t until 2011 that this material was woven into the form we hear now. Precursors and inspirations for the music/dialogue include In Held ‘Twas In I by Procol Harum and Frank Zappa’s Lumpy Gravy as well as the Beatles’ 45ers. From the world of classical music, the primary inspirations were Luciano Berio’s Laborintus II, Ages by Bruno Maderna, and Karlheinz Stockhausen’s Gesang Der Jünglinge. “The Lost Children of Planet X” is very much a spoken word drama, filled with surrealism and dream logic. Explains writer Bob Badway: “When you listen to the album, you get an overall picture of what’s going on, but have trouble visualizing it because the details are screwy and everything seems to be in total contradiction.” The album is filled with Easter eggs in terms of casting and the lines delivered. Young himself appears as the booming voice of King Everett, while also delivering a few odd quips here and there, including his personal favorite, ‘Help me God, please help me!’ As a bonus, eight purely instrumental tracks are included that accompany the adventures in space. “The Lost Children of Planet X” is a highly unusual album – not only for Young and Caldera Records. We hope that people will find great joy in going on this 80-minute psychedelic trip. We had a blast working on it. The 27th CD-release of Caldera Records features a detailed booklet-text by Gergely Hubai, elegant artwork by Luis Miguel Rojas and Helmut „Dino“ Breneis, who provided the original illustrations. The CD was produced by Stephan Eicke and John Elborg. The Lost Children of Planet X 1. King Everett Speaks (18:05)* 2. X2 (11:08)** 3. Round and Round (27:41)* Bonus: 4. Chart I (2:52) 5. Chart II (2:12) 6. Chart III (2:42) 7. Chart IV (2:55) 8. Chart V (2:32) 9. Chart VI (3:07) 10. Chart VII (2:45) 11. Chart VIII (3:04) Music by Christopher Young *Spoken Words by Bob Badway and Christopher Young **Spoken Words by Bob Badway For more information please visit: http://caldera-records.com/portfolio/the-lost-children-of-planet-x/ Listen to a 5 min clip here: https://soundcloud.com/alderaecords/the-lost-children-of-planet-x-christopher-young
  5. Im FSM-Board hat LaLa-Land verlauten lassen, dass es bald eine reguläre Veröffentlichung dieses bisher nur als Promo erschienenen Scores geben wird!!! Hoffentlich mit zusätzlichem Material!!! FSM Board: The Core again...
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