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Intrada: DESTINATION GOBI (Sol Kaplan) und SLEUTH (John Addison)

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2 neue Special Collection-Titel gibt es ab sofort bei Intrada:


Label: Intrada Special Collection Volume 169

Date: 1953

Tracks: 28

Time = 44:16

Rousing treat for fifties film score fans! World premiere release of Sol Kaplan soundtrack for Robert Wise WWII adventure with Richard Widmark, Don Taylor, set in desert with U.S. naval forces joining Mongols to battle Japanese. Kaplan creates dramatic score by developing two major themes, one a striking original idea in Lydian mode, the other a recurring use of traditional Navy hymn "Anchors Away". Two melodies sometimes work independently, sometimes work in tandem, creating unusual meld of original scoring with familiar tunes. Adding to orchestral fabric is rousing, agitated motif for Mongols & desert locale. Bring in unparalleled conducting talent of Alfred Newman, end up with a terrific war movie soundtrack. Entire score is presented in mono from original 35mm optical elements stored in splendid condition in 20th Century Fox vaults. Extras section of CD reprises handful of cues surviving in stereo. Nick Redman spearheads production, Julie Kirgo writes liner notes. Welcome addition to growing library of soundtracks by Sol Kaplan! Alfred Newman conducts. Intrada Special Collection release limited to 1000 copies!

600x600 Cover

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01. Gobi 2:20

02. Assignment 1:04

03. The First Meeting 1:30

04. The Mongols 2:42

05. The Other Men 1:50

06. The Tent 1:18

07. Delivery 2:18

08. Mongolian Cavalry 1:16

09. Mongolian Funeral Chant 1:31

10. The Trek Begins 1:12

11. The Desert 1:08

12. Oasis 4:05

13. USN Camels / Sabatello 1:37

14. Kengtus March 1:53

15. Heat 1:24

16. Sangchien 0:55

17. Chinese Wedding Parade 1:00

18. The Temple 1:03

19. Spies 1:12

20. Friends 2:11

21. And So We Leave Gobi 0:51


22. Mongolian Funeral Chant (alt) 1:31

23. Gobi Part 1 (stereo) 1:09

24. Delivery (stereo) 2:18

25. Mongolian Cavalry (stereo) 1:17

26. Voices (stereo) 0:40

27. USN Camels (stereo) 1:11

28. And So We Leave Gobi (stereo) 0:54


Label: Intrada Special Collection Volume 165

Date: 1972

Tracks: 16

Time = 37:42

At last! World CD premiere of classy John Addison soundtrack for genuine film treasure starring Laurence Olivier, Michael Caine, directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz, given incredible screenplay by Anthony Shaffer from his own play. Delicious, witty dialog even gets a couple of tracks on album albeit most of disc remains superb score by John Addison. Intrada presents complete 1972 album program, mastered by Sony from original Columbia stereo album masters. Memorable main theme just one of several infectious, tuneful highlights. Brightly scored for strings, woodwinds, brass plus signature harpsichord. John Takis provides informative liner notes. A film music classic! John Addison conducts. Intrada Special Collection release limited to 1500 copies!

600x600 Cover

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01. Overture 2:48

02. Sleuth Theme 3:40

03. Milos Theme 1:18

04. Jewel Box 3:10

05. Count To Twenty 1:43

06. Marguerites Theme 1:54

07. Panic 1:37

08. The Bad Old Days 1:59

09. Milo The Clown 2:36

10. Break In 3:45

11. Inspector Doppler 1:32

12. Garden Grave 2:32

13. Andrew And Milo 1:48

14. Murder Clues 1:48

15. End Game 2:21

16. Epilogue 2:08

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Hmm hat keiner dran Interesse;). Der Addison klingt ja nett,...

Uschi, Du hattest schon immer einen außergewöhnlichen Geschmack! :D Die LP war damals schlecht zu verkaufen. Ich wundere mich, dass Doug den Mut hatte, von der Musik eine CD zu produzieren.:D

Aber mich interessiert der Kaplan ;)


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