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Pretty Maids All in a Row (1971) was the first theatrical feature written and produced by Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. The black comedy, set in a California high school at the height of the sexual revolution, concerns a popular guidance counselor and football coach (played by Rock Hudson) who has a habit of sleeping withand possibly murderinghis nubile young students. The film was the American directorial debut of acclaimed French filmmaker Roger Vadim (Barbarella) and its approach to sexuality reflected his European viewpoint (not to mention his own particular fascination with the female form on film).

Maids needed a composer who could encompass both the pop styles of the day and grittier, more dramatic passages for the pictures darker side. Lalo Schifrinwith his background in jazz, his classical training and his openness to experimental musical ideaswas the perfect choice to score the film.

Schifrins main title is a breezy song (with double-edged lyrics by Mike Curb) sung by the popular bubblegum group, The Osmonds. Its apparent innocence is deceptive, however, for the rest of the underscore is spare and moody. Fender Rhodes piano and cimbalom color the orchestration.

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