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FSM beendet CD Produktion mit ihrem 250. Release


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Lukas Kendall hat auf der FSM-Homepage verkündet mit den FSM-CD-Releasese aufzuhören:

I have decided to end the FSM CD label with our 250th album (coming in spring 2012). FSMCD Vol. 14, No. 14 (Not With My Wife, You Don’t! Vol. 2) is album #240, which means there are ten to go. Look for some big Silver Age thrills and surprises in those last ten CDs!

This column is what you’d call “breaking the news” so I want to do this briefly, and reassure you of two things:

1) The FSM website is not going anywhere—I intended to keep it, and themessage board, as a “legacy” product, paid for by sales of the FSM inventory.

2) I am not going anywhere either! I love film music, I love working with it and preserving classic scores on CD, and I will keep an active hand in producing and co-producing titles for the various specialty labels. (Hey, I need to eat!)

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