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Cinema World Special: JOHN WILLIAMS WOCHE

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Kennt ihr eigentlich John Williams?

Habt ihr schon mal was von ihm gehört?

Mögt ihr vielleicht sogar seine Musik?

Dann seid ihr bei uns in der Woche von 07.02.2012 bis zum 11.02.2012 genau richtig!!

Denn am 8. Februar wird der Großmeister der Filmmusik stolze 80 Jahre alt und wir wollen ihm diese Woche widmen.. das bedeutet folgendes:

Drei Sendungen voll mit Musik von John Williams!

Am 7. und am 10. Februar gibt es jeweils eine 2-stündige Überraschungssendung.

Aber das ist noch nicht alles, denn das sind ja erst zwei Sendungen.

Das große Highlight ist aber dann der Samstag:

Wie ihr es ja von unseren Jerry Goldsmith- bzw Elmer Bernstein-Sendungen kennt, werden wir das so richtig groß aufziehen und ihr könnt schon erahnen, was das bedeutet ;)

Wir wollen eure Gedanken!!!

Entweder schriftlich oder (von uns bevorzugt) ihr sprecht was ein

Natürlich könnt ihr dafür auch wieder Anne und ihr Skype benützen und euch von ihr interviewen lassen.

Wir hoffen, ihr seid dabei und helft uns, aus der Sendung was ganz besonderes zu machen :)

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Ähm Oli... ich dachte hier hat jemand Urlaub? *mit dem zeigefinger wedel* ;)

Vom Senden der CW und der Themen ;)

Gut, auch vom Planen... Aber so spaßig das auch war, innerhalb von 4 Wochen eine Mammut-Sendung wie die für Goldsmith auf die Beine zu stellen, so stressig war es auch. So wollten wir halt diesmal etwas früher anfangen. Zumindest mit dem Anfragen :). Das richtige Planen und Interviewen usw. geht dann erst nächste Woche los :)

Ich bin dann mal wieder am (imaginären) Pool ..... :D

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  • 2 Wochen später...

Ich wollte nur eben "Bericht erstatten", dass wir schon von zwei Menschen die Gedanken über John Williams haben, von 11 weiteren werden wir sie noch erhalten. Von aktuell 7 Anfragen (gleich 11) stehen noch Antworten aus.

Doch wer nun denkt "ja, das reicht doch...", der irrt sich. Denn wir denken uns: Je mehr, desto besser... :)

Das liegt nicht (nur) daran dass ich "interviewsüchtig" bin ( ;) ), sondern vor allem daran, dass man diesen großen und großartigen Komponisten gar nicht stark genug ehren kann. Und so freuen wir uns über jeden einzelnen Fan, der uns und der Welt seine Gedanken über John Williams mitteilen und ihn auf diese Weise ehren möchte.

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Ich werde in dieser Woche mit dir Kontakt aufnehmen, dann kann ich bis dahin noch ein wenig meine Stimme ölen. Geht schließlich um Johnny, da will ich piekfein daherkommen. ;)

Das wird sicher eine Highlight Woche des Jahres! Vielleicht werde ich sie einfach persönlich noch etwas ausbauen und Williams Filme anschauen (na ja, oder Spielberg Filme).

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Ich werde in dieser Woche mit dir Kontakt aufnehmen, dann kann ich bis dahin noch ein wenig meine Stimme ölen. Geht schließlich um Johnny, da will ich piekfein daherkommen. ;)

Vergiss nicht, die Schuhe zu putzen. Eine Stimme ist nichts, wenn die Treter nicht glänzen ;)

Na, bin gespannt auf deine Gedanken. Finde ich wunderbar, dass du mitmachst!!

Ach, dickes, fettes


an alle, die mitmachen!!

(bin aufgedreht, seit da gestern was von FSM kam und außerdem heute gleich zwei Interviews vor mir habe. Eines um 20:30, das andere um 21:30... Aber da geht noch was *süchtel*) :D

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Ehe ich mich nun ans "Schnippseln" mache, ein kleiner "Zwischenbericht": Von 9/10 Leuten haben wir schon Gedanken (einen muss ich noch "checken"), 6x gesprochen, 3x geschrieben. Da sind unter anderem dabei:

Csongor, John Frizzell, Daniel Schweiger, Christopher Gordon, Michael A. Levine und Ryan Shore. Es folgen noch (morgen) Arthur B. Rubinstein und Marcel Barsotti (mit dem ich nächste Woche einen Termin aushandle).

Aber ich habe noch immer nicht genug. Auch, wenn ich jetzt schon leicht über die Schneidearbeit jammer. Aber das mach ich immer... :D

Das heißt, wenn ihr noch etwas zu John Williams sagen möchtet und ein Teil der großen "Geburtstags-Woche" werden möchtet, dann meldet euch! :)

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  • 4 Wochen später...

Eine kleine Information, um vielleicht aufkommende Ungeduld gleich im Keim zu ersticken... ;)

Ich arbeite daran, die Gedanken über John Williams von allen Beteiligten dafür vorzubereiten, sie auf vimeo hochzuladen. Dazu brauche ich allerdings Bilder. Alle sind bereits angefragt, von ein paar habe ich schon schöne Bilder (an dieser Stelle danke). Einige Videos sind schon erstellt, das Hochladen kann langsam beginnen. Bis spätestens zum Wochenende bekommt ihr hier alle Gedanken zum noch einmal nachhören, bzw. -lesen.

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Sodalla, meine lieben.. Ihr könnt euch nun zurücklehnen und die Gedanken gesammelt nachhören.

Filmmusik-Fan und Mitglied dieses schönen Forums, Babis:

Komponist Christopher Gordon:

aus Österreich stammender, seit Jahren in LA lebender Komponist Edwin Wendler:

Komponist John Frizzell:

... der nächste Schwung folgt :)


Bearbeitet von Laubwoelfin
Das Gespräch mit Jonathan Bartz wurde auf dessen eigenen Wunsch entfernt.
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Die nächsten vier

Filmmusik-Fan, Crew-Mitglied der USS.Cinema World und ebenfalls Mitglied dieses tollen Forums, Fredie:

sehr sympathischer Filmmusik-Fan John Schanen:

Assistent von Klaus Badelt und Komponist Mark Yaeger:

Komponist Michael A. Levine:

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Die nächsten vier:

Komponist, der hier im Forum ebenfalls zu finden ist, Robin Hoffmann:

"Dauergast" in der Cinema World, der sehr sympathische Komponist Ryan Shore:

Komponist, Filmmusik-Fan und ebenfalls Mitglied des Forums, Sven Lendt:

Komponist, der viele wunderbare Sachen über John Williams erzählte, Arthur B. Rubinstein:

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Also wenn du gern "mehr" möchtest, Fredie... Mein Skype ist dir immer offen ;)

Und für alle anderen, die gern mehr erfahren möchten, gibt es noch was zu lesen:

Nämlich die schriftlichen Gedanken:

Randall D. Larson

(Liner Notes Autor)

01. What are your thoughts, when you hear his name or listen to his music?

My first thought is that he captures the legacy of the Golden Age of film music, recalling the traditional symphonic style of the 30s and 40s, which had largely gone out of vogue until Williams’ pretty much single-handedly brought it back into fashion with STAR WARS; but JW is much more than that – his music brings an immediate sense of graceful scope and exciting adventure due to the films he is associated with. A John Williams score will add a significant production value to any film, enhancing the romantic adventure and musical sweep of the story, whether it’s a huge Spielberg adventure fantasy or an intimate historical drama in Asia. He has also inspired so many composers who are now scoring films, just as his work inspired many listeners and enthusiasts of the film music aesthetic.

02. What is your favorite score? Or are your favorite scores (Top 5)?

Tough question! I have no top favorite, as I like all of them for different reasons, but these are the top five that have moved me the most, in no particular order:

Dracula, The Empire Strikes Back, The Poseidon Adventure, Hook, Witches of Eastwicke.

03. What are your favorite movies with his music?

While I cheer along with his operatic adventure music for the STAR WARS, INDIANA JONES, and HARRY POTTER movies, I am also very fond of 1941 with its martial enthusiasm and swing, but the films that have moved me the most with his music, as movies, are those which resonate with profound emotion, like SCHINDLER’S LIST, SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, MUNICH, and moments of JFK. I also appreciate his far less melodic and more modernistic music for CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE 3RD KIND.

04. Have you ever met him?

No, I have not had that rare pleasure.

05. If you think about all the pictures scored by John Williams... which scene with music by John stayed with you long after you left the movie theater?

Two moments: the first one is in the many uses of the shark ostinato in JAWS – which despite having become a cliché these days, had such an immensely powerful effect in the film, instantly creating a sense of awful anticipation and growing unease. The other is Luke’s Theme in STAR WARS, the beautiful crescendo when Luke gazes at the twin sunset outside his home on Tattoine; and its counterpart moments in REVENGE OF THE SITH when, baby Luke having been delivered to Owen and Baru for keepingoing and the same music plays as the gaze at the same sunset, years earlier.

06. Do you know the music from the time when he was still called "Johnny" Williams?

Yes, I got into JW in the mid 1970s with POSEIDON ADV and immediately began to collect his work, finding and enjoying his early pop-tinged scores for HOW TO STEAL A MILLION, CHECKMATE, DIAMOND HEAD, which struck me at the time and which I still very much enjoy.

07. This year is the 40th anniversary of the collaboration between Steven Spielberg and John Williams, too.

A collaboration between a director and a composer that lasts already 40 years, is very unique in fast moving Hollywood. Please tell us your thoughts about this un-exampled friendship within the movie world.

I think this speaks to the artistic partnership, trust, and loyalty that are shared between Spielberg and Williams. In a day when such collaborations are broken for various reasons, it’s a credit that Spielberg and Williams haven’t gotten “artistically divorced.” Williams music is so intrinsic to the kind of movies that Spielberg makes, his music touches the emotional psychology of those films in a way that is quite remarkable and effecting. Also, Spielberg clearly trusts him to do what is right and gives him much less interference that most other directors seem to do with their composers. Bringing his composer in early in the process rather than at the very last minute, as is usually the case in Hollywood, allows the music to breathe, and to really merge with the visual storytelling style so that both become inseparable.

08. What would you wish him for birthday?

I would thank him for what he has done to enhance cinematic storytelling and reaffirm the quality of music for motion pictures as a singular artform, for many hours of breathtaking listening in the theaters and on my home stereos, and I would wish him satisfaction in his accomplishments and many more years of continued brilliance in making music.

Daniel Schweiger

(Liner Notes Autor)

01. What are your thoughts, when you hear his name or listen to his music?

That I'm going to get something very lush, melodic and thematic. That the music will encompass me in almost a dream-like way.

02. Does he inspire you in your own work?

I got into film scoring because of its ability to conjure "create" scenes and scenarious in my own head. He and Goldsmith probably have the greatest effect on me to that end

03. What is your favorite score? Or are your favorite scores (Top 5)?

Almost impossible, but I'd say Superman, Empire Strikes Back, A.I., Black Sunday, Raiders of the Lost Ark

04. What are your favorite movies with his music?

The above!

05. Have you ever met him?

No, but I interviewed him for one of the first liner notes I ever did, a compilation of Ron Howard scores called "Passions and Achievements."

06. If you think about all the pictures scored by John Williams... which scene with music by John stayed with you long after you left the movie theater?

I'd say the three cues that almost instantaneously make me cry have to do with family separation- the scene of Clark and Ma Kent parting at sunrise in Superman, the "perfect day" between mom and robot in A.I. and the parting of Oskar Schindler from the people he saved

07. Do you know the music from the time when he was still called "Johnny" Williams?

Yeah. They were fun, comedy, jazzy stuff. I love his score for "Valley of the Dolls" and "Lost in Space" the most

08. This year is the 40th anniversary of the collaboration between Steven Spielberg and John Williams, too.

A collaboration between a director and a composer that lasts already 40 years, is very unique in fast moving Hollywood. Please tell us your thoughts about this un-exampled friendship within the movie world.

Well, aside from the disaster of "The Color Purple" (and we all know what happened there), it just shows a complete trust between director and composer to let ideas and melodies flow through. It shows the confidence of a filmmaker to let the composer put big emotion into music that's heard loud and clear- War Horse score critics be darned. It's definitely the most popular, and accessable director / composer in collaboration that will be remembered for millenia to come. Williams is our age's Mozart, pure and simple- but with a far happier story in his own time!

09. What would you wish him for birthday?

Many more years and scores to come with Spielberg and the budding, music-appreciating filmmakers their work has inspired


(Soundtrack Board User)

Als ich im Teenageralter „Jurassic Park“ im Kino gesehen habe, war ich von der Musik fasziniert. Es war das erste Mal, dass mir orchestrale Musik die für einen Film komponiert worden ist aufgefallen ist. Später habe ich im Radio die Themen von Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Schindler's List, E. T. und Superman gehört und war schlicht von diesen grandiosen Musikstücken begeistert. Wenig später habe ich erfahren, dass all diese Werke eines gemeinsam haben ... sie stammen alle aus der Feder von John Williams. Ich wollte mehr von diesem Komponisten hören und besorgte mir im laufe der Jahre fast alle seine Soundtracks und bin auch heute noch jedes Mal von der Vielfältigkeit seiner Musik angetan. Steven Spielberg meint, dass kein anderer Komponist seine Filme so gut vertonen könne wie John Williams, und der Mann hat Recht, denn dieser bescheidener Komponist hat uns in den 50 Jahren, in denen er uns mit seinen wunderbaren Filmscores verwöhnt, noch kein einziges Mal enttäuscht. Vielen Dank für die wunderbaren Momente Maestro!

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Während eines der Audio-Interviews auf Wunsch des Interviewten gelöscht wurde, gibt es nun aber ein neues schriftliches.

Von Scott Bettencourt, der etwa ein Drittel der Artikel auf der Seite von FSM geschrieben hat. Er wurde uns von Lukas Kendall empfohlen, der keine Zeit hatte.

01. What are your thoughts, when you hear his name or listen to his music?

Though he’s certainly not the only great film composer, in many ways John Williams IS film music. As film music fans know (and as most film critics seem mysteriously unaware), Williams has shown he can write pretty much any kind of film music imaginable, from the classical stylings of his gorgeous Jane Eyre to the unnerving sounds of Images. He has the great film composer’s ability to judge the musical needs of a film on a moment-by-moment basis while at the same time the skill and vision to provide an overall musical and thematic approach. And of all the major film composers, he is probably the greatest populist composer. Think of all of his film themes that even the proverbial man-on-the-street could identify: Jaws, Star Wars, Close Encounters, Superman, Darth Vader’s Theme, the Raiders March, E.T., Jurassic Park, Harry Potter. It’s hard to think of any other film composer of his generation or since who has had such an obvious impact on the regular moviegoer.

02. Does he inspire you in your own work?

Absolutely. I saw Family Plot when I was 14 and it was one of the films that inspired me to want to work in the film industry, and that score was one of my first favorites and has remained an all-time favorite for more than 35 years, even though it took nearly that long for a soundtrack to be released. The wonderful balance of humor and suspense was something that Williams seemed to achieve effortlessly, and it’s a pity there weren’t more opportunities for Williams to work with Hitchcock.

03. What is your favorite score? Or are your favorite scores (Top 5)?

I’d rank my favorite Williams scores as:

1. Empire of the Sun

2. Family Plot

3. A.I. Artificial Intelligence

4. The Accidental Tourist

5. The Fury (or maybe The Witches of Eastwick)

But even this list leaves out far too many wonderful scores (Jaws, Close Encounters, Empire Strikes Back, Minority Report, Catch Me If You Can…)

04. What are your favorite movies with his music?

Empire of the Sun, Jaws, A.I. Artificial Intelligence and Family Plot. They are films where the quality clearly inspired Williams to produce great music, and at the same time his music made those films immeasurably greater.

05. If you think about all the pictures scored by John Williams... which scene with music by John stayed with you long after you left the movie theater?

The scene in Empire of the Sun where Jim(Christian Bale) first arrives at the camp, and walks over to the Japanese planes as the sun sets behind him. Williams plays a gorgeous choral version of Jim’s theme and the music continues as the film jumps ahead several years and we see Jim standing atop a hill watching the air field. For that film overall and that scene in particular, the combination of Williams’ music, Allen Daviau’s cinematography and Christian Bale’s performance produced one of the most emotionally overpowering cinematic experiences I have ever encountered.

06. Do you have a favorite theme?

The melody from Empire of the Sun that I think of as Jim’s theme, it’s my favorite theme by any composer.

07. Do you know the music from the time when he was still called "Johnny" Williams?

I tend to think of those early days as his Henry Mancini period, as he seemed to be typecast in the kind of light comedies that Mancini scored so superbly. But even in those scores, particularly Fitzwilly, you could hear that distinctive Williams voice.

08. Have you ever met him?

No. I’ve seen him at public events and have even been close enough to say Hello, but there’s nothing I could really say to him that he hasn’t already heard from thousands of other fans.

09. This year is the 40th anniversary of the collaboration between Steven Spielberg and John Williams, too.

A collaboration between a director and a composer that lasts already 40 years, is very unique in fast moving Hollywood. Please tell us your thoughts about this un-exampled friendship within the movie world.

I once heard an anecdote, probably apocryphal, that Williams was asked if Spielberg ever told him how to score a film, and Williams replied significantly “Once.” Whether it’s true or not, I like to think that it sums up an ideal composer-director relationship, of which Williams-Spielberg is clearly one: the composer knows exactly what the director’s film needs, and the director respects and trusts the composer enough to let him write the score as he sees fit.

10. What would you wish him for birthday?

I would wish for him to know the joy that his music has given so many of us, and that he still feels joy in writing it.

Die Antworten kamen mit dem Kommentar:

This may be too late for your needs, but here's what I came up with

Nein, es ist nicht zu spät, was ich ihm auch antwortete.... Denn wir möchten gern diese Specials wiederholen. Wann und wie genau, wissen wir noch nicht. Doch wenn wir es wissen, werdet ihr mit die ersten sein, die es erfahren werdet :)

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