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Gast Sayarin

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Erst Brian Fuller, Autor von ein paar Star Trek Voyager und DS9 Folgen als Showrunner und nun die nächste positive Überraschung:


It’s official. Bryan Fuller, who will co-create, produce and serve as showrunner of the upcoming Star Trek series, has just announced the news that Nicholas Meyer has joined the show's writing staff -


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ich pack das mal hier ein....gefunden im fsm forum

Star Trek musik aus deutschland zur themen park attraktion Star Trek: Operation Enterprise. komponiert wurde die musik von Andreas und Sebatian Kübler und aufgenommen in budapest. eine cd soll es auch geben und wird direkt impark verkauft sobald die attraktion eröffnet hat. hier die offizielle webseite sowie ein Making of video.



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Nicholas Meyer arbeitet an einer KHAN-Serie




More recently, Meyer has been involved as a writer on the new Star Trek series for CBS All Access, Star Trek Discovery. But according to two separate sources, Meyer is moving on from that position for a new Star Trek project, something he has hinted at in recent interviews. According to the sources, Meyer’s new project takes him back to Khan Noonien Singh, the “genetically superior” villain played by Ricardo Montalban in the original series episode “Space Seed” and in The Wrath of Khan, and by Benedict Cumberbatch in the J.J. Abrams-helmed Star Trek Into Darkness. Meyer will reportedly be developing a prequel miniseries, or limited series that would take place on Ceti Alpha V and chronicle Khan and his followers struggling to survive in the years between when Kirk dropped him off on the planet at the end of “Space Seed” and when the crew of the U.S.S. Reliant finds them early in The Wrath of Khan.


Quelle: http://www.geekexchange.com/news/breaking-nicholas-meyer-working-on-khan-limited-series/


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Vor dem Hintergrund auch diese Meldung bzw. Gerüchte hier. Dass Discovery doch nicht so ganz Prime Timeline sein könnte, der Gedanke ist mir beim  Aussehen der Klingonen auch schon gekommen. :D


STAR TREK: DISCOVERY---a source said Bryan Fuller's original concept for DISCOVERY was a Trek anthology series, “Fuller sat with CBS executives to deliver his pitch. It wasn’t just for a TREK series but for multiple serialized anthology shows that would begin with the DISCOVERY prequel, journey through the eras of Captain James T. Kirk and Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and then go beyond to a time in TREK that’s never been seen before.” However, CBS rejected Fuller's ideas and fired him.
But other sources offer a different version of events by saying the future for the new CBS Trek series is doubtful. The sources said Fuller wanted DISCOVERY to adhere to the original Prime Timeline in order to keep Trekkies happy. However, when CBS head Les Moonves was unhappy with Fuller's concept, Fuller was fired.
Under its new showrunners, DISCOVERY began to depart from the Prime Timeline which enraged Trekkies as Fuller predicted. Among the most prominent departures is that Commander Michael Burnham is the adopted sister of Spock. This contradicts comments by the new showrunners that DISCOVERY is part of the Prime Timeline, but sources say DISCOVERY is really a reboot and is connected to the Prime Timeline in name only to satisfy Trekkies.
The rumors claim CBS has already written off DISCOVERY after only one-third of a test audience said they would pay to watch it on CBS All access. The test audience saw DISCOVERY as a generic sci fi series with the STAR TREK name tacked on to appeal to Trekkies.
Because of the dismal test audience results, CBS and Nicholas Meyer (STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN) are supposedly working on a replacement Trek series that really is connected to the Prime Timeline. Meyer has already said he's working on a new Trek project, and the rumors say CBS ordered Meyer to do this to keep Trekkies in the fold. When and if DISCOVERY is cancelled, CBS will claim that it was the first season of a STAR TREK anthology series that was intended to be only one season, and Meyer's Trek series is the anthology's Season 2. However, others say Meyer hinted that his new Trek project is a theatrical movie, not a tv series.



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Ob das nu wirklich alles stimmt, werden wir ja hoffentlich in gut zwei Monaten wissen, wenn die Serie hier auf Netflix läuft. Wenn die dann wirklich so daherkommt, als würde sie gar nicht in der Hauptzeitlinie spielen, dann könnte an den Gerüchten über Fuller was dran sein.
Was mich immer noch irritiert und bin mir sicher, das wird für immer bleiben: Fuller ist ein Trekkie. Für ihn ist eine eigene Star Trek-Serie ein Traum und dann soll er gegangen sein, weil eine andere Serie seine Aufmerksamkeit braucht? An seiner Stelle hätte ich irgendwie geschaut, dass ich beide Serien managen kann. Weil so eine Chance im Leben bekommt man nie wieder.

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Hier werden nun ein paar Antworten geliefert, aus denen ich nicht so recht schlau werde.



Alex Kurtzman: “[Showrunner] Bryan [Fuller] and I were looking to bring something new, and to justify being on a premium cable service, we knew it had to be huge in emotion and character,” Kurtzman said. “And to build this world, there was an airdate looming, and we couldn’t compromise the show for the sake of a date. We went into Les Moonves’ office and figured the worst we could do is compromise the show to meet an airdate.”

In response to a reporter’s question that Fuller’s departure triggered two production delays, Kurtzman said: “The delay only happened once. This show is massive. We won’t be able to build these sets in time; Bryan’s transition make us think, ‘What are we going to do with our time?'”

He added: “I’m a tremendous fan of Bryan’s and we worked on the story. And when he decided that the balancing act of American Gods and Star Trek would compromise both shows, we set about to protect his vision.”

EP Aaron Harberts seconded that motion: After Fuller exited in late October, his fingerprints on Star Trek: Discovery remained. “One of things that he wanted to do was shake up the design of the Klingons … that they wouldn’t be the thugs of the universe, that they’d be sexy and vital and different.”
Harberts continued, “There were discussions that got deep into their biology and sculpture.”
EP Akiva Goldsman mentioned that the timeline for this canon will not occur during the “J.J. or the Kurtzman”-verse but in an area where familiar Star Trek characters will intersect. He also said that this Star Trek is “the most serialized version” that has ever existed, it’s “longform character story telling.” Even more than Deep Space Nine. Goldsman said the new series is set pre-TOS. “It’s a time of war and we’re trying to find out who we are as a federation and a collection of people in the face of adversity,” said the Oscar-winning scribe.
The lead character Michael Burnham played by Sonequa Martin-Green is Sarek’s foster daughter. For you non-Trekkies, Sarek is Spock’s father. Being a human raised by a Vulcan will impact Michael throughout the series, in fact it will play into some major decisions she makes at the onset of the series. Why does she have a man’s name: It’s just part of Fuller’s iconoclastic style.
Kurtzman also played a clip from Jeff Russo score with a 60-piece orchestra, in case you were wondering how big this show is on a production scale.
Quelle: http://deadline.com/2017/08/ep-alex-kurtzman-explains-initial-delay-in-air-date-with-star-trek-discovery-tca-1202139794/




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  Am 2.8.2017 um 08:47 schrieb horner1980:

Hier werden nun ein paar Antworten geliefert, aus denen ich nicht so recht schlau werde.


Weil wieder nur rumgeeiert und um den Brei herumgeredet wird. Bezeichnet auch der Satz hinsichtlich Discovery "It’s a time of war". Das Weltall ist so riesig, man kann als Serienmacher soviel zeigen, erforschen, zu neuen Welten vorstoßen. Im Zusammenhang mit Star Trek war früher immer von "to boldly go where no man has gone before" oder "the awe and wonders of outer space" die Rede. Stattdessen Gewalt und Krieg. Deshalb gefallen mir die drei Filme der neuen Zeitlinie unterm Strich nicht, wobei ich etwa die Besetzung super finde. Im ersten Film haben sie am Ende eine wunderbare Brücke geschaffen, um in die Fünf-Jahres-Mission überzuleiten. So waren für mich Into Darkness und Beyond am stärksten, als jeweils zu Beginn der Filme Missionen zu neuen Welten gezeigt wurden. Alleine auf dem Planeten mit dem Tempel und der roten Vegetation hätte für mich gerne der ganze Film spielen können. Das waren mal liebevoll gemachte neuen Welten.

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Bin da ganz Deiner Meinung.

Hoffentlich bietet die neue Serie mehr als nur Getöse. Dass Spock jetzt auch noch zusätzlich zum Halbbruder eine Stiefschwester, zudem noch eine menschliche haben soll ... naja. Ich werd mit klar kommen, wenn's mehr als eine 0815 Sci-Fi Serie wird, auf der man Star Trek draufpinselt. Schau mer mal ...

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Tarentino und Star Trek.. ich weiß nicht, ob ich das gut finde, aber der erste Gedanke ist: Bitte nicht!



For a while nowQuentin Tarantino has made it clear that “Star Trek” was a major property that the director, who to date has only directed his own scripts, would be interested in tackling. We always figured it was one of those pie-in-the-sky ideas, something that was cool to talk about, but that would never happen, because no studio would cede control of a major brand to a filmmaker who would demand complete creative freedom. Well, we might be wrong.

Believe it or not, Tarantino is developing a “Star Trek” movie at Paramount. Seriously. The filmmaker apparently pitched an idea to J.J. Abrams, who in turn is assembling a writers room to try and put together a script for Tarantino’s take. If it goes well from there, Tarantino will consider directing it, with Abrams producing.

Obviously, there are no story details and it’s worth emphasizing this could never happen. That said, it was only a couple of months ago that Tarantino was spitballing the idea of expanding one of the classic “Star Trek” episodes into a feature length format.

“Some of those episodes are fantastic, and the only thing that limited them was their ‘60s budget and 8-day shooting schedule. And even having said that, they did a magnificent job. You could take some of the great, classic ‘Star Trek’ episodes and just easily expand them to 90 minutes or more. And really do some amazing stuff,” Tarantino enthused in September. “The obvious one would be ‘City On The Edge Of Forever,’ that’s what everyone would go to, but there’s a reason why everyone would go to that. It’s one of the classic stories of all time, and one of the great time travel stories. However, in thinking about that concept even further though, I think one of the best ‘Star Trek’ episodes ever written was for ‘Next Generation’… ‘Yesterday’s Enterprise.’ I actually think that is one of the great, not only space story, but the way it dealt with the mythology. That actually could bear a two-hour treatment.”

From Paramount’s end, they’re likely to happy that an auteur of Tarantino’s stature is interested in a property that, at least on the movie front, is fairly dead in the water. While there were plans to follow 2016’s “Star Trek Beyond” with a sequel that would return Chris Hemsworth to the series, the film’s poor box office seemed to scotch that idea pretty quickly. Nothing has been on that front since.

Again, it’s worth stressing this “Star Trek” project could boldly go nowhere, and even if it does get moving, it’s still a while. Tarantino is busy prepping his Manson-era project for a scheduled 2019 release, while Abrams has a little film called “Star Wars: Episode IX” also the same year.

Nonetheless, this is pretty monumental. We’re gonna need to sit down and recover with some tea, Earl Grey, hot. [Deadline]
Quelle: https://theplaylist.net/quentin-tarantino-star-trek-jj-abrams-20171204/




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  Am 5.12.2017 um 07:55 schrieb horner1980:

Tarentino und Star Trek.. ich weiß nicht, ob ich das gut finde, aber der erste Gedanke ist: Bitte nicht!


Und mein erster Gedanke war: Genial!

Tarantino ist ein genialer Filmemacher. Von der Regie über Schnitt bis zum Drehbuch. Eine all zu abgedrethe Story würde Paramount sicherlich nicht zu lassen aber ein Star Trek Film von Tatantino mit seinem Können und Ideen abseits der bekannten Schemata wäre doch genial.

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etwas aus der reihe tanzen würde der film wahrscheinlich schon, sonst bräuchte man ja nicht tarantino verpflichten. obwohl....wenn ich mir die doppelfolge aus Grave Danger aus CSI anschaue, hat er im mainstreambereich nun nicht wirklich was besonderes abgeliefert. das war weder fisch noch fleisch.

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Sir Patrick Stewart kehrt als Jean-Luc Picard für eine neue Serie zurück, und damit werden endlich mal Geschichten erzählt, welche nach den Ereignissen der Voyager passieren. Ich freu mich darauf, besonders weil Picard mit großem Abstand mein liebster Star Trek-Capitain ist. 

Hier die Ankündigung, dass es sich um eine neue Serie handelt:



Sir Patrick Stewart will reprise the role of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard in a brand new “Star Trek” series on CBS All Access, Variety has learned.

The exact plot details are being kept mostly under wraps, though the series is said to tell the story of the next chapter of Picard’s life. That indicates that it will take place after the events of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” rather than being a prequel or reboot.

The untitled series hails from Alex Kurtzman, James Duff, Akiva Goldsman, Michael Chabon, and Kirsten Beyer. Kurtzman, Duff, Goldsman, and Chabon will also serve as executive producers on the series along with Stewart, Trevor Roth, Heather Kadin, and Rod Roddenberry. CBS Television Studios will produce. The new series does not currently have a premiere date.
Quelle: https://variety.com/2018/tv/news/star-trek-patrick-stewart-picard-cbs-all-access-1202895410/




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DAS IST DER HAMMER! Wer hätte gedacht das wir noch einmal etwas neues aus der TNG Ära zu sehen bekommen. Ich bin froh und super aufgeregt! Ich hoffe inständig das die Schreiber und Prozuzenten diese Mega Chance nicht versauen. Sie sollten sich ein Beispiel an den vielen guten Post-TNG Romanen nehmen und Charaktere aus TNG,DS9 und VOY auftauchen lassen.

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Ehrlich gesagt, hatte ich meine Hoffnung da schon aufgegeben. Am ehesten eventuell eine Serie, in der man kurz Sir Patrick Stewart mal als Admiral durchs Bild hüpfen wird, aber wie es aussieht, gehört er zu den Hauptfiguren der neuen Serie, wenn nicht sogar die Hauptfigur. Sie müssten dann eigentlich auch Gastauftritte der alten TNG-Crew mit einbauen. Vielleicht bekommen sie es ja auch hin, dass sie ein paar der alten TNG-Autoren mit einbeziehen. Aber das ist erstmal nur Zukunftsdenken.. erst einmal freue ich mich über die Tatsache, dass wir endlich mal Geschichten bekommen werden, die nicht irgendwie im Vergangenen erzählt werden, sondern man geht endlich mal voran mit der Zeit und zeigt endlich mal, wie die Sternenflotte viel weiter in der Zukunft aussieht. Dazu ist das nun definitiv die Prime-Timeline, ansonsten würden sie nicht Sir Patrick Stewart als Picard zurückholen. 

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Es wird wohl ein neuer Kirk-Darsteller gebraucht, falls die Verhandlungen nicht erfolgreich beendet werden. Hat jemand Interesse? ;) 



While Paramount has major plans for the future of the Star Trek franchise, they might be boldly going without their captain as contract negotiations have hit a snag. Star Chris Pine is doubtful to return to his roles as Captain James T. Kirk for Star Trek 4, as a new report from THR indicates that talks have fallen through.

There were plans for Hemsworth to return as Kirk's father, reprising his role from J.J. Abrams 2009 cinematic reboot in what is reported as a time-travel adventure, but those discussions have also stalled. Apparently, both actors and the production companies involved with making the films have both backed off from talks, making it unlikely for both Pine and Hemsworth to return.

Paramount Pictures and Skydance Media were reported to follow up on these deals by finalizing contracts for other cast members including Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, and John Cho. It's unclear if that's still the plan with Pine and Hemsworth's deals falling through. The studio already selected S.J. Clarkson to direct, making her the first woman to helm a feature film in the franchise.

The report indicates that it all comes down to Pine and Hemsworth asking for salaries akin to their A-list status after appearing in successful Marvel and DC franchises. But Paramount would prefer to negotiate deals more in line with the Star Trek franchise, which isn't comparable to the lucrative superhero films, and is sticking firm on their budget.

THR's report also indicates that Paramount is balking on their current deals with the actors, saying that Star Trek Beyond underperformed. The film grossed $343 million across the globe and was budgeted at $190 million, and a source contends that the studio even lost money on the film.

But sources indicate the actors aren't willing to take a paycut despite the last film in the franchise underperforming. Pine already has a deal in place that he signed when negotiating for Star Trek Beyond.

Sources at the studios indicate that the movie is not being put on hold despite these setbacks, and that Star Trek 4 remains in development for the studio.

Hopefully we learn more about the future of Star Trek 4 — whether a deal can be reached, they decide to recast the roles, or re-write the film entirely — and what it means for Quentin Tarantino's plans for a sequel, very soon.
Quelle: http://comicbook.com/startrek/2018/08/10/star-trek-4-chris-pine-chris-hemsworth-exit/




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