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Silva: John Scotts THE WICKER TREE

Gast Stefan Jania

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Gast Stefan Jania

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A 2CD set featuring the score by John Scott and songs by Keith Easdale from the film by Wicker Man director Robin Hardy that follows similar themes to the 1973 cult classic.

The story of two devout Christians who become enmeshed in the strange ways of a Scottish community, the music and songs are once more a driving force of the film’s story, much like its predecessor John Scott’s music career extends to over sixty years of writing and composing.

As an arranger, conductor and musician his work appears on many classic 1960s hits, not least playing flute on The Beatles’ You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away and lead sax on Goldfinger.

His film and TV composing career extends to over 140 titles (Greystoke: The Legend Of Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes, The Cousteau Odyssey).

He is a celebrated classical composer and has conducted many of the world’s leading orchestras including The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra who perform The Wicker Tree score.

Traditional Scottish artist and composer, Keith Easdale, provides songs that propel the story and he was present throughout the production to supervise the music which has been described as the spine of the film.


‘all the more shocking by the calm of the gorgeous lilting folk songs and speckles of warm, earthy humour’

-damatomato, frightfest.co.uk

‘music is a high point for the film - mingling folk songs, Christian hymn and country music’

-Terry Mulcahy, Film4.com


CD Album (SILCD1374)

  1. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Sacrificial Dance
  2. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Promises
  3. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Bonnie Scotland
  4. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Evangelists
  5. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Interesting
  6. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Drive to the Inn
  7. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - May Queen's Dress
  8. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - The Raven
  9. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Minerva of the River
  10. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Lost Ring
  11. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Lolly in Love
  12. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Beth and Steve
  13. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Son of a Bitch Cowboy
  14. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Butler and Cat
  15. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Donkey
  16. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Morning of the Sacrifice
  17. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Ancestral Portrait
  18. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Hunt the Laddie
  19. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Preparing the May Queen
  20. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Arrival at the Castle
  21. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - The Laddie's Throne
  22. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - The Sacrifice
  23. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Beth Escapes
  24. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Death of Lachlan
  25. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Wicker Tree Burns
  26. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Take Me to Heaven
  27. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - End Credits 1
  28. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Follow Me
  29. Keith Easdale, June Nelson, Gordon Wilson, Lucy Hutchison, Stuart Glasgow - The Wicker Tree Song
  30. Brittania Nicol & Keith Easdale - I Know Where I’m Going
  31. Brittania Nicol - The Magnificat
  32. Brittania Nicol, Susan Gibson, Ann Baton & Stuart Glasgow - The Canticle
  33. Brittania Nicol & Stuart Glasgow - Trailer Trash Love
  34. Keith Easdale - The Braes of Balquhidder
  35. St.Clair Leveaux & Stuart Glasgow - The Fruity Song
  36. Keith Easdale, Brittania Nicol, John Paul McGillivary & Stuart Glasgow - Power in the Blood
  37. Keith Easdale, Brittania Nicol - Time’s Passing Frame
  38. Keith Easdale, June Nelson, Gordon Wilson, Lucy Hutchison, Stuart Glasgow & The Clydebank Male Voice Choir - The Wicker Tree Song (End credits)


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Nachdem die CD gestern eingetroffen ist, hier ein kurzes Statement: schööön! Mein erster Eindruck nebenbei war noch etwas fade, aber beim zweiten Mal sprang der Funke völlig über. Großsymphonischer und sehr hörbarer Score ohne elektronische Mätzchen, thematisch aufgebaut, absolut nach Scott klingend, mit wunderbaren schwelgerischen Stücken wie "Minerva Of The River", das Erinnerungen an King Kong Lives und Greystoke weckt. Die CD fängt überaus brodelnd an ("Sacrificial Dance"), ist dann aber musikalisch leichter als die düstere und actionbetontere zweite Hälfte. Zwei, drei Stücke haben einen leicht poppigen Touch, teilweise im Stile der 70'er mit Schlagzeug und Gitarre. Das sind aber Ausnahmen. Scott bleibt auf weite Strecken melodiös und variiert sein Themenmaterial äußerst vielfältig.

Scott-Fans werden die Musik lieben. Ich bin doch begeistert. Ein hervorragendes Alterswerk von Scott, und vielleicht der letzte "neue" Score, den wir überhaupt von ihm jemals hören werden. Die Score-CD (63 Minuten lang) enthält zwei Songs ("Promises" und "Follow Me"), von Scott geschrieben (basierend auf seinem Themenmaterial). Die zweite CD (22 Minuten lang) mit Songs von Keith Easdale ist weniger mein Geschmack, aber als Bonus trotzdem schön.

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