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Perseverance: Goldsmiths CAPRICORN ONE und Frankels BATTLE OF THE BULGE

Gast Stefan Jania

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Gast Stefan Jania

Vor ein paar Tagen schon im Gerüchte-Thread gepostet, jetzt noch einmal offiziell. Von Perseverance kommen zwei sehr schöne Alben. Die alte Album-Neueinspielung von Goldsmiths Capricorn One finde ich der Intrada-Fassung mit der original Filmeinspielung weit überlegen. Kraftvoller, packender. Lohnt sich! Und der Frankel ist ein großartiger Kriegsfilmscore. Not to be missed. IMHO. ;)

Capricorn One by Jerry Goldsmith


Perseverance Records PRR 051


Available Now

Perseverance Records is proud to announce the reissue of Capricorn One by Jerry Goldsmith. Originally released by Warner Bros Records in 1978, this album featured a re-recorded version of the score by the maestro with the National Philharmonic Orchestra. At that time there were a few examples of this being done for LP release. John Williams' score to The Fury comes to mind.

Many who have the previous LP or the GNP/Collector's Choice CD reissues will say that this is a must have for those who own the limited edition score from Intrada (which is the score used in the film). We priced this low and will make it available for those who missed out on the Collector's Choice edition which is out of print and sells for 30-60 dollars on Amazon.

Some facts about this recording:

- Warner Music handed us the remastered disc. The sound is as good as the Collector's Choice reissue. In many ways this is a continuation of that release since CC Music went out of business not too long after this came out.

- Limited to 3,000 CDs.

- This is a straight reissue using the track listing from the original LP and Collectors Choice reissue.

- Priced to sell at $12.98. As usual, we want these to be reasonably priced for collectors who missed out as well as the non-collector who saw the movie and loved the music. There will only be 3,000 copies manufactured. We will not make any more after we reach that total.

- This is a straight reissue of the original album. To reiterate, Jerry went to London to re-record this score with the National Philharmonic. This is a different take, and a very good, re-recording of the film score.

- Grab it while you can. Once they sell out, and this one may sell faster than the previous reissues, we won't be making anymore. Our deal with Warner is for a few years so it may not see the light of day again.

Please enjoy. Please remember, there are many other consumers out there who aren't avid collectors and simply buy a film score because they saw the movie on TV or heard it someplace else. They are the silent minority when it comes to film score sales. We want to provide you and them a chance to own these releases at a reasonable price versus the crazy sums of money speculators try to charge.

Track Listing:

1 Main Title (02:47)

2 Bedtime Story (03:01)

3 Docking (02:55)

4 No Water (02:26)

5 The Message (04:33)

6 Breakout (03:13)

7 Kay's Theme (03:17)

8 The Station (03:30)

9 The Snake (03:37)

10 The Long Climb (03:53)

11 The Letter (02:52)

12 The Celebration (03:04)

Battle of the Bulge by Benjamin Frankel


Perseverance Records PRR 052


Available Now

First-ever release on CD in the USA, this is the reissue of the original Warner Bros Records LP. This is a limited edition release that will make it a must-have for Golden Age film score collectors.

Frankel was one of the leading musical figures of post-War Britain, as a composer for the concert hall and for films. Before that, he was a leading jazz violinist and arranger, as well as musical director for numerous shows. His eight symphonies - composed between 1958 and 1972 - earned him a reputation as one of the leading symphonists of his generation and built on the respect already generated by numerous chamber works and the Violin Concerto of 1951.

His film and TV credits ultimately numbered over 100, of which most were feature films, many of them regarded as classics (including The Seventh Veil and Battle of the Bulge). Frankel was also active as a teacher of composition, spending the years 1946-56 as the leading professor at the Guildhall School of Music.

Track Listing:

1 Prelude (02:57)

2 Kiley's Plane Chases Hessler's Car (03:34)

3 Panzerlied (The Tankmen's Song) (02:22)

4 Interlude with a Courtesan 1st Class (02:51)

5 The German Tanks Emerge and Break Through (07:22)

6 1st Tank Battle (08:54)

7 The Massacre of the American Prisoners (03:10)

8 The Attack on the Fuel Depot Fails and Hessler is Killed (06:38)

9 The Panzermen Abandon their Tanks: Victory and Postlude (02:13)

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Die Intrada finde ich ehrlich überschätzt. ;) Zudem ist "Langfassung" auch nicht so ganz korrekt, es ist ja eine völlig andere Einspielung. Soviel kann Goldsmith mit dem 1978'er Album nicht verkehrt gemacht haben, hat doch Intrada aus dem Filmmaterial den Stand-Out-Action-Cue des Albums ("Breakout") sogar nachgebastelt. :D

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Die Intrada finde ich ehrlich überschätzt. ;) Zudem ist "Langfassung" auch nicht so ganz korrekt, es ist ja eine völlig andere Einspielung. Soviel kann Goldsmith mit dem 1978'er Album nicht verkehrt gemacht haben, hat doch Intrada aus dem Filmmaterial den Stand-Out-Action-Cue des Albums ("Breakout") sogar nachgebastelt. :D

Tausche Deine CAPRICORN ONE-Intrada gegen eine CD von Brad Fiedels BLINK mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren und ein halbes Twix, also einen der zwei Riegel. Deal? B)

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Das halbe Twix aber... Ich denke drüber nach. Steht vielleicht sogar noch Raider auf der Restverpackung? B)

Sorry, soviel ist diese CD nicht wert, dass ich super-rare Stücke aus meiner Sammlung versteinerter Schokoriegel vergangener Tage hergebe.

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