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Digitmovies: PROVIDENCE - Miklós Rózsa


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Am 26. Februar 2013 veröffentlicht Digitmovies in Zusammenarbeit mit der Sugar Group PROVIDENCE von Miklós Rózsa.





Digitmovies with the collaboration of Sugar Group are honored to make available this premiere release of the complete score as a tribute to the musical genius of Miklós Rózsa, following the 2CD set of SODOM AND GOMORRAH which we produced in January 2007 on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of this beloved composer. To realize this ambitious project, we utilized a first-generation, full-stereo master tape of the original LP soundtrack album, augmented by first-generation stereo masters (preserved in the Sugar Music archives). In addition to the fifteen tracks (35:48) from the album presentation (released in France on Pema Music 900 057 and reissued on CD in Italy, Japan and the United States) our CD includes, as bonus tracks, all the remaining cues from the master tapes (17:25) giving a total time of 53:13 to the delight of Rózsaphiles around the world. With the assistance of Doug Raynes from The Miklós Rózsa Society (www.miklosrozsa.org), we wanted to produce a deluxe edition digipack that would pay homage not only to the wonderful musical artistry of the legendary Miklós Rózsa but to the great director Alain Resnais and a film that has left its mark on the history of international cinema. Providence was a multi-award winner at the 1978 César Awards, including Best Music, Best Film and Best Director. Sir John Gielgud also won the New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor.

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Vielleicht ist es die Walzerform. Seine anderen Scores (Ben-Hur, Sherlock Holmes, El Cid, The World the Flesh and the Devil usw.), die bei mir im Regal stehen, sind da alle viel dissonanter, herber und weniger einprägsam für mich. Hätte ich den Namen des Komponisten von PROVIDENCE nicht vor dem ersten Anhören gelesen, hätte ich wohl nie auf Rózsa getippt, sondern eher auf Nino Rota, Francis Lai oder einen anderen summbaren Melodienschmied.

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Und hier noch die vollständigen Details:


Release date: 26 February 2013

Digitmovies with the collaboration of Sugar Group are honored to make available this premiere release of the complete score as a tribute to the musical genius of Miklós Rózsa, following the 2CD set of SODOM AND GOMORRAH which we produced in January 2007 on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of this beloved composer. To realize this ambitious project, we utilized a first-generation, full-stereo master tape of the original LP soundtrack album, augmented by first-generation stereo masters (preserved in the Sugar Music archives). In addition to the fifteen tracks (35:48) from the album presentation (released in France on Pema Music 900 057 and reissued on CD in Italy, Japan and the United States) our CD includes, as bonus tracks, all the remaining cues from the master tapes (17:25) giving a total time of 53:13 to the delight of Rózsaphiles around the world. With the assistance of Doug Raynes from The Miklós Rózsa Society (www.miklosrozsa.org), we wanted to produce a deluxe edition digipack that would pay homage not only to the wonderful musical artistry of the legendary Miklós Rózsa but to the great director Alain Resnais and a film that has left its mark on the history of international cinema. Providence was a multi-award winner at the 1978 César Awards, including Best Music, Best Film and Best Director. Sir John Gielgud also won the New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor.


The Original Album
01. Valse Crepusculaire (Valse Crepuscolaire) 3:46
02. Generique 2:06
03. Feuillages 2:27
04. Poursuite 2:45
05. Arrivee Dans La Maison 1:57
06. Sonia Et Le Saint Suaire 1:00
07. Valse Crepusculaire (Valse Crepuscolaire)(Piano) 3:48
08. Providence 2:07
09. Desenchantement 2:44
10. Kevin Et Sonia (Kevin E Sonia) 1:39
11. La Ville Morte 3:02
12. Helen 2:56
13. Le Jardin Public 1:52
14. La Rue 1:01
15. Final 2:04

Bonus Tracks - Previously Unreleased
16. La Maison De Clive 1:33
17. Le Vieil Homme 1:00
18. Vieil Homme Mourant 0:18
19. Le Palais De Justice I 0:15
20. Le Palais De Justice Ii 0:18
21. Apres Le Jugement 2:03
22. Helen (Alt.Take) 2:58
23. Autre Hotel 1:29
24. Kevin Blesse 1:09
25. Tendress 1:06
26. Mort De Kevin 0:40
27. Plaisir De Vivre 0:26
28. Le Herisson 0:51
29. Le Dejeuner 0:58
30. Tristesse 1:40

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  • 3 Wochen später...

So oder so eine tolle Musik Rozsas. Hat die schon jemand bekommen und kann etwas zu den zusätzlichen Tracks sagen???

Vor allem die pastoralen Stücke, die auf der früheren LP/CD-Fassung ganz fehlen, sind willkommen - wenn sie auch leider nur kurz sind.

Da die Tracks aus Copyright-Gründen durcheinander laufen, habe ich sie in die richtige Reihenfolge gebracht und nochmal gebrannt.


Falls es jemanden interessiert, so wäre es richtig:


1 (2). GENERIQUE 2:06

2 (16). LA MAISON DE CLIVE 1;33 

3 (17). LE VIEIL HOMME 1:00




7 (21). APRES LE JUGEMENT 2:03

8 (3). FEUILLAGES 2:27

9 (10). KEVIN ET SONIA  1:39                   

10 (5). ARRIVEE DANS LA MAISON 1:57   

11 (14). LA RUE 1:01                             

12 (11). LA VILLE MORTE 3:02

13(12). HELEN 2:56

14 (23). AUTRE HOTEL 1:29

15 (24). KEVIN BLESSE 1:09



18 (13). LE JARDIN PUBLIC 1:52               



21 (4). POURSUITE 2:45

22 (26). MORT DE KEVIN 0:40

23 (27). PLAISIR DE VIVRE 0:26

24 (28). LE HERISSON 0:51                     

25 (29). LE DEJEUNER 0:58                      

26 (30). TRISTESSE 1:40

27 (15). FINAL 2:04

28 (08). PROVIDENCE 2:07                       

Bonus tracks

29 (12). HELEN (alt.take) 2:58

30 (7). VALSE CREPUSCULAIRE (piano) 3:48

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