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Welcher Komponist seid ihr?

Marcus Stöhr

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  • 3 Wochen später...
Gast iLLumination
Ein sehr guter Thread !!!!


"Congradulations, you're Jerry Goldsmith!"


Hatte gehofft das ich Hans Zimmer bin! :confused:

warum? sei doch froh :D

btw: hab den test zum 2. mal gemacht und zum 2. mal kam wieder jerry goldsmith raus :D da mach cih mal direkt 13th warrior rein^^

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Hm - aufgrund des Tests wäre ich Jerry Goldsmith...

Abgesehen davon, dass man sowas meines Erachtens (a) nicht durch ein paar Multiple-Choice-Fragen festellen kann und ich (:D meinem Partner von IMP zustimmen muss, dass es eh Schwachsinn ist, würde ich mich (a) eher gern als eine Mischung aus John Williams und Danny Elfmann sehen :) und nenne (:D sonst eher George Antheil und Charles Ives als meine "Seelenverwandten" - vielleicht bin ich ja die Wiedergeburt eines der beiden...? :confused:

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"Congradulations, you're Jerry Goldsmith!"

Hatte gehofft das ich Hans Zimmer bin!

tja... :lol:

warum? sei doch froh :eek:

btw: hab den test zum 2. mal gemacht und zum 2. mal kam wieder jerry goldsmith raus :eek: da mach cih mal direkt 13th warrior rein^^

pff... banause :eek:

hab den test grad auch nochmal gemacht... und geändert hat sich bei mir auch nix. bin und bleib der zimmer-hans! ;):D

*sich aus dem staub macht*

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Ha, ich bin Danny Elfman...Recht so... ;)

You're Danny Elfman! No one ever thought you'd come as far as you have (or are going to). You have a reputation for being quirky, even weird, but you've proven time and again that you also have the brains and the sensitivity to get through pretty much anything. You've also got a great sense of humor. Snobs dislike you for making it look so easy; everyone else thinks you're cool. You've scored such films as Batman, Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Black Beauty, Dolores Claiborne, Men in Black, Good Will Hunting, and Spider-Man. You also wrote the theme from The Simpsons.

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Ha, ich bin Danny Elfman...Recht so... :D

You're Danny Elfman! No one ever thought you'd come as far as you have (or are going to). You have a reputation for being quirky, even weird, but you've proven time and again that you also have the brains and the sensitivity to get through pretty much anything. You've also got a great sense of humor. Snobs dislike you for making it look so easy; everyone else thinks you're cool. You've scored such films as Batman, Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Black Beauty, Dolores Claiborne, Men in Black, Good Will Hunting, and Spider-Man. You also wrote the theme from The Simpsons.

dachts ich mir doch... kein anderer passt so gut auf dich... ;)

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dachts ich mir doch... kein anderer passt so gut auf dich... ;)


"Who do you want to be today, do you wanna be just like someone on TV ?" (aus dem Boingo-Song Who do you want to be ?)

...und ich hab mir jetzt sogar diesen stylischen Elfman-Bart wachsen lassen... :lol:...nun brauche ich nur noch weiße, lange Haare, die ich zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammenbinde und fertig ist die Symbiose meiner zwei Lieblingskomponisten... :D

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Wow, you're John Williams! It's no secret that<br>everybody thinks you're the greatest thing<br>since sliced bread! You're smart, sensitive,<br>funny, energetic: whatever your friends need,<br>you can provide it, and for that people flock<br>to you. If you have any flaws, one is that<br>sometimes you can go overboard - you say too<br>much too often, or you give something a shove<br>when all it requires is a tap - but in the end<br>it doesn't matter. Your charm, talent,<br>sensitivity, and reliability make you<br>invaluable to those around you. You've scored<br>such films as Star Wars (the entire series),<br>Jaws, E.T., Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jurassic<br>Park, Schindler's List, Stepmom, Home Alone,<br>Superman, and Harry Potter. You've won FIVE<br>Oscars, and there have been only six times in<br>the past thirty years that you haven't been<br>nominated for something.

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  • 2 Wochen später...

Wow, you're John Williams! It's no secret that everybody thinks you're the greatest thing since sliced bread! You're smart, sensitive, funny, energetic: whatever your friends need, you can provide it, and for that people flock to you. If you have any flaws, one is that sometimes you can go overboard - you say too much too often, or you give something a shove when all it requires is a tap - but in the end it doesn't matter. Your charm, talent, sensitivity, and reliability make you invaluable to those around you. You've scored such films as Star Wars (the entire series), Jaws, E.T., Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Stepmom, Home Alone, Superman, and Harry Potter. You've won FIVE Oscars, and there have been only six times in the past thirty years that you haven't been nominated for something

Was besseres hätte mir nicht passieren können...!!! ^^

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  • 2 Wochen später...
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  • 1 Monat später...

Ich bin John Williams, was ich mir vorher auch schon gedacht habe. Ich hätte zwar auch nichts gegen Hans Zimmer gehabt, aber mir war von anfang an klar, dass ich mit ihm absolut keine Ähnlichkeit habe. Seine Musik finde ich trotzdem genial. Meistens jedenfalls.

Wow, you're John Williams! It's no secret that everybody thinks you're the greatest thing since sliced bread! You're smart, sensitive, funny, energetic: whatever your friends need, you can provide it, and for that people flock to you. If you have any flaws, one is that sometimes you can go overboard - you say too much too often, or you give something a shove when all it requires is a tap - but in the end it doesn't matter. Your charm, talent, sensitivity, and reliability make you invaluable to those around you. You've scored such films as Star Wars (the entire series), Jaws, E.T., Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Stepmom, Home Alone, Superman, and Harry Potter. You've won FIVE Oscars, and there have been only six times in the past thirty years that you haven't been nominated for something.

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  • 3 Monate später...
Gast Uwe Wortmann

Congradulations, Michael Nyman!

You're an acquired taste for many, but once they come to like you they're hooked. You're a completely unique individual with a strong sense of identity; you hate being labeled. You're always ready with emotional support, and you have a golden heart and seemingly boundless energy that people find irresistable. You've scored such films as Prospero's Books, The Piano, Gattaca, Ravenous, Wonderland, The End of the Affair, and The Claim.

Interessant. Aber den Namen Michael Nyman habe ich noch nie gehört. :D

Hm, und die genannten Filme habe ich auch noch nicht gesehen. Deswegen kenne ich den Namen wohl noch nicht. :D

Ein eher enttäuschendes Ergebnis, ich hatte gedacht, ich hätte Scores wie Titanic, King Kong, Alien: Resurrection, Disneys Dinosaur, Unbreakable und Superman entworfen. :D

Euer, ergebenst,

James Frizzell (More individual than Michael Nyman) :D

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