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Ich war nicht pikiert sondern habe nur kundgetan den nicht zu kennen.


Aha. Wäre auch mal 'n Thread: Was und wen man alles nicht kennt. (höhö)


Episode 1 - 6 sind nach meiner Rechnung sechs Filme.


Ich kenne da nur eine Trilogie (=drei Filme). Oh, und natürlich etwas marktwirtschaftlich geprägtes Nachspiel. Aber das muss man ja zum Glück nicht ernstnehmen.

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It's official...



After months of rumour-mongering, we finally have some official Star Wars: Episode VII news.

And while the specifics aren't entirely detailed, there's more than enough to whip movie fans into a fanboy/girl frenzy.

StarWars.com confirms that Episode VII will be set 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, will star a trio of new young leads along with 'some very familiar faces', and will commence production in May 2014.

So while we're still left to guess at who'll nab the three key leads (Lupita N'Yongo and John Boyega are the most recent to be in the running for a role, while Adam Driver is apparently set to be the key villain), it's an interesting place to start - and the news that it's set 30 years after Return of the Jedi certainly leaves room for the original cast to return.


Quelle: http://www.totalfilm.com/news/star-wars-episode-vii-casting-plot-and-shooting-details-revealed

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E.T. in Star Wars Episode VII


Inspiriert durch den Kurzauftritt der E.T. ähnlichen Aliens in einer Senats-Szene in Star Wars: Episode I - Die Dunkle Bedrohung hat man sich bei Disney entschieden diese Aliens in der neuen Episode auftreten zu lassen!!!

Es handelt sich natürlich nicht um den E.T. aus Spielbergs Blockbuster aber es soll sich um Bewohner des gleichen Planeten handeln auf dem er zu Hause ist.


Eine Konzeptzeichnung wurde sogar auch schon veröffentlicht:



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Weiterer Cast wurde bestätigt


The second cast member for Star Wars Episode VII has been revealed and it’s another returning character. R2-D2 was first and now The Hollywood Reporter says Peter Mayhew will reprise his roles as the iconic wookiee Chewbacca.

J.J. Abrams‘ film, out December 18, 2015, is now filming. Full details on plot and cast are expected in the coming weeks. Read more Peter Mayhew Star Wars 7 news below.

The Hollywood Reporter broke the news of Mayhew’s casting, which isn’t exactly a surprise. Just last week, the actor dropped out of a scheduled convention appearance because of his “filming schedule.” Most assumed this meant he’d be back for Star Wars Episode VII. Plus, it’s all but assured the majority of the principal cast would be returning, it’s just a matter of when Disney and Lucasfilm are ready to announce. This report bolsters that assumption.


In recent years, the actor has had some serious health issues, which are the topic of a  Kickstarter documentary called Standing in the Stars: The Peter Mayhew Story. That seems to be getting better though. Plus, he’s talked in the past about a desire to return to the franchise, which he did briefly in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Here’s a quote from 2012.


Wookiees, and particularly Chewbacca, are base characters when telling the story of Star Wars. It’s important that Chewie remains a part of the story. Everybody loves Chewbacca. I’m sure of it.



This news is yet more confirmation J.J. Abrams was indeend rewriting Michael Arndt’s script to focus more on the original trilogy characters. However, unlike Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, Mayhew has the benefit of a full body suit to cover the 30 plus years of aging since Return of the Jedi.

Quelle: http://www.slashfilm.com/peter-mayhew-star-wars-7/


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Ein AT-AT in der Wüste.

Sehr schön.

Endlich erhalten wir Ergebnisse.


Wenn wir "Pech" haben, wird das vielleicht auch nur ein Schrottplatz oder so, der vielleicht nen Fuß auf Lager hat. Aber ich muss sagen, dass mich der Gedanke von den Walkern auf - vielleicht - Tatooine äußerst anregt.

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