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Offizielle Ankündigung von FSM Online

Marcus Stöhr

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As many of you have already heard, FILM SCORE MONTHLY magazine has moved its print publication to the Web, in the form of FSM ONLINE. We're going live with our PREMIERE ISSUE the first week of January, 2006, and we'd like you to join us.

If you'd like to subscribe right now, please go to our preview site -- www.screenarchives.com/fsmonline/sample -- and click the "Click to Subscribe!" button.

We're very excited about what FSM Online has to offer, both with the film music content our readers have come to expect over the past 15 years of the print version, along with some great "extras" that only a move to the Internet could provide -- things like EXCLUSIVE STREAMING AUDIO of composer interviews and music clips, DOWNLOADABLE PDFs of all the FSM print back-issues, DIGITAL ARCHIVAL MATERIALS and much more -- and all for just $4.95 a month.

And in case you're reluctant to make the move to reading your magazine content on a computer screen, we understand; there will be PRINTABLE VERSIONS of all the FSM Online content, so you can easily print out anything you want.

For those of you unfamiliar with FSM, since 1990 we've been the unique and entertaining voice for film music. We cover film music in its entirety, like no other source available in print, online or otherwise; we offer historical perspectives, musical analyses, features on the state of the industry, interviews, news, composer assignments and reviews of all the latest film music releases -- by reviewers who don't pander and aren't afraid to give honest, critical opinions.

NOW IS THE TIME to sign up for FSM Online, because Vol. 11, No. 1 is going to be a great premiere issue. As we mentioned above, to subscribe just go here -- www.screenarchives.com/fsmonline/sample -- take a look at the FSM Online preview site and hit the "CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE" button in the upper right of the page. Thanks for your support, and we'll see you online!


Your FSM Friends...

Tim Curran

Jon Kaplan

Doug Adams

Jeff Bond

Joe Sikoryak

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