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Howie Records: Howard Shore - ROSEWATER


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Howard Shore wird das Regiedebüt von Jon Stewart vertonen.


Howard Shore has composed the music for the upcoming drama Rosewater. The film marks the directorial debut of The Daily Show host Jon Stewart and stars Gael Garcia Bernal, leading an international cast. The movie is based on the memoir Then They Came for Me: A Family’s Story of Love, Captivity and Survival and tells the true story of Canadian-Iranian BBC journalist Maziar Bahari who spent four months in an Iranian prison being blindly interrogated by a man who smelled of rosewater. Stewart has also written the screenplay and is also producing the OddLot Entertainment production with Scott Rudin (No Country for Old Men, Moneyball, The Social Network) and Gigi Pritzker (Drive, Ender’s Game). Shore has previously scored the Rudin-produced features Doubt and Nobody’s Fool. Open Road Films has recently picked up domestic distribution rights for Rosewater and is planning a release later in 2014.

Quelle: http://filmmusicreporter.com/2014/06/10/howard-shore-scoring-jon-stewarts-rosewater/



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  Am 11.6.2014 um 18:51 schrieb Sebastian Schwittay:

Nicht uninteressant. :)


Jap, finde ich auch. Hab mich nach der News gleich ein wenig schlau gemacht über den BBC Journalisten, da wir diese Meldung über einen neuen Score auch in der Cinema World bringen werden und ich mich auch ab und an nach ein wenig zusätzlichen Hintergrundinfos umschaue. Also das könnte ein interessantes Projekt mit hoffentlich interessanter Musik werden.

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Wie fast immer eigentlich bei Howe Records:





1. Rosewater (2:44)
2. Green Movement (1:12)
3. Haj Agha (1:54)
4. Election Day (2:15)
5. New Bloom (Excerpt) – Mahdyar Aghajani (2:45)
6. Dust and Dirt (1:44)
7. Evin Prison (2:21)
8. Solitary (3:30)
9. Vagheyi (Excerpt) – Mahdyar Aghajani (2:13)
10. Maryam (2:58)
11. Davood (1:20)
12. The Confession (2:18)
13. International News (1:24)
14. Dance Me to the End of Love – Leonard Cohen (6:11)
15. Released (3:57)
16. Ye Baade Khonak – 25 Band (3:29)
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Hier der ganze Bericht von filmmusicreporter.



Howe Records will release a soundtrack album for Jon Stewart’s drama Rosewater. The album features the film’s original music composed by Howard Shore (The Lord of the Rings, The Aviator, The Silence of the Lambs). Also included are tracks by Leonard Cohen, as well as Persian musicians Mahdyar Aghajani and 25 Band.


The soundtrack will be released digitally on November 11, 2014 and is now available for pre-order on Amazon. A CD version is set to be released on December 9 and can be pre-ordered here.


Check out audio samples after the jump. Rosewater marks Stewart’s screenwriting and directing debut and stars Gael García Bernal. The movie is based on the New York Times best-selling memoir Then They Came for Me: A Family’s Story of Love, Captivity, and Survival by BBC journalist Maziar Bahari and tells the story of Bahari’s imprisonment in Tehran in 2009 and his interrogation at the hands of a man he knew only as Rosewater. The drama premiered at this year’s Telluride and Toronto Film Festival and will be released on November 14, 2014 by Open Road Films.

Quelle: http://filmmusicreporter.com/2014/11/08/rosewater-soundtrack-details/


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Erscheint am 10.12.:






Soundtrack features Howard Shore’s original music for the film by Jon Stewart plus songs by Leonard Cohen, 25 Band, and Mahdyar Aghajani

Howe Records is pleased to announce the release of the ROSEWATER (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), available digitally on November 11 and on CD December 9, 2014. Director Jon Stewart turned to composer Howard Shore to compose the original music. In addition to Shore’s score, the album includes tracks from musicians Mahdyar Aghajani, 25 Band, and Leonard Cohen.

“I was happy to be able to contribute to this important story which also gave me the opportunity to collaborate with Jon and this group of gifted classical musicians,” said Shore.

Academy Award®-winning composer Howard Shore is among today’s most respected, honored, and active composers and conductors. He has scored over 80 films. He began collaborating with David Cronenberg 35 years ago, with 1979’s THE BROOD, and has since scored 15 of the director’s films including: THE FLY, DEAD RINGERS, NAKED LUNCH, M. BUTTERFLY, CRASH, EASTERN PROMISES, A DANGEROUS METHOD, and COSMOPOLIS.

Shore has long-standing collaborations with directors Martin Scorsese on films including GANGS OF NEW YORK, THE DEPARTED, THE AVIATOR, and HUGO, and with Peter Jackson on THE LORD OF THE RINGS and THE HOBBIT trilogies. His credits also include THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, PHILADELPHIA, DOUBT, and SE7EN to name a few. Shore’s upcoming film projects include THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES and Cronenberg’s MAPS TO THE STARS.

The feature film ROSEWATER is based on The New York Times best-selling memoir Then They Came for Me: A Family’s Story of Love, Captivity, and Survival, written by the BBC journalist Maziar Bahari. A true story, the film marks the screenwriting and directorial debut of “The Daily Show” host and executive producer Jon Stewart, and stars Gael García Bernal, leading an international cast.

Rosewater follows the Tehran-born Bahari, a 42-year-old broadcast journalist with Canadian citizenship living in London. In June 2009, Bahari returned to Iran to interview Mir-Hossein Mousavi, who was the prime challenger to controversial incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. As Moussavi’s supporters rose up to protest Ahmadinejad’s victory declaration hours before the polls closed on election day, Bahari endured great personal risk by submitting camera footage of the unfolding street riots to the BBC. Bahari was soon arrested by Revolutionary Guard police, led by a man he nicknamed “Rosewater” for his fragrant cologne, who proceeded to torture and interrogate the journalist over the next 118 days.


Track listing


1. Rosewater
2. Green Movement
3. Haj Agha
4. Election Day
5. New Bloom (excerpt) – Mahdyar Aghajani
6. Dust and Dirt
7. Evin Prison
8. Solitary
9. Vagheyi (excerpt) – Mahdyar Aghajani
10. Maryam
11. Davood
12. The Confession
13. International News
14. Dance Me To The End of Love – Leonard Cohen
15. Released
16. Ye Baade Khonak – 25 Band

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