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English section for Scores and Movies

Gast BlasterBeam

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Gast BlasterBeam



es gibt auch einen sehr, sehr interessanten off-topic-thread, "Fussball ist unser Leben" :ph34r: .


Auch wenn es mal nicht um Deutschland/Oranje :ph34r: :ph34r: geht, durchaus eine sehr interessante Sache :D.

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Gast BlasterBeam




ich verstehe es nicht, wirklich nicht. Der eine sagt "Besser dort als hier", die andere da bezweifelt, ob "es wirken soll" (was, das Aspirin? das neue Katzenfutter? neue Haarspuelung?!)


Wie beschraenkt kann es eigentlich zugehen, technisch gesehen: der "Ich hoere Album und so"-Thread hat ca. 1600 Posts. Und wir, die Saeulen der tragenden Bedenken: haben wir das Limit von siebeneinhalb Postings pro Thread und maximal 3 schuechternen Likes wirklich schon ueberschritten?




Sieht ja so, wie es da so steht, nach einem netten Paerchen aus .... ;)

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Wie beschraenkt kann es eigentlich zugehen, technisch gesehen: der "Ich hoere Album und so"-Thread hat ca. 1600 Posts. Und wir, die Saeulen der tragenden Bedenken: haben wir das Limit von siebeneinhalb Postings pro Thread und maximal 3 schuechternen Likes wirklich schon ueberschritten?


Es gibt eine Ordnung, die festgelegt wurde, um Ordnung zu halten. Aus diesem Zweck wurde auch ein Willkommens Thread gegründet, der es Ankömmlingen wie bereits hier seienden Boardern erleichtern soll, mit dem Schnuppern zu beginnen. Man muss diesen Sinn für Ordnung nicht teilen, aber er steht nicht zur Debatte. Mit Technik hat das nichts zu tun.


Und wie sich gezeigt hat, ist eine extra englische Sektion nicht notwendig, weshalb ja jetzt der Spaß vom ins-Boardleben-Stürzen beginnen kann. 

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Gast BlasterBeam

Und wie sich gezeigt hat, ist eine extra englische Sektion nicht notwendig, weshalb ja jetzt der Spaß vom ins-Boardleben-Stürzen beginnen kann. 


Bis Weihnachten wollte ich noch John Williams hier unterbringen, sollte eine riesige Ueberraschung werden. Nun ja....

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Gast BlasterBeam

Hey, Sangreala, care to tell us a little something about you in this here online forum's "Hi, my name is..." section?


I second that. And it is never to late to post a user pic too - you know, I'm asking for years now :ph34r:  :wub::ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


If you fail to fulfill my request once again, you may post a picture of your huge soundtracks collection, most board members are nuts about this stuff, but here it's better to link or include a picture in messages with accordingly named threads. Well, you certainly know the drill of posting many pics of cakes, cakes, and bigger cakes, etc.


Greets and hugs to Geoffrey and Trevor, and a sloppy kiss for Karen :ph34r: . And for you only: GOTO WORK!   :devil: 

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I wouldn't mind having an english-speaking section within the forum. However when I started this forum it was my intention to have an alternative in the german speaking realm of the soundtrack world.

There are plenty of other forums out there more suited for english-speaking folks and we would have a problem with keeping the content separated. I hope you all understand that. Thanks.

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Gast BlasterBeam



ich frage bestimmt nicht oft nach Motivationen fuer Likes, aber ich selbst habe per PM and elsewhere Sangreala gegenueber schon ein paar nette Diskussionspartner empfohlen. Darunter warst auch Du und noch ein paar andere interessante Leute...




 my main goal was to enable a merely cultural thing. I think this is a great board with great members overall - and mod and admins I really do include in this greatness because all those posting active content with heart and soul just as the regular member (they can get a bit annoying sometimes though...).


This I wanted to share with people I know and people who may know you. In a real section (technical speaking, not a goddamn thread where people may feel locked out or ignored because of their inability of writing in english in general or not perfect enough, etc.) This certainly was not my intention and shall never be. My english, as written, is fair enough although even in my native german language, I tend to be more on the creative side pretty often; but this is rarely critized or just mentioned or explained by powerful scholars around here... ;)


In german internet and stuff it is also considered very rude by the general population to fix spelling errors, even if this is NOT done in an arrogant fashion (happens here and there though, but I have not noticed anything at all at this place during my 5 months membership around here). However, I do think this may really cause problems with an english section, french section, swedish section, you name it.


Those special sections gotta be semi-private, meaning it's up to the individual member to join there, knowing what to expect and what to give, as I would say. Just think of it as a message containing a spoiler.


Just wanted to spice it up here. There a lot of great discussions with great participation of great thinkers, passionate music lovers up to (or down :D) to some members of the more weird and whacky side (athough there is a certain thread to always cage them in for some time. For instance, Sangreala can't wait to teach them manners!...) 


The old guy from the USA I mentioned here just would love to write about Bernhard Herrmann pages of pages of interesting discurse and insights,You know people talking Herrmann here are very rare, so I'm sure people would like and adore to discuss - alas, he is on another place and just, as he told me lately, is not intererested in using just ANOTHER discussion board and some other reasons maybe. Bad luck in this special case, not more.


 In Germany, we are a quite lonely crowd of score lovers anyway. Maybe I was just hallucinating over combining powers, exchange. But to change force just means waiting for Episode VII so far, I'm afraid.


As for the general ability of creating semi-private sections in the first place, your answer may be short. Or else I may have overlooked it in your prior post...



Well, at least I brought you one new member, right? Just send me a amazon gift card!

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