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Perservance Records: Don Peakes Knight Rider Vol. 3


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Product Description

Don Peake (Released on Hitchcock Media)

Knight Rider theme composed by Stu Philliips and Glen A. Larson

We are proud to announce the second volume release of Don Peake's score from the the classic 1980s television series, Knight Rider. Knight Rider, as the voice over will tell you before each and every episode, was "a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who did not exist". For four seasons we saw crime fighter Michael Knight and his fully loaded car, K.I.T.T., fight bad guys. The show made David Hasselhoff a worldwide star while Knight Rider lives on in reruns and on DVD.

Without question, composer Don Peake worked on one of the more memorable television series of the 80s. Along with his work on Knight Rider, he has composed music for television, film (The Hills Have Eyes, Breakin', Modern Love) and pop music as a guitarist in the Ray Charles Orchestra, Jan And Dean, Mamas And The Papas, Sonny And Cher and Hal Blaine's famed Wrecking Crew. Don played guitar on Marvin Gaye's classic, Let's Get It On, as well as with other Motown greats. You've probably heard his guitar work on many of John Lennon's Phil Spector produced releases. His music for Knight Rider is a must own for any fan who collects or enjoys music from one of the great eras for television scores.

This is not a Perseverance Records release, but a CD that Don Peake produced on the Hitchcock Media label and that we are distributing for him thru an extraordinary deal with Universal. Thanks to Philip Cohen for this!


Quelle: http://www.fortytwotradingco.com/knight-rider-vol-3-cd/


Bearbeitet von horner1980
Das Kästchen bitte nicht vergessen :)
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