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La-La Land Records: Graeme Revell - TITAN A.E.


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Music by Graeme Revell

Limited Edition of 1500 Units



ORDER “TITAN A.E.: LIMITED EDITION” on 10/21 starting at 12pm (PST) at www.lalalandrecords.com

La-La Land Records and 20th Century Fox present the world premiere official release of Graeme Revell’s original motion picture score to the 2000 feature film animated sci-fi epic TITAN A.E., starring the vocal talents of Matt Damon, Drew Barrymore and Bill Pullman, and directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman. Acclaimed composer Revell (DEAD CALM, THE CROW, THE SAINT, PITCH BLACK) rockets through the cosmos with a robust orchestral score that ranks with his finest work. It’s a rich, exciting score, pulsing with emotional drama and thrilling intergalactic action. Produced by Nick Redman and Mike Matessino and mastered by Daniel Hersch, this limited edition of 1500 units features bonus tracks, exclusive, in-depth liner notes by film music writer Jeff Bond and sci-fi-sharp art direction by Jim Titus. A must-have for all film music and feature animation enthusiasts!


1 Prologue/Drej Attack 6:33

2 Wow :44

3 You’ve Been a Little Uppity :52

4 The Human Race Still Matters :41

5 We’ve Got Company :37

6 The Ring Is the Key :56

7 Start Running, Keep Running 2:48

8 Exhale :54

9 Do You Know What This Means? :27

10 Fight the Good Fight Precious 3:12

11 I See Your Father 1:21

12 The Broken Moon 3:09

13 The Guaol :40

14 The Dreaded Drej 2:55

15 Hydrogen Forest Chase 2:31

16 Earth Is Never Lost/Mother Drej 3:56

17 Stith Kicks Butt/Captive/What Kept You? 3:41

18 The Map Evolves 1:01

19 I Miss Him/Nightmare of the Drej 1:08

20 Korsos Double Cross/You Got a Problem With That? 2:46

21 Recovery 2:47

22 Launch/Hall of Mirrors 2:55

23 Don’t Lose ‘Em 3:47

24 I Remember 1:10

25 Mistrust 1:21

26 Its Up to You 1:21

27 Face It Cale, You’ve Lost 1:04

28 Sleep Tight, Little Friend 2:33

29 Power Struggle 6:39

30 Creation/Bob 3:58

Bonus Tracks:

31 Creation (orchestra only) 2:09

32 Prologue (with alternate opening) 6:19

Total Time: 76:55

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Hier noch ein Nachtrag von MV Gerhard:


Just so you folks know we are missing 3:40 from TITAN AE. We looked and looked for it but sadly did not find the following tracks:

"It's Me Cale"

"The Map Evolves" (a portion of it)

"Arrival at the Drifter Colony"


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