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Kurz & knapp: Sammelthread für "kleine" Veröffentlichungen


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  Am 3.7.2016 um 12:41 schrieb Stefan Jania:

Ich bin gerade etwas überrascht, dass das hier im Board niemand erwähnt hat. Varèse hat schon im Mai vier neue CDs in der "Limited Edition"-Reihe herausgebracht.

Film Music Festival Krakow - 2015

Film Music Festival Krakow - 2016


Allerdings sind die beiden Krakow CDs bei FSM auch eher kopfschüttelnd durchgewunken worden. Merkwürdige Alben.


Über die "kleinen" Veröffentlichungen kann man sich auch schnell einen Überblick verschaffen, indem man sich die Startseiten der Shops anschaut, z.B.:





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Gast Stefan Jania
  Am 5.7.2016 um 08:21 schrieb Trekfan:

Allerdings sind die beiden Krakow CDs bei FSM auch eher kopfschüttelnd durchgewunken worden. Merkwürdige Alben.


Über die "kleinen" Veröffentlichungen kann man sich auch schnell einen Überblick verschaffen, indem man sich die Startseiten der Shops anschaut, z.B.:






Das FSM-Forum ist sicherlich nicht unbedingt die Messlatte für qualitativ wohlgeformte Beiträge und intelligente Meinungsbildung - und ob's merkwürdig ist oder nicht, das muss jeder für sich selber entscheiden. ;) Ich war und bin ich immer dafür Veröffentlichungen als Information im Board zu posten, auch wenn man sie bei Shops oder Labels natürlich selber suchen kann. Aber dann könnten wir uns hier alle Ankündigungen sparen. Wer demnächst was komponiert steht bei filmmusicreporter.com, neue CDs sieht man bei SAE oder Chris, und so weiter. :)

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  • 3 Wochen später...
Gast Stefan Jania

Ebenso im August von Varèse: Foul Play von Charles Fox (gab's schon auf CD von Intrada) und American Flyers von Lee Ritenour & Greg Mathieson. Quelle.



  Am 5.7.2016 um 13:40 schrieb Oliver79:

Holocaust 2000 (expanded) - Ennio Morricone


Lustigerweise mag ich diesen schrecklichen Omen-Abklatsch als Film wie auch als Musik. Nochmal erweitert wird der Score aber nicht mehr bei mir einziehen.


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  • 2 Wochen später...

La-La Land:



Coming next Tuesday August 16, 2016 at 12 pm pst

Limited edition of 1000 units


Incredible 2 Disc set features two scores for the price of one!
Composer Frederik Wiedmann delivers two of his finest scores to the ever popular an expanding DC Animated Universe. Justice League vs Teen Titans, in particular, have some of the finest music the composer has written to date -- giant sweeping themes, huge choral work, and a real fun sense of heroism. Both films were scored with a small Orchestra.
The first 100 or so customers who purchase the CD through the La La Land records website will receive a signed copy autographed by the composer at no extra charge. Quantities are limited and you are not guaranteed a signed copy.

Limited edition of 1000 units

Celebrating its 20th anniversary James Newton Howard's knockout score to the Richard Gere starring thriller Primal Fear makes its anniversary appearance on a limited edition CD courtesy of La La Land Records and Paramount Pictures . Remastered and expanded, this intense score is one of the composers finest works in the Thriller genre. Produced and art directed by Dan Goldwasser with liner notes by Daniel Schweiger this is a must-have release for any fan of JNH.

Both CDs go on sale next Tuesday August 16th at www.lalalandrecords.com and fine online stores

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  Am 11.8.2016 um 09:02 schrieb Trekfan:

La-La Land:


LLL-Veröffentlichungen kommen hier im Forum immer in einem einzelnen Thread :)


La-La Land Records: James Newton Howard - PRIMAL FEAR


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  Am 5.7.2016 um 08:21 schrieb Trekfan:

Allerdings sind die beiden Krakow CDs bei FSM auch eher kopfschüttelnd durchgewunken worden. Merkwürdige Alben.


Über die "kleinen" Veröffentlichungen kann man sich auch schnell einen Überblick verschaffen, indem man sich die Startseiten der Shops anschaut, z.B.:





Habe mir das 2016er Album direkt in Krakau im Urlaub besorgt - aber erst zu spät gesehen, dass es KEINE Aufnahmen vom Festival enthält, sondern nur bereits Veröffentlichtes. Weiß jemand von euch, ob es auch Sampler von den Konzerten dieser Filmmusik-verrückten Stadt gibt ?

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  • 3 Wochen später...

Neu von Perseverance. Mal wieder eine "Was wäre wenn..."-CD.





The music presented here is drawn from different times in my career. A good portion of it is based on themes I wrote when I was discussing the possibility of scoring "Dawn of the Dead" with the director, George Romero. The "Dawn" themes sprang from a strongly felt artistic simpatico that existed between George and myself - a shared understanding and dedication to the creative spirit.


Perseverance Records

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Cinema-Kan hat vier Masaru Satoh (bzw. Masaru Sato) Scores veröffentlicht. Keine Weltpremieren, Auszüge gab es in der großen Masaru Satoh Filmmusik-Reihe mit Vol. 1 (Samurai Films) und Vol. 2 (War Films) bzw. einige Jahre später in der  Toho War Movies Soundtrack Collection Doppel-CD.


Die Artwork-Gestaltung gefällt mir insgesamt sehr gut, die Texte sind aber leider nur auf japanisch (was aber normal ist).


Wer Masaru Satoh nicht kennen sollte: er war Schüler von Fumio Hayasaka (Sieben Samurai, Rashomon) und vollendete dessen letzte Filmmusik für den großen Regisseur Akira Kurosawa und wurde danach dessen Stammkomponist (u. a. Yojimbo) - daneben hat er u.a. vier Godzilla-Filme vertont. Seine letzte Filmmusik war AME AGARU (1999), toller Film - einmal auf Arte gesehen und dann leider nie wieder


Hier die Cover der vier Veröffentlichungen inklusive Suite aus youtube. KILL dürfte die verspielteste Musik der vier Scores sein, mit einem eingängigen Hauptthema den man sich fast auch bei einem Spagetti-Western vorstellen könnte. Hat daneben noch einige weitere sehr eingängige Themen. SWORD OF DOOM beinhaltet einiges an geheimnisvoller Suspence-Musik (viel Flöte), JAPANS LONGEST DAY ist auch eher wenig thematisch, abgesehen von "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" (bekannt u.a. aus Stirb langsam 3). BATTLE OF THE JAPAN SEA beinhaltet u.a. Militärmärsche und Chorgesang. Dies soweit als kleine Orientierungshilfe.

















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  • 3 Wochen später...

Neu im Oktober von Music Box Records.


Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Composed by Paul MISRAKI
New remastered expanded edition.
37 minutes of music, including 26 minutes of music never released before.
CD booklet with liner notes by Nicolas Magenham.
In collaboration with Gruppo Sugar, Music Box Records is pleased to present the expanded score from the original motion picture Remo Forlani's Juliette et Juliette composed by Paul Misraki in 1974.

Composer Paul Misraki (Les Volets clos) was born in Constantinople (Turkey) to French parents of Italian descent, and showed an early aptitude for music. During the years of occupation, Paul Misraki emigrates to South America and then to Hollywood, where he tries to popularize the French song with his band The Collegians. In addition to writing successful popular songs, Paul Misraki also kept himself busy by penning over 140 film scores in a great variety of popular genres from adventure films to spy thrillers and romantic dramas. He worked with many of the leading directors: Orson Welles's Mr. Arkadin (1955, also known as Confidential Report), Roger Vadim's And God Created Woman (1956), Claude Chabrol's Cousins (1959), Bernard Borderie’s Les Trois Mousquetaires (1961), Jean-Pierre Melville's Le Doulos (1962) and Jean-Luc Godard's Alphaville (1965), as well as films for Jacques Becker, Jean Renoir and Luis Buñuel.

For Juliette et Juliette, Paul Misraki composed a very romantic orchesral score with some 70s pop flavor. His multi-faceted score also features some exquisite classical-sounding pieces, very "seventies" pop numbers and light underscore cues.

The soundtrack was previously released by CAM on CD in 1996 with only a 12-minute suite. This CD release features the expanded score which was mastered from the recording session tapes and presents previously unreleased tracks.





Bande originale du film composée, orchestrée et dirigée par Ennio MORRICONE
Pour la première fois en CD.
31 minutes de musique totalement inédite.
Livret de 8 pages, notes internes par Daniel Schweiger.
En collaboration avec Warner Bros, Music Box Records présente, pour la première fois en CD la bande originale du film So Fine composée et dirigée par Ennio Morricone. Le film, réalisé en 1981 par Andrew Bergman (Premiers pas dans la mafia, Lune de miel à Las Vegas, Striptease) met en scène Ryan O'Neal, Jack Warden, Mariangela Melato et Richard Kiel.

Bobby Fine, un jeune professeur de littérature, est obligé de venir à la rescousse dans la maison de couture de son père au bord de la faillite. Sans le vouloir vraiment, il invente alors une nouvelle mode de jeans.

Ennio Morricone a composé une partition très « italienne » pour une comédie très « américaine ». La partition n'est pas sans évoquer ses compositions pour les comédies (françaises et italiennes) avec un clin d'oeil aux westerns spaghetti. Le compositeur s'amuse même à détourner l'hymne Union Label, jingle utilisé à la gloire du patriotisme consumériste aux États-Unis dans les années 80.

Transférée à partir des bandes master multipistes issues des archives de Warner Bros, la présente édition propose pour la première fois la bande originale complètement inédite composée par Ennio Morricone. Pour les notes du livret, Daniel Schweiger a recueilli les souvenirs du réalisateur Andrew Bergman et du producteur Mike Lobell sur leur collaboration avec Ennio Morricone.

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  • 4 Wochen später...




Riz Ortolani (March 25th, 1926, Pesaro - January 23rd, 2014, Rome) was author of hundreds of soundtracks for cinema and television and composed an evocative musi- cal score for this film. Four selections were published by Cinevox on the album “The soundtracks of Riz Ortolani for the film “The Inquiry” by Damiano Damiani (CIA - 5063). After finding the stereo master tapes from the original recording session, it was possible to assemble a CD of 48:18 minutes. Maestro Ortolani with his great tal- ent was able to represent both the sacred and the profane of the story, with romantic and nostalgic pieces, mystical Jewish moods of great emotional intensity and dramatic battle songs. This is an OST that absolutely deserved to be rescued and preserved for the record archive, dedicated to one of the biggest names in film music. This OST won the Silver Ribbon in 1987.


01. L’INCHIESTA (Titoli) 2:49

02. L’INCHIESTA (Tauro e Claudia) 2:54

03. L’INCHIESTA (La ricerca) 3:38

04. L’INCHIESTA (Morte di Tito Valerio Claudio - finale) 1:51

Bonus tracks

05. L’INCHIESTA (Titoli - versione film) 2:03

06. L’INCHIESTA (atmosfera minacciosa) 0:55


08. L’INCHIESTA (danza) 3:13

09. L’INCHIESTA (tempio) 1:02

10. L’INCHIESTA (momento mistico) 1:01


12. L’INCHIESTA (distese desertiche) 1:26

13. L’INCHIESTA (atmosfera etnica) 3:28

14. L’INCHIESTA (il mistero) 2:01

15. L’INCHIESTA (Tauro e Claudia - versione breve) 1:30

16. L’INCHIESTA (ricerca della verità) 1:34

17. L’INCHIESTA (il dubbio) 1:17

18. L’INCHIESTA (luce oltre il buio) 1:10

19. L’INCHIESTA (La ricerca - versione film) 4:14

20. L’INCHIESTA (angosce) 2:05

21. L’INCHIESTA (vicino alla verità) 1:45

22. L’INCHIESTA (Morte di Tito Valerio Claudio – finale versione film) 2:13






A breaking release—co-produced with Ribot, long-time publishling company of Maestro Fabio Frizzi—of the score for Shark rosso nell’oceano (aka Devil Fish), an- other chapter in the DDJ series in which Beat continues releasing scores of a more potent and dynamic flavor.

Directed by Lamberto Bava in 1984, Shark rosso nell’oceano marks one of two col- laborations between the director and musician (the other being Blastfighter, released the same year). It’s an aquatic monster movie, a spin-off of the most popular adven- ture/horror movies from the other side of the ocean, dedicated to the ancestral fight between man and shark, the latter portrayed in a more horrific and evolved, almost alien, shape.

The score presents a real treat for all fans of the Maestro and ‘80s electronic/synth sounds, never before released and now available thanks to the miraculous discovery in an old archive of a multitrack master tape featuring the original recording session on separate channels. Thanks to an accurate restoration and new mix by Alessio Contorni at Octopus studios (supervised by Maestro Frizzi), it was possible to produce a CD featuring the complete score of this rare soundtrack, yet another example of the fasci- nating compositional style of the Maestro during the period (including Zombie Flesh Eaters, The Beyond, City of the Living Dead, etc.), music which has become iconic in the collective consciousness of horror and thriller music lovers.

Incidentally, on his “Zombie Apocalypse” world tour, the Maestro performs a suite from this score during the concert, always among the most appreciated moments at these events!

The CD comes in a jewel case with liner notes by Fabio Frizzi and graphic design by Alessio Iannuzzi. Limited edition of 500 copies.

1 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 1

2 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 2

3 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 3

4 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 4

5 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 5

6 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 6

7 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 7

8 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 8

9 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 9

10 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 10

11 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 11

12 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 12

13 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 13

14 Shark rosso nell’oceano – Seq. 14

15 Unavailable Shark

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Neu von Music Box Records:





2-CD set including complete scores from Planetarium, Belle Épine and Grand Central with previously unreleased tracks.
CD booklet with French director Rebecca Zlotowski and Rob's statements.

The first 40 copies purchased directly from our online store will be autographed by the composer, Rob (offer limited to 1 autographed copy by customer).

In collaboration with Hippocampus and Les Films Velvet, Music Box Records presents on a 2-CD set the collaboration between composer Rob and French director Rebecca Zlotowski, with original soundtracks from Zlotowski’s latest film Planetarium (2016) with her first two films Belle Épine (2010) and Grand Central (2013).

Planetarium (in theaters nationwide November 16, 2016), is directed by Rebecca Zlotowski and stars Nathalie Portman and Lily-Rose Depp. In 1930s France, two sisters, Kate and Laura Barlow, perform as supernatural mediums. They cross paths with a visionary film producer who hires them to shoot a highly ambitious film.

Rob (Maniac, Horns and Made in France) composed an inspiring orchestral/electronic score which finds a rather irrational kind of sound, something brutal, carnal, and almost magical. The score was recorded at Abbey Road Studios for orchestra and choir.

This present edition also includes music from the films Belle Épine and Grand Central with bonus tracks which did not appear on previous digital releases.


1. Planetarium (Générique) (2:57)
2. Recette Vaudou (0:23)
3. Volière (2:03)
4. Première Séance  (2:00)
5. Souvenir (1:24)
6. Installation chez Korben (3:05)
7. Schneeballschlacht (1:27)
8. Deuxième Séance (2:09)
9. Séquence 34 (3:59)
10. Post-Marseillaise (1:07)
11. La Plage (0:47)
12. Virgule Fantôme (0:46)
13. Images Mentales (2:59)
14. Médaillons (2:23)
15. Professeur / Retrouvailles (1:08)
16. I’m Not Dying Because Of The Seances (1:36)
17. Korbinski (1:46)
18. Wedding Dream (0:52)
19. Course (1:20)
20. T.E.E. (2:30)
21. Planetarium (Générique de Fin) (1:44)
22. Arrabia 60 (3:11)
23. T.E.E. (Slow Demo) (3:54)

CD2 • BELLE ÉPINE (31:41) / GRAND CENTRAL (29:21)

1. Motors (2:44)
2. Combustion (1:33)
3. Premier Circuit (3:39)
4. Triumph (1:05)
5. XY (3:52)
6. Épiphanie (1:11)
7. Cheyenne (2:13)
8. Le Rayon (1:08)
9. Rungis (2:49)
10. Deuxième Circuit (3:36)
11. Belle Épine Limited (1:32)
12. Rungis Limited (3:10)
13. Prudence (2:32)
Interprété par Jeremy Jay

14. Leçon Nucléaire (1:35)
15. Triomphe (1:05)
16. Le Baiser (0:48)
17. Arrivée Centrale (1:00)
18. La Barque (3:17)
19. La Pizza (1:05)
20. Toni Contaminé (1:21)
21. Dosimètre (1:45)
22. Enceinte (1:36)
23. Les Herbes Couchées (1:33)
24. Contamine les Chevaux (1:36)
25. Flutines (1:35)
26. Glory (3:03)
27. Les Herbes Couchées (Flûte) (1:33)
28. La Dose (Early Demo) (2:09)
29. Contaminé (Early Demo) (0:51)
30. Contaminé Bis (Early Demo) (1:29)
31. La Dose (Early Baroque Demo) (1:17)






World Premiere CD release. 36 minutes of music.
Remastered edition supervised by Claudio Fuiano.
6-page CD booklet with liner notes by Gergely Hubai.

In collaboration with Beat Records, Music Box Records presents the CD premiere to a marvelous Fiorenzo Carpi score, written for his long-time companion, Luigi Comencini: L'ingorgo (1978).

L'ingorgo (aka Traffic Jam) is a dark satire on Italian society as hundreds of cars get involved in a pile-up and no possibility to get out. The all-star cast include Alberto Sordi as a grumpy lawyer, Gérard Depardieu and Miou-Miou as lovers on a break, Ugo Tognazzi as a philandering professor, Fernando Rey and Annie Girardot as a couple whose Silver Wedding reveals dark secrets, Marcello Mastroianni as an ageing gigolo actor and Stefania Sandrelli as the wife who is supposed to sleep with him in order to get her husband a job... The greatest actors of Italy, France and Spain appear in interrelated vignettes, bizarre visions and dark moments as Comencini reveals the true depths of human stupidity.

The music by Fiorenzo Carpi is composed of catchy instrumental tunes, usually used in juxtaposition with the furious drivers. Quirky instrumental songs, joyful dances and addictive tunes appear as source music emanating from car stereos all throughout the traffic jam. The colorful compilation of Carpi’s tracks had only one previous release: an LP by Edipan (CS 2008) whose program has been recreated for this CD mastered by Claudio Fuiano - no bonus tracks survived from the film. The package includes 6-page liner notes by Gergely Hubai discussing the film and the score.



1. Il gabbiano (2:07)
2. Volo sereno (1:23)
3. Teletango (3:34)
4. Improbabile (3:17)
5. Telemazurka (3:15)
6. Racconto (3:24)
7. Il gabbiano (altra versione) (1:11)
8. Isola felice (3:01)
9. Telepolka (2:50)
10. Con sentimento (2:44)
11. Monoscopio (2:43)
12. Ritmo tormentoso (2:12)
13.Televalzer (2:00)
14. Il gabbiano (altra versione) (2:25)

Total Time • 36:38







World Premiere release.
66 minutes of music never-before released.
8-page CD booklet with liner notes by Gergely Hubai.

In collaboration with Gruppo Sugar, Music Box Records presents the world premiere release of two Nicola Piovani scores: Il segreto and Il minestrone.

Silvano Agosti's Il segreto (also known as N.P., 1971) is a dystopian parable about an engineer whose inventions are turned against society once he looses his memory. As the main hero's gradual awakening gets him involved in strikes and conspiracies, Piovani builds his music around a recurring motive based on Sergei Rachmaninoff's  Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini. The catchy symphonic rock adaptation of the classic melody is incorporated into almost every cue, including the tunefully fierce music for the strikes.

Il minestrone (1981) is an early role for Academy Award winning actor/director Roberto Benigni who later hired Piovani for the film that brought the composer his Oscar, Life is Beautiful. Il minestrone follows a group of hungry rascals who try to figure out different ways in order to fill their stomachs at no cost. The three-hour miniseries features a catchy Piovani score with a great main theme, folksy connective material and once again brilliant references to classical music - this time it's Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss.

Only the main theme from Il minestrone had any sort of released before. The CD includes over an hour's worth of new music with an attractive package rounded out by a richly illustrated booklet, including liner notes by Gergely Hubai who discusses both films and scores.


N.P. - IL SEGRETO (27:56)
1. N.P. - Il segreto (Main Theme) (3:36)
2. N.P. - Il segreto (Strike #1) (1:56)
3. N.P. - Il segreto (Butterfly) (3:37)
4. N.P. - Il segreto (Montage) (3:53)
5. N.P. - Il segreto (Prophet) (1:25)
6. N.P. - Il segreto (Strike #2) (2:31)
7. N.P. - Il segreto (Choir) (2:32)
8. N.P. - Il segreto (Transformation) (4:25)
9. N.P. - Il segreto (Main Theme - Choral) (3:38)

10. Il minestrone (Main Theme) (3:47)
11. Il minestrone (Invisible Meal) (2:01)
12. Il minestrone (Promenade - 1st Version) (2:51)
13. Il minestrone (Food Fight) (2:23)
14. Il minestrone (Wandering) (0:53)
15. Il minestrone (March) (0:59)
16. Il minestrone (Jaunty Source) (1:09)
17. Il minestrone (Dog Eat Dog) (2:00)
18. Il minestrone (Rich Meal) (1:32)
19. Il minestrone (Promenade - 2nd Version) (2:34)
20. Il minestrone (Il Maestro) (2:06)
21. Il minestrone (Die Fledermaus) (1:47)
22. Il minestrone (Marines) (2:51)
23. Il minestrone (In the Mountains) (1:22)
24. Il minestrone (After the Storm) (2:14)
25. Il minestrone (Finale) (4:21)
26. Il minestrone (Main Theme - Alternate Version) (3:11)

Total Time • 66:38

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  • 3 Wochen später...

Neu von Quartet:





Quartet Records and Atresmedia Música presents the soundtrack album with the new score writen by prestigious Polish composer Zbigniew Preisner (La double vie de Verónique, Un Secret, Bleu, Blanc, Rouge, The Secret Garden, Aglaja) for the new film directed by Fernando Trueba (The Mad Monkey, Two Much, Academy-Award winner to Best Foreing Film for Belle Epoque in 1992).  


La Reina de España (aka Queen of Spain) is the much heralded – and long-awaited – sequel to the 1998 hit The Girl of Your Dreams (the winner of seven Goya Awards, also garnering much popular acclaim). Fernando Trueba reunites again the same characters of the previous film almost twenty years laters. Penélope Cruz is back playing the main character: Macarena Granada, who, after her experiences in Berlin, travelled to Hollywood, where she became a star.


In the first movie the music was composed by the usual Trueba collaborator Antoine Duhamel, now Preisner takes over in this sequel, offering an unusual score for a comedy: fresh, fun, but aso deeply emotional, dramatic, sensitive and nostalgic. A vigorous score that has been recorded by The Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Adam Klocek.


01. 1938-1956 (3:55)


02. Fontiveros vuelve / Fontiveros Returns (1:46)


03. En el Estudio / The Studio (2:27)


04. Ana (1:47)


05. Guitarra / Guitar (1:02)


06. Boda / Wedding (0:34)


07. Cuelgamuros (2:27)


08. La vuelta de Macarena / Macarena Returns (2:41)


09. Isabel y Fernando / The Catholic Kings (0:49)


10. Leo 1 (0:23)


11. El “accidente“ / The “Accident“ (0:44)


12. Miradas / Macarena & Leo 1 (1:45)


13. Macarena en Cuelgamuros / The Cross (0:39)


14. Macarena & Fontiveros (1:13)


15. Adiós / Goodbye (0:30)


16. Granada (2:48)


17. Between “Action!“ and “Cut!“ (0:39)


18. Miradas / Macarena & Leo 2 (0:26)


19. Cantina / Conspiracy 1 (0:48)


20. Ramón / 2nd “Accident“ (1:34)


21. “El suspiro del moro“ / The Moor’s Sigh (0:33)


22. “Llora como mujer...“ /“Cry Like A Woman...“ (0:47)


23. Conspirando 2 / Conspiracy 2 (0:43)


24. Conspirando 3 / Conspiracy 3 (1:12)


25. Conspirando 4 / Conspiracy 4 (2:12)


26. Conspirando 5 / Conspiracy 5 (0:18)


27. Los Juanelos (0:40)


28. Rescate 1 / Rescue 1 (1:46)


29. Rescate 2 / Rescue 2 (0:58)


30. Rescate 3 / Rescue 3 (0:42)


31. Rescate 4 (“Gracias, Reina“) / Rescue 4 (“Thanks, My Queen“) (1:34)


32. Rescate (Final) / Rescue (Final) (0:40)


33. Escapando en la noche / Night Escape (1:39)


34. “Oh My God!“ (0:38)


35. María Guerrero / At the Theater (0:24)


36. Control de carretera / Roadblock 1 & 2 (3:07)


37. Franco y Macarena / Franco Is Coming! (3:26)


38. Titulos / End Credits Part I (1:53)


39. Titulos / End Credits Part II (1:42)


40. Titulos / End Credits Part III (1:36)


41. Bonus Track: Piano Theme (2:24)


Total Disc Time: 57:58






Irish-born documentarist David Kinsella takes these shocking statistics as the basis of Killing Girls, the third chapter of his documentary cycle "The Children of Perestroika". The film takes us to the Russian city of St. Petersburg where an abortion clinic specializes in late term teenage abortions. Young girls arrive at the clinic through the back door, sometimes with their mother or a friend. But all of them have to go through it alone...


Though the topic of the documentary is grim, composer Frank Ilfman (Big Bad Wolves, Abulele, Sensoria) was tasked with creating beautiful music that would make the audience connect with the women on screen. From the opening track of the main theme to the haunting Hebrew prayer E’munah, the whole score was designed to be as unified as possible with even director David Kinsella thinking that the individual cues should be memorable enough to warrant their own soundtrack. The actual release seven years after the film's release - but it was well worth the wait.


The CD comes with an 8-page booklet with liner notes by Gergely Hubai, based on an original interview with Frank Ilfman as well as a personal note from director David Kinsella.


01. Opening Titles (2:45)


02. Distant Memories of Childhood (2:20)


03. Shades of Grey (3:36)


04. Hospital (2:05)


05. The Room (1:23)


06. The Girls (2:11)


07. Solitude in Winter (2:12)


08. Closed Eyes and a Smile (2:52)


09. E’munah (2:50)


10. Sexual Revoltution (2:22)


11. Russia Mothers (2:32)


12. The Surgery (1:35)


13. The Abortion (1:36)


14. Streaming Water (3:53)


15. Where the River Bends (3:58)


16. Archived Footage (1:14)


17. A New Life (3:38)


18. My Child, My Love (2:31)


19. Nastja (4:31)


20. The Message (1:21)


21. There is Another Way (2:58)


22. A Prayer and Hope (2:34)


23. Epilogue & End Credits (2:47)


Total Disc Time: 59:53


Limited Collector’s Edition of 500 units.

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