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Kurz & knapp: Sammelthread für "kleine" Veröffentlichungen


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grossartige Musik zum grossartigen HUNDREDS OF BEAVERS... zum irre witzigen Slapstick-Stummfilm-Kracher gibt es ein paar originale Kompositionen und pre<existierende Stücke, die der Regisseur zusammengesucht hat. Endlich hat man die Rechte geklärt und eine schöne Compilation erstellt. Herrlich verrückte, "alte" Musik, bisschen wie Bruce Broughton und sowas. Kurioserweise ist das Stück für die finale und wirklich umwerfence Verfolgungsjagd von Frederic Talgorn sogar! Keine Ahnung wo das Stück eigentlich herkommt...





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Quartet Records, in collaboration with GDM and Finross, presents a remastered reissue of the expanded edition of TRE COLONNE IN CRONACA, one of the great Ennio Morricone efforts of the early ’90s for the film of Carlo Vanzina, starring Gian Maria Volontè. The film is a chronicle of the dark maneuvers made by a politician to seize an opposition newspaper. A Muslim terrorist receives the order to kill a stockbroker, which triggers a series of blackmail and deception. A brave journalist intends to shed light on all these murky matters, but the politician has no scruples and knows how to move with extraordinary skill.

Being a great admirer of Elio Petri’s work, and in particular of INVESTIGATION OF A CITIZEN ABOVE SUSPICION, Vanzina relied on the actor (Volontè), the editor (Ruggero Mastroianni), the cinematographer (Luigi Kuveiller) and the composer of that film to draw a line of reference to his movie. Morricone assumes the principles that govern his work for Petri, reformulating them. There is no bold experimentation, but the subversive elements, intensity and expressiveness remain. The music has a grotesque, sly and perverse character, a nod to the sensationalism of the front pages.

The album of TRE COLONNE IN CRONACA was released in 1990 on LP and CD in a short program of less than 30 minutes. In 2002, GDM CD Club released an expanded limited edition, supervised by the composer, and produced by Dániel Winkler and Claudio Fuiano, containing all the music recorded for the film and it quickly sold out. This is a reissue of the same program, revised and mastered by Chris Malone. The booklet includes liner notes by Miguel Angel Órdóñez discussing the film, the music and the composer.

  1. Tre Colonne In Cronaca (Titoli) 1:25
  2. Ultime Notizie 1:00
  3. Prima Pagina 0:24
  4. Tre Colonne In Cronaca (#2) 3:16
  5. Ultime Notizie (#2) 1:46
  6. Prima Pagina (#2) 4:12
  7. Tre Colonne In Cronaca (#3) 2:08
  8. Ultime Notizie (#3) 4:58
  9. Lettere Al Direttore 3:54
  10. Ultime Notizie (#4) 1:28
  11. Terza Pagina 3:09
  12. Lettere Al Direttore (#2) 1:15
  13. Ultime Notizie (#5) 1:42
  14. Ultime Della Notte 3:10
  15. Tre Colonne In Cronaca (#4) 2:31
  16. Tre Colonne In Cronaca (#5) 0:54
  17. Lettere Al Direttore (#3) 1:09
  18. Corsivo 3:53

Total Disc Time: 43:12


Quartet Records, in collaboration with GDM and Universal Music Publishing Italia, presents a remastered and expanded edition of Riz Ortolani’s masterful score for the Damiano Damiani thriller CONFESSIONE DI UN COMMISSARIO DI POLIZIA AL PROCURATORE DELLA REPUBBLICA (aka CONFESSIONS OF A POLICE CAPTAIN), starring Franco Nero and Martin Balsam. This was one of the first films about the Mafia in which the fight is hopeless because “the polyp’s feelers” reach everything and everybody. A police inspector and a deputy public prosecutor try to prove that the city’s construction magnate is a member of the legendary criminal organization.

Far from showing an idealized and traditional Mafia (as Nino Rota would do a year later in THE GODFATHER), Riz Ortolani’s innovative score is based on fast and contemporary rhythms, in an extension of the hustle and bustle of an overpopulated Palermo. Between pop, jazz and funk, the music becomes the showcase of an aggressive and real metropolis. Ortolani uses an omnipresent main theme that underscores the narrative like a repeated echo. But the variations, short notes and transpositions of the melody follow each other in an increasingly rarefied atmosphere: the electric guitar distorts, the strings are strangely tuned, the winds and keyboard are unsettling.

Ortolani’s score was released on a now-sought-after LP by RCA, reissued a few years ago by Four Flies Records in vinyl. It appeared on the digital market in the 1990s, pairing the same LP program with NELLA STRETTA MORSA DEL RAGNO, and subsequently had an expanded edition on GDM CD Club. Returning to the original stereo master tapes, this new edition, supervised by Claudio Fuiano and mastered by Chris Malone, includes every note Ortolani recorded for the film in 1971, making it the most comprehensive edition of this classic Italian score. The booklet includes an essay by Miguel Ángel Ordóñez on the film, the music and the composer.

  1. Confessione di un Commissario (Titoli) 3:13
  2. Visita al manicomio 3:04
  3. Il ricordo di Serena 2:39
  4. Ossessione di un delitto 2:51
  5. Promessa di Giustizia 3:58
  6. Pedinamento e Agguato 2:15
  7. Serena e Lomunno 2:47
  8. Colloquio decisivo 2:59
  9. I travestiti 2:48
  10. La morte del Commissario 3:11
  11. Ossessione di un delitto (#2) 3:45
  12. Confessione di un Commissario (#2) 2:54
  13. Il ricordo di Serena (#2) 3:32
  14. Promessa di Giustizia (#2) 2:44
  15. Pendinamento e Agguato (#2) 3:19
  16. Serena e Lomunno (#2) 2:54
  17. Promessa di Giustizia (#3) 3:41
  18. I travestiti (#2) 2:13
  19. Pendinamento e Agguato (#3) 3:57
  20. La morte del Commissario (#2) 3:37
  21. Confessione di un Commissario (#3) 2:21
  22. Pendinamento e Agguato (#4) 2:09
  23. I travestiti (#3) 1:16
  24. Promessa di Giustizia (#4) 1:32
  25. La morte del Commissario (#3) 2:56
  26. Promessa di Giustizia (#5) 1:54

Total Disc Time: 74:42

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Neu von Quartet:


Quartet Records, in collaboration with GDM and EMI General Music, presents a remastered reissue of the ultimate edition of VERUSCHKA (1971), one of the most beautiful and heartbreaking scores Ennio Morricone composed during the busiest period of his career. The film is a weird production by fashion photographer Franco Rubartelli—a visually lush and moody head vehicle about European supermodel Veruschka.

Composed a year before MADDALENA, Ennio Morricone’s soundtrack has a certain connection to the later film, especially in the sacred aura evoked by using mystical organ and the timbre of the female voice. It is one of Morricone’s most elegant and best-remembered works in the realm of lounge music, where Edda dell’Orso’s vaporous voice is filtered through unusual timbres, swaying over sensual rhythms devoid of thick instrumentation.

The album of VERUSCHKA has been released several times on LP and CD since its first appearance in the mid-nineties on the Point label (only a single with two cues was released concurrently with the film). In 2011, GDM CD Club released an expanded limited edition, supervised by the composer and produced by Dániel Winkler and Claudio Fuiano, containing all the music recorded for the film, which quickly sold out. This is a reissue of the same program, revised and mastered by Chris Malone from first-generation stereo master tapes. The booklet includes liner notes by Miguel Angel Órdóñez discussing the movie, the music and the composer.

  1. Veruschka 6:44
  2. Intervallo I 3:50
  3. La Bambola 2:14
  4. Astratto i 3:39
  5. La Spiaggia 8:16
  6. Dopo L’intervista 2:27
  7. Poesia di una Donna 5:01
  8. Le fotografie 1:01
  9. La Bambola (#2) 3:14
  10. Intervallo II 3:55
  11. Magia 2:44
  12. Astratto III 1:46
  13. Veruschka (#2) 2:54
  14. Astratto II 1:14
  15. Veruschka (#3) 2:54
  16. Astratto IV 1:24
  17. La Bambola (#3) 3:41
  18. Astratto V 3:35
  19. Poesia di una Donna (#2) 2:42
  20. La Spiaggia (#2) 4:41
  21. Astratto VI 1:59
  22. Poesia di una Donna (#3) 2:54
  23. La Bambola (#4) 1.49
  24. Veruschka (#4) 3:32

Total Disc Time: 78:02


Quartet Records, in collaboration with GDM and EMI General Music, presents a remastered reissue of the ultimate edition of the obscure Ennio Morricone score for CUORE DI MAMMA, a dramatic, grotesque story directed by Salvatore Samperi in 1969. It is the story of Lorenza (Carla Gravina), a mother of three children who is unable to communicate. Her attitude is childish, impassive, conformist in form and substance. A mother with a heart of stone, she is harassed by political extremism from different sides.

The fascinating score of CUORE DI MAMMA stands out for its distinctive thematic variety recognizable as Morricone in a feverish state in the most prolific period of his career. The film, with a recurrent gaze toward a children’s universe that has lost its innocence and a focus on conflict and violence, has its musical equivalent in a lullaby whose function is to contradict the image, to openly oppose it.

No album of CUORE DI MAMMA was released at the time, but the mock-up album prepared by Morricone was first released in the mid-nineties on the Point label. Subsequently, in 2004, an expanded edition was released on the Saimel label, including virtually all the music recorded by the composer for the film. That same selection, supervised by Dániel Winkler and Claudio Fuiano, is here revised and mastered by Chris Malone from the first-generation stereo master tapes. The booklet includes liner notes by Miguel Angel Órdóñez discussing the movie, the music and the composer.

  1. Ricreazione divertita (Titoli) 3:01
  2. La Sveglia 3:29
  3. Giorno di Lavoro 2:43
  4. Cominciano I Problemi 2:52
  5. Ninna Nanna per Adulteri 3:04
  6. Cuore di Mamma (Quartetto) 2:12
  7. Ouverture del Mattino 5:22
  8. Cominciano I Problemi (#2) 3:25
  9. Ninna Nanna per Adulteri (#2) 4:06
  10. Suoni per un Clavicembalo 1:24
  11. Ricominciano Gravi, I Problemi 2:55
  12. Cuore di Mamma (Marcia del Generale Graziosi) 1:24
  13. Ninna Nanna per Adulteri (#3) 3:48
  14. Ricominciano Gravi, I Problemi (#2) 4:50
  15. La Sveglia (#2) 2:21
  16. Ninna Nanna per Adulteri (#4) 3:15
  17. Ricreazione Divertita (Finale) 2:01

Total Disc Time: 53:10


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