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Neu von Saimel und lieferbar in ca. 10 Tagen bei Rosebud in Spanien: Carlo Savinas Musik zum erotischen Mantel-  und Degenfilm LE CALDE NOTTI DI DON GIOVANNI (SEIN SCHLACHTFELD WAR DAS BETT) von 1971.


Hier der englische Pressetext:

Saimel Records presents on this CD the complete original score by Carlo Savina for the 1971 erotic costume comedy LE CALDE NOTTI DI DON GIOVANNI (NIGHTS AND LOVES OF DON JUAN) from the original master tapes in stereo preserved in the Sugar Music archives. This Italian screen adaptation of the famous Spanish Don Juan legend was directed by Alfonso Brescia under the pseudonym Al Bradley and starred the handsome German actor Robert Hoffmann as main protagonist Don Giovanni Tenorio who is surrounded by some of the most attractive European actresses of the early 1970s, among them Barbara Bouchet, Edwige Fenech, Ira von Fürstenberg and Lucretia Love.

Contrary to many other Don Juan versions, this one is not only set in Spain in the 17th century, but during its second half also takes our hero to the Orient when he is banished by the King of Spain. From the beginning of the film Don Giovanni is the epitome of an irresistible womanizer. At first he seduces all the princesses in Seville, but even when forced into exile, for him there is no reason to change his impudent manners: Posing as an Arabian prince, he offers to help the Sultan Selim acquire the princess Aisha (Fenech), a woman who loves no man and is guarded inside a massive castle, but then at once falls in love with Don Giovanni.

For LE CALDE NOTTI DI DON GIOVANNI Carlo Savina has written a lively and flavourful score of which only a small excerpt with about four minutes had previously been released by CAM in 1999 on the compilation CD “Carlo Savina – Ritratto di un autore”. Savina has built his score mainly around the wistful and sensuous melody with a Spanish flavour which gets intonated by the beautiful ethereal solo vocalise of Edda Dell´Orso in the Main Title. This great romantic theme will be reprised again and again during the course of the film whenever Don Giovanni beds one of his many loves.
The duels and chases have mostly been composed not in a serious dramatic manner, but in a more lighthearted and spirited way in accordance with the often farcical nature of the movie: Sprightly castanets together with added percussion create a galloping rhythm so that the tone is rather playful than threatening.
The remaining score is filled with nice period dances, some atmospheric mystery and suspense tracks, a few comical interludes with flute and bassoon and a meditative string episode for the sequence in the convent.
The pleasant symphonic score for LE CALDE NOTTI DI DON GIOVANNI is a nice addition to the ever growing Carlo Savina discography and can now finally be fully enjoyed on this new CD.

The CD will soon be available at Rosebud in Spain and also at the other usual soundtrack stores in Europe, USA and Japan.
Here the track listing of the CD:
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Zu dem merkwürdigen, aber toll animierten Zeichentrickfilm I LOST MY BODY, in dem eine abgetrennten durch Paris irrt, um ihren Menschen wiederzufinden hat Dan Levy einen sehr schönen, hypnotischen Score geschrieben. Erinnert manchmal an Interstellar vielleicht, eher so von der Art als jetzt der Komposition. 

Passte toll auf die Bilder und ist sehr schön anzuhören.

Film fand ich super, bisweilen sehr spannend und packend, die Liebesgeschichte war etwas merkwürdig und das Ende ehrlich gesagt hinterlässt einen etwas ratlos... sehenswert allein für die Animation. Könnt mir gut vorstellen der bekommt eine Oscarnominierung...

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Am 9.11.2019 um 18:11 schrieb Angus Gunn:

SUNSET SUNRISE sagt mir garnichts. Ist von dem neuen Quartet-Satz die einzige, die mich interessieren würde.

Die Liner Notes bei SUNSET SUNRISE sind übrigens voller Fehler und teilweise unsäglich. Da wird die ganze Zeit auf falsche Tracknummern verwiesen, so getan als würden die ersten 14 Tracks vollkommen der alten Japan-LP entsprechen, obwohl die 11 Stücke und dazuhin lauter Dialoge und Motorradgeräusche hatte etc. Es ist nicht zu fassen, was da alles frei erfunden wird. Da muß einiges bei der Postproduktion der CD schief gelaufen sein oder es war ein Schnellschuß. Über den Film selbst natürlich auch kaum Infos, es wird dagegen viel über die Situation auf dem japanischen und itlaienischen Soundtrackmarkt in den 70ern rumgeschwafelt.
Die Rota-Musik ist sehr schön, hat mit einem Hippie-Movie eigentlich gar nichts zu tun, sondern ist bis auf ein, zwei Ausnahmen üppig romantisch-melodisch und man hört vom Stil her, daß sie direkt nach dem Paten entstanden sein muß.

SCUSI, LEI CONOSCE IL SESSO ist auch sehr lohnend durch die halbe Stunde mit Lavagnino-Musik. Das ist ein echter Hörgenuß. Klang ist insgesamt auch recht gut, nur bei Track 17 (bei der Orchesterfassung ohne Gesang im Bonus-Track 23 dann noch deutlicher zu hören) sind ein paar Defekte drin. Und auch hier wird im Booklet nichts wirklich aufgedröselt, obwohl die Infos, wer hier nun was komponiert hat, im Recording Sheet von Sugar/CAM ganz klar vorlagen. Gemäß dem Motto "wir wissen zwar, was von wem ist, aber sagen es Euch nicht."
Schon doof: "There was no group effort so to speak as the legal paperwork reveals who did what in the score."

Ich kann aber die Aufschlüsselung gerne geben. Das wären die Lavagnino-Tracks und die sind musikalisch nahezu aus einem Guß, das läßt sich an einem Stück schön durchhören:

02: Giostra dei ricordi (1:32)
03: Foxtrot Sex (3:48)
05: Nostalgia (2:51)
11: Languidamente (6:40)
13: Giovane amore (5:25)
17: Now - Se dovessi andare via (3:44)
19: Finale (6:30)

Bei Track 3 wurde editorisch leider noch ein bißchen unglücklich rumgetrickst: Da sind die ersten 10 und die letzten 30 Sekunden von Umiliani - die passen da auch musikalisch gar nicht rein, aber man hat die kurzen Cues wohl anders nicht unterbekommen und deswegen hier an Anfang und Ende des Lavagnino-Tracks gesetzt. Hätte ich so jedenfalls nicht gemacht, denn es wirkt sehr aufgesetzt und künstlich an den Stellen. Bei den anderen Tracks wurde kein solches Klimbim veranstaltet und man hat sie glücklicherweise so gelassen wie sie aufgenommen worden waren.

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  • 2 Wochen später...

Am 27.1. erscheint die vorerst letzte CD mit einem Score aus dem CAM-Katalog bei Saimel: Carlo Rustichellis Musik zur romantischen Komödie ASSICURASI VERGINE (GARANTIERT JUNGFRAU) von 1967.
Das etwas seltsame CD-Cover war wirklich nicht meine Idee und entstand eher aus der Not heraus, da das italienische Original-Plakatmotiv aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht verwendet werden durfte.



Der englische Pressetext:

Saimel Records proudly presents on this CD the complete original score by Carlo Rustichelli for the 1967 romantic comedy ASSICURASI VERGINE (INSURANCE ON A VIRGIN) which was directed by Giorgio Bianchi and starred Romina Power, Vittorio Caprioli, Dino Mele, Daniela Rocca, Leopoldo Trieste and Oreste Palella. Romina Power, daughter of Hollywood legend Tyrone Power, who together with Al Bano would form one of Italy´s most popular singing duos during the 1970s and 1980s, was only 16 years old in 1967 and stars in this comedy as the shy daughter of a poor Sicilian father who is forced to marry the richest man in town whom she doesn´t love at all. This man with the name Don Pippo Matara is portrayed by Vittorio Caprioli who excels in his role as a presumptuos and pompous lazybones with an excessive Sicilian slang and who actually provides the funniest moments in the picture.

ASSICURASI VERGINE was produced in the wake of the two enormously successful Pietro Germi comedies DIVORZIO ALL´ITALIANA (1961) and SEDOTTA E ABANDONATA (1964) which satirized the anachronistic Sicilian customs and honour laws in a similar manner. Also some of the same actors re-appear in ASSICURASI VERGINE.

Composer Carlo Rustichelli was a quite natural choice for this film as he had already scored the two Pietro Germi movies during the early 1960s and shown his inimitable skill in musically evoking all kinds of Mediterranean moods and particularly those of Sicily with themes and rhythms so characteristic of that secluded country. Reminiscences of these two works crop up in ASSICURASI VERGINE, but all the main themes are completely new and original. And although for the main part this is a rustic comedy, Rustichelli has written an unabashedly romantic, richly melodic and colourful score with all his stylistic trademarks fully on display.
He has focused above all on the love relationship of the young couple Lucia and Gaetano so that the Main Title immediately opens with a vocal version of the exuberant love theme as a Sicilian ballad with the title “Ciuri di rosa” ("Rose Flower"). Various instrumental versions of this beautiful melody crop up during the course of the score and later on even a secondary, much more meditative and tragic love theme comes to the fore which gets reprised and elaborated whenever the couple finds themselves in rather hopeless and despairing situations.

There are also two themes which precisely define the Sicilian setting: One is a sad lament with a few woodwind solos and the other one a plaintive and elegant theme for flute, Jew´s harp and strings.
For the character of Don Pippo Rustichelli has written a delicious tango which perfectly captures his conceit and his scuffling movements so that the scenes involving him become even more funnier with the addition of this music.
A few comic interludes with grotesque use of the electric organ and Jew´s harp together with some string pizzicati timed to the rhythm of the steps of the protagonists are reserved for the scenes in which all the different parties try to spy on Lucia during her stay in the convent. And the nightly city life with which Lucia gets confronted after her escape from the convent gets underscored with a jazzy saxophone motif coupled with a swing rhythm.

This delightful and varied score for ASSICURASI VERGINE offers further proof of the superb melodic talent of Carlo Rustichelli and can now finally be fully appreciated on this CD which has been possible thanks to the original master tapes preserved in mono in the Sugar Music archives.

The CD will be available on January 27th at Rosebud in Spain and can now be pre-ordered there and also soon at SAE.
Here the track listing of the CD:


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Keiner weiß genau, was Sugar wirklich vorhat. Das ist alles im Moment äußerst undurchsichtig und es bleibt einem nichts Anderes übrig als abzuwarten, was überhaupt passiert und ob es gar ähnlich läuft wie bei Sony in den USA. Es kann sein, es normalisiert sich alles wieder in ein paar Monaten, genauso gut ist aber das Gegenteil möglich. Von Saimel wird jedenfalls in den nächsten Monaten sicherlich keine weitere CD mit einem älteren italienischen Score erscheinen.
Es wären zwar bereits Bänder aus dem CAM-Katalog für drei weitere Projekte da, aber die ließen sich jetzt aufgrund von mehreren Problemen so auf die Schnelle nicht mehr realisieren - bei einem Score etwa sind die Bänder nur unvollständig erhalten, so daß man mit einem weiteren koppeln müßte, bei einem anderen ist das Problem, daß der Film selbst kaum aufzutreiben ist etc.

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Ich hoffe, dass sich das wirklich wieder etwas beruhigen wird. Wäre ja ein Riesenverlust für die Labels und die Sammlerwelt. Zumal ja die anderen Verlage kaum so ein Archiv vorzuweisen haben. Was ist eigentlich mit Cinevox los, abgesehen von ein paar weniger interessanten Re-Issues wie zuletzt "La setta", scheint da auch nichts mehr zu gehen, oder?

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Was soll denn von Cinevox überhaupt noch groß kommen? Deren Katalog ist zum Großteil längst ausgewertet worden durch die diversen Labels (Saimel, Quartet, Digitmovies) über die letzten 15-20 Jahre hinweg. Alles, was kommerziell nur ein bißchen einträglich ist, ist da längst abgegrast. Und Cinevox selbst ist natürlich schon vor einigen Jahren total zu Streaming und digitalem Download übergeschwenkt. Die haben so gut wie alle ihre früheren LPs und CDs auf Youtube hochgeladen und verrmutlich auch auf die anderen Streaming-Plattformen. Daß da halt ein- oder zweimal im Jahr verrückterweise immer noch mal ein CD-Reissue mit einem ihrer beliebten und bereits mehrfach aufgelegten Horror-Titel kommt, hat nicht mehr viel zu besagen. Es zeigt eben nur, daß diese Horror-Geschichten von Goblin oder auch Donaggio so ziemlich die einzigen Sachen sind, wo es sich für sie noch halbwegs lohnt, mal ab und an wieder eine neue CD-Auflage zu produzieren, weil eben ein bestimmtes Genre-Fan-Publikum dafür da ist. Ansonsten kann man Cinevox aber eigentlich ziemlich abhaken.

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  • 4 Wochen später...


Dragon’s Domain Records, to be distributed through buysoundtrax.com, presents the original soundtrack release for HOAX, featuring music composed and performed by Alan Howarth (THE LOST EMPIRE, HEADLESS) for the 2019 horror film directed by Matt Allen, written by Scott Park and Allen, starring Adrienne Barbeau, Brian Thompson, Ben Browder, Shoshana Bush, Cheryl Texiera, Hutch Dano and Pat Jankiewicz as The Shape.

Released in 2019, HOAX tells the story of a washed up television producer who leads an investigative team deep into the remote Colorado wilderness after a group of young campers are brutally murdered by what may or may not be Bigfoot only to discover that they are now being hunted one-by-one by something that isn’t quite human but smarter than most savage predators.

Alan Howarth, in addition to being a composer, is an accomplished sound designer and editor, having worked on films such as STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE, POLTERGEIST, TOTAL RECALL, ARMY OF DARKNESS, BRAM STOKER’S DRACULA, STARGATE and many others. He has been a frequent music collaborator with John Carpenter on his films beginning with ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK in 1980 and including HALLOWEEN II & III, CHRISTINE, BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA, THEY LIVE and PRINCE OF DARKNESS and Alan has scored many films on his own, including RETRIBUTION, HALLOWEEN 4 & 5, THE DENTIST, HEADLESS, BOO!, EVILUTION, BASEMENT JACK and most recently, HOUSE AT THE END OF THE DRIVE, BRUTAL and PROMISE.

Dragon’s Domain Records presents HOAX, featuring music composed and performed by Alan Howarth. HOAX is a limited edition release of 500 units and is expected to begin shipping the week of Feburary 1. The suggested retail price is $17.95. The first 50 copies sold through the website will include an autograph by the composer.

1. Bigfoot’s Out There (3:42)
2. Hoax Flyover (2:14)
3. Find Your Daughter (2:04)
4. Campsite Flight (1:05)
5. Into The Woods (1:30)
6. 1st Sunset (2:47)
7. Where’s Peter (2:09)
8. The Mine (4:24)
9. On The Flur (2:32)
10. Bridgett Attack (2:00)
11. I Saw It (5:28)
12. Earn Your Paychecks (1:49)
13. Flur Spotting (2:13)
14. Size 17 Footprint (2:18)
15. Belly Bloodprint (3:14)
16. Red Eyes (3:01)
17. Jonsey’s Dead (3:41)
18. Base Camp Attack (6:38)
19. The Cabin (6:50)
20. Favorite Dance (2:25)
21. Run Away Now (1:55)
22. Neverending (3:06)
Total Time 68:05



Dragon’s Domain Records, to be distributed through buysoundtrax.com, presents the original motion picture soundtrack to DINOSAUR ISLAND. This album features the music composed by Chuck Cirino for the fantasy-comedy about a group of soldiers stranded on a remote island occupied by scantily-clad amazons and hungry dinosaurs.

The 1994 film was directed by Jim Wynorski and Fred Olen Ray, financed by Roger Corman, and distributed straight to video by New World Home Video. “The film got made because Roger had some dinosaurs left over from CARNOSAUR,” said Fred Olen Ray. “I think the lure to re-use these things he’d already paid for was too much to resist.”

Composer Chuck Cirino rejoined the directors after scoring numerous films for them individually. Restrained to create a score on then state-of-the-art synthesizers by the film’s low budget, Cirino merged the musical influences of Bernard Herrmann, Elmer Bernstein, Ennio Morricone, and ‘60s exotica with his own stylistic savvy to create a compelling and exciting score that, for the most part, played straight man to the film’s stimulating slapstick. “This score is a little more special to me than the other scores of that era because Jim and Fred were doing it together. I knew this was going to be an interesting movie because they were making a giant dinosaur movie with limited funding. This was their answer to JURASSIC PARK, so I wanted the score to be huge!” 

Dragon’s Domain Records is excited to bring the soundtrack from DINOSAUR ISLAND to compact disc for the first time, mastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland with exclusive liner notes by author Randall Larson, with the participation of the composer and the directors. DINOSAUR ISLAND is a limited edition release of 500 units. As a special offer, the first 50 people to order the album from the record label’s website will have their copy autographed by the composer at no additional charge. Dinosaur Island will ship on the week of February 1st, 2020.

1. Dinosaur Drums/Huge Feet & Skymarch (3:30)
2. Dinosaur Island Main Title (1:34)
3. The Island (1:40)
4. Heading Inland / I Saw a Girl (3:46)
5. Watergirls & The Monster (0:55)
6. Prisoners / Thunderbeast & The Village (3:08)
7. Escape / Hot Date (4:15)
8. Steamy Flower Love (2:23)
9. Firepower & Sweetness (2:09)
10. Far From the Light / Scared but Horny (1:23)
11. The Great One Falls (1:18)
12. Marriage and Finale (1:48)
13. Dinosaur Island End Title (5:08)



Dragon’s Domain Records, to be distributed through buysoundtrax.com, presents the soundtrack release of Anthony I. Ginnane Presents CLASSIC AUSTRALIAN FILM SCORES FROM THE 70’S AND 80’S, featuring music from 14 films produced by Antony I. Ginnane between 1976 and 1988. In those 13 years, Ginnane made some of the most famous Australian films of that era.

Anthony I. Ginnane Presents CLASSIC AUSTRALIAN FILM SCORES FROM THE 70’S AND 80’S includes music from THE LIGHTHORSEMEN (1987), HIGH TIDE (1987), THE EVERLASTING SECRET FAMILY (1988), RACE FOR THE YANKEE ZEPHYR (1981), HARLEQUIN (1980), PATRICK (1978), THIRST (1979), THE SURVIVOR (1981), SNAPSHOT (1979), INCIDENT AT RAVEN’S GATE (1988), THE DREAMING (1988) and THE TIME GUARDIAN (1987). These films featured the acting talents of Judy Davis, Sigrid Thornton, Carrie Fisher, Tom Burlinson, John Meillon, Arthur Dignam and David Hemmings, in films directed by Gillian Armstrong, Simon Wincer, Rolf de Heer, Richard Franklin, Michael Anderson and Michael Thornhill.

Previously released on compact disc by 1M1 Records in 2008 and very scarcely distributed, Dragon’s Domain Records is excited to bring CLASSIC AUSTRALIAN FILM SCORES FROM THE 70’S AND 80’S screaming back from the past, newly remastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland. CLASSIC AUSTRALIAN FILM SCORES FROM THE 70’S AND 80’S includes music from five films that have never been available on CD or LP prior to this album and is an excellent sampler of great Australian film music from this period. The booklet includes exclusive liner notes written by author Randall Larson, with the participation of producer Antony I. Ginnane.

Anthony I. Ginnane Presents CLASSIC AUSTRALIAN FILM SCORES FROM THE 70’S AND 80’S is a limited edition release of 500 units. Anthony I. Ginnane Presents CLASSIC AUSTRALIAN FILM SCORES FROM THE 70’S AND 80’S is expected to begin shipping the week of February 1st, 2020. The first 50 copies will be autographed by Antony I. Ginnane.

1. The Lighthorsemen (8:53)
Music by Mario Millo
2. High Tide (5:37)
Music by Peter Best
3. The Everlasting Secret Family (6:34)
Music by Tony Bremner
4. Race For The Yankee Zephyr (5:20)
Music by Brian May
5. Harlequin (5:25)
Music by Brian May
6. Patrick (4:01)
Music by Brian May
7. Thirst (8:27)
Music by Brian May
8. The Survivor (6:46)
Music by Brian May
9. Snapshot (4:32)
Music by Brian May
10. Incident at Raven’s Gate (3:04)
Music by Graham Tardif
11. The Dreaming (3:40)
Music by Frank Strangio
12. Second Time Lucky (6:13)
Music by Garry McDonald & Laurie Stone
13. Grievous Bodily Harm (2:09)
Music by Chris Neal
14. The Time Guardian (7:09)
Music by Allan Zavod
Total Time: 78:25


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Chris' Soundtrack Corner präsentiert die CD-Premiere von Alessandro Blonksteiners Apocalypse Domani:


Chris' Soundtrack Corner proudly presents the CD soundtrack to Antonio Margheriti's horror film Apocalypse Domani, better known in English terrotories as Zombie Apocalypse and sometimes by its alternate US title, Invasion of the Flesh Hunters). The movie was released in 1980, one of no less than ten flesh-eating horror classics emerging in that year alone. Cannibal Apocalypse is rather unique in comparison, occupying several genres at once – merging the cannibal film with the flesh-eating zombie movie and then adding elements of Euro war cinema, the Vietnam vet drama, the urban thriller, and the family-oriented horror picture – a veritable confluence of Italian exploitation genres in a single film!

The picture opens in the jungles of Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. US Army Captain Norman Hopper (John Saxon) has led a group of soldiers to rescue a pair of his men, Charlie Bukowski (Giovanni Lombardo Radice, credited as John Morghen), and Tommy Thompson (Tony King), who have been captured by the Viet Cong. In the process Norman discovers his apprehended men have been infected by a virus that makes them crave human flesh. Norman is bitten by a hunger-crazed Tommy, but he manages to control his new-found craving and that of the captives enough to rescue them and survive the rest of his tour relatively unscathed, except for a touch of post-traumatic stress. With this sequence establishing a backstory, the rest of the film takes place far from the jungle, in urban Atlanta, Georgia, where Hopper has resumed normal family life, only to find a seriously traumatized Bukowski show up to renew acquaintances – which motivates their latent cannibalistic hunger into a compulsion neither veteran can't stop.

Cannibal Apocalypse benefits from the funky rhythms, harshly declarative keyboard statements, intricate patterns of progressive rock, and romantic jazz composed and conducted by Alessandro (aka Alexander) Blonksteiner (1930-1985). This was only one of three scores that he composed. He provides the movie with several distinctive themes that are developed across the film's soundtrack and support Margheriti's extended urban action sequences. This is no more a subtle score than the movie is a subtle film, and Blonksteiner's electric rock-and-funk vibe fits the storyline and period like a closed mouth. Elegance is left for softer moments of the film's love theme, while the rending of flesh via blood-stained teeth is well suited to chaotic rock variations and sonic synthesis.

The Cannibal Apocalypse score was originally released in 1980 on Beat Records vinyl with 14 tracks. Chris' Soundtrack Corner is proud to offer the premiere release of this soundtrack on CD, with an extended program of 26 tracks, twelve of which have not appeared previously. The album is produced by Christian Riedrich and mastered by Enrico De Gemini. The CD is accompanied by a 16-page illustrated booklet designed by Aletta Heinsohn featuring detailed, exclusive notes on the film and its score by film music journalist Randall D. Larson, who deconstructs the score's elements in detail.



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Einmal Bruno Coulais aus den 1990ern und eine aktuelle Arbeit gibt es ab Freitag von Music Box Records:




World Premiere Release.
37 minutes of music never-before-released.
8-page CD booklet with French and English liner notes by Sylvain Pfeffer.

In collaboration with Universal Publishing Production Music, Music Box Records presents the world premiere release of composer Bruno Coulais’s original score to the 1995 drama Adultère (mode d'emploi) (Adultery: A User's Guide), directed by Christine Pascal (Zanzibar and Le Petit Prince a dit).

Adultère (mode d'emploi) was the third collaboration between director-actress Christine Pascal and composer Bruno Coulais. The film is about the sentimental mishaps of a couple of promising young architects: Bruno (Vincent Cassel) and Fabienne (Karine Viard). As usual, Bruno Coulais gives a particular musical identity to the film. Dominated by the voice of the mezzo soprano Marie Kobayashi, the main theme, built on an ostinato, intrudes on Bruno and Fabienne’s life, hopping from one note to the next according to the rhythm of their sentimental or sexual adventures.

The score of Adultère (mode d’emploi) is typical of Bruno Coulais’s style, which gives a central place to singing voices. It brings to light all the art of this composer, who knows how to adapt to the topic of a film, yet always retains his freedom and the singularity of a very personal musical universe. The 8-page booklet features an essay by Sylvain Pfeffer discussing the film and the score. This is a limited edition of 300 units.





World Premiere CD Release.
Including two CD exclusive bonus tracks.
Limited Edition of 300 units.

In collaboration with Hippocampus and High Sea Production, Music Box Records presents the premiere CD release of the score for Mounia Meddour's Papicha (2019) composed by Rob (Maniac, Planetarium, The Bureau).

Algeria, 1990s. Nedjma, an 18 year-old student passionate about fashion design refuses to let the tragic events of the Algerian Civil War to keep her from experiencing a normal life. As the social climate becomes more conservative, she rejects the new bans set by the radicals and decides to fight for her freedom and independence by putting on a fashion show.

Rob composed a very delicate and haunting score which emphasizes the energy, the freshness and the charisma of the lead characters.

The album contains two exclusive bonus tracks that are not available on digital release. This is a limited edition of 300 units



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Von GAD Records kommen am 14. Februar zwei neue CDs mit polnischer Film- und TV-Musik:




An iconic movie – a piece of multicolored, psychedelic cinema of the late 1960s and the early 1970s. On how to listen to birds and more… An astonishing music… Rock, jazz and much more…

“Dzięcioł” (The Woodpecker) is the first feature film by Jerzy Gruza, made in 1970. Loved by viewers, scolded by reviewers, this comedy tells the story of love struggles of Stefan Waldek (played by Wiesław Gołas) who becomes a grass widower for a couple of days and whose life does not go actually as planned. This was also the debut of Henryk Kuźniak and Juliusz Loranc: their first soundtrack for the feature movie. The debut was an absolute success and a proof of the composers’ extraordinary openness and creativity. The soundtrack is short – only thirty minutes – but it unfolds into an abundance of sounds – from prepared piano and electronic experiments, through intimate noir jazz to bouncing, psychedelic and rocky grooves and bossa nova! A true folly with opera and… mackerel in the background.

The complete set of pieces written by Henryk Kuźniak and Juliusz Loranc for “Dzięcioł” (including take unused in the final cut) has been remastered from original tapes. The booklet includes an extensive essay on the marvels of Henryk Kuźniak’s music by Łukasz Maciejewski and some original stills.





A diverse and compelling soundtrack from the popular TV series by Sylwester Szyszko, from 1979. Piotr Hertel, the composer known for his work for the “Akcja pod Arsenałem” feature movie and “Miś Uszatek” animated TV series, surprises here with keyboards, percussion instruments themes and appealing orchestral arrangements. For the first time on the CD!

The series which told the story of Bolek Małolepszy, as a slice of his life struggles at the Polish countryside of the late 1970s, was warmly received by viewers. An attractive drama storyline was accompanied with a stunningly colorful soundtrack. Bucolic, countryside atmosphere emanates from lyrical string sections and flowing flute or oboe themes. Along with a careful yet modest selection of orchestra instruments, Hertel introduced partitions for the Rhodes, the bass guitar and keyboards. He invited for cooperation Karol Nicze and his band – set up a short while earlier to earn money during cruise trips.

The album features a collection of music themes by Piotr Hertel used in all seven series episodes. Recordings have been remastered from original tapes stored at the Polish TV Archives. The booklet includes a brief bio of the composer, notes on the recordings and some stills from the series. This is another addition to the very successful CD series which has already featured soundtracks from such productions as “07 zgłoś się” by Włodzimierz Korcz or “Akademia Pana Kleksa” by Andrzej Korzyński.



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Waxwork veröffentlichen von Robs Score zu dem neuen Horrorstreifen "Gretel and Hansel" ausnahmsweise auch mal eine CD:



Waxwork Records is proud to present GRETEL & HANSEL Original Motion Picture Soundtrack by ROB.  Directed by Osgood Perkins (The Blackcoat’s Daughter, I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives in the House) and starring Sophia Lillis (It Chapters 1 and 2), Gretel & Hansel is a 2020 American Dark Fantasy Horror Film based on the German folklore tale Hansel and Gretel by The Brothers Grimm. The story is set a long time ago in a distant fairy tale countryside and focuses on a young girl who leads her little brother into a dark wood in desperate search of food and work, only to stumble upon a nexus of terrifying evil. Gretel & Hansel offers a terrifying untold story to the classic fairytale.

The soundtrack by Paris-based composer ROB (Revenge, Horns) is a haunting and hypnotic electronic soundscape that features Moog synthesizers and a mellotron. There was no orchestra involved in the creating process, as ROB played all instruments himself, except from additional cellos by his recording partner Moritz Reich.

From the composer:

“The idea was to avoid the traditional musical schemes used in tales such as the use of symphonic orchestras, and therefore find a more original and specific color, using both warm and synthetic sounds with the predominance of the mellotron and the Moog synths.

I find it essential to create melodies that we can sing or whistle (themes, ritournelle...), as, in horror cinema, it is usually the opposite, where the music rather has a tendency toward structure and abstraction. For this project, which is a film about kids, it seemed important to have that.”

Waxwork Records is excited to present Gretel & Hansel as a deluxe CD release featuring the complete film music by ROB with new artwork by Sara Deck. The packaging, artwork, and design is a nod to classic fairytale books such as Little Golden Books.


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