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Kritzerland präsentiert Bernard Herrmanns BENEATH THE 12-MILE REEF


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Kritzerland is proud to present a new limited edition soundtrack release – a classic score from the Golden Age:




Music Composed and Conducted by Bernard Herrmann

“You see it without glasses!” screamed the one-sheet poster for Beneath the 12-Mile Reef, right under the huge and new Cinemascope logo. Beneath the 12-Mile Reef was the third Cinemascope feature, following The Robe and How to Marry a Millionaire. Fox assembled a cast of young up-and-comers like Robert Wagner, Terry Moore, Richard Boone and Peter Graves, along with seasoned pros like Gilbert Roland and J. Carroll Naish. But the big draw where was Cinemascope, stereo sound, and spectacular photography, both under and above the ocean (Edward Cronjager would win the Oscar for his photography), not to mention a brilliant score by Bernard Herrmann, sounding not quite like anything anyone had ever heard.

Herrmann’s score, in thrilling stereophonic sound, immediately drew audiences into its unusual musical soundscape, weaving an evocative spell with its incredible orchestral colors. The film may be standard issue drama, but it was those underwater sequences that held audiences in thrall. That and the completely unique Herrmann score.

To evoke the underwater world of Beneath the 12-Mile Reef, Herrmann employed nine harps, each with its own separate part. The score perfectly captures the mysterious underwater world – sinuous, hypnotic, flowing – a spellbinding tone poem that even today mesmerizes with its intense beauty. Since this was his first score to be recorded in multi-track stereo, Herrmann went so far as to include diagrams for instrument and microphone placement on his manuscript for the score.  Needless to say, the resulting score remains one of Herrmann’s greatest.

Beneath the 12-Mile Reef was available as an early Film Score Monthly CD. Several years ago it reappeared in the expensive Varese Sarabande Bernard Herrmann at Fox box, where the score had undergone an extensive restoration and remix by Mike Matessino. That box sold out very quickly and many fans missed out, so it’s a pleasure to rerelease this amazing score by one of the greatest of all film composers in superb stereo sound.

Beneath the 12-Mile Reef is limited to 1000 copies only and is priced at $19.98, plus shipping.  CDs will ship by the first week of May.  However, never fear – on average we usually ship two to four weeks ahead of the official ship date.

Quelle:  http://www.kritzerland.com/beneath_reef.htm dort kann auch mal :music:


Aber was für ein Cover:







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Sehr schön.


Wenn es inhaltlich identisch zur FSM-Edition sein sollte (nur halt mit besserem Klang), dann kann man die Kritzerland CD ja in das FSM-Jewel Case legen und umgekehrt - auf diese Weise hätte man dann die ultimative VÖ   ;) 


Da ich bei dem riesigen Set von Varese gepasst habe, werde ich hier wohl ziemlich sicher zuschlagen.

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Gast Stefan Jania

Bruce Kimmel hat auch schon angedeutet, dass noch weitere Scores der Herrmann-Varèse-Box folgen werden. Zumindest The Snows of Kilimanjaro und White Witch Doctor. Siehe Gerüchte-Thread.

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Gast Stefan Jania

(Wenn sie jemand hat, bitte nochmal eine kleine Anmerkung zum Klang, vergleichend mit VCL - danke. :) )


Bruce Kimmel hat bei FSM geschrieben, dass es das gleiche Mastering wie bei Varèse sein wird. Somit klanglich kein Unterschied und mein Vergleich gilt auch für die Kritzerland.


And difference in the mastering to the Varese?

It's the same

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  • 2 Monate später...
Gast Stefan Jania



Aber für Herrmann-Freunde gibt es demnächst (nur wann?) noch mehr. Von Bruce Kimmel aus dem FSM-Thread über Fahrenheit 451:


No, the Twisted Nerve tapes are here in LA and they're coming from another label - I can tell you the tapes sound great. And from what I was told, Marnie will be coming, too. Of course, I first heard Marnie would be coming over a year ago - when it's finally released, maybe we can all gang up on the label and ask them why on earth it would be necessary to sit on it for a year since it sounds great and was ready to go even longer ago than that. Frankly, I find it infuriating. Same with Twisted Nerve, actually.

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Gast Stefan Jania

Hat die inzwischen jemand und kann ein kurzes Urteil drüber fällen?

Wie ist der Klang?


Martin, der Klang der Kritzerland wird identisch zur VCL sein, da Bruce Kimmel das selbe Master verwendet hat. Siehe oben. Ich habe meinen FLAC-Vergleich der alten FSM zur VCL noch einmal freigeschaltet. Zum Selberhören. Bitte hochscrollen. Der Klang ist typisch antiquiert, eben heute 60 Jahre alt. Auf der VCL aber alles etwas höhenbetonter als bei FSM. Erwarte keine digitale 24bit/96kHz Klangqualität. Ich finde beide Fassungen (FSM und VCL) durchweg okay.

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