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MovieScoreMedia: Scott Glasgow - THE CURSE OF SLEEPING BEAUTY


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Ich finde nirgends was über Scott Glasgows "The Curse of Sleeping Beauty", der grade bei moviescore media auf CD rausgekommen ist (als Download gab's den schon 2 Wochen früher)..?

Ist nämlich ein toller Score!! Mit Anleihen bei Chris Young & Elliot Goldenthal, schön-schaurige Musik mit Chor, Solo-Stimmen, Elektronik, Orchester, alles dabei was das Fan-Herz höher schlagen läßt!



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Ich hab mal deinen Beitrag genommen und damit den Thread eröffnet, weil finde.. der Scott hat sich schon einen eigenen Thread verdient.


Hier übrigens die Beschreibung vom Label und die Trackliste:


Coinciding with the film’s limited release on May 13, Scott Glasgow’s religiously inspired music for The Curse of Sleeping Beauty is released by MovieScore Media. Directed by Pearry Teo, the film is a dark re-imagining of the classic Brothers Grimm story. Thomas Kaiser (Ethan Peck) inherits a mansion that has been in his family for generations, only to learn that he has also inherited an ancient curse dating from the age of the crusades. Forced into his new role as “protector”, the guardian appointed to keep the evil demons in the house at bay, Thomas must unravel the mystery of the house, while struggling to awake the beautiful Sleeping Beauty (India Eisley).

“The gothic fantasy/horror film has music that is exotic/otherworldly combined with gothic horror orchestral gestures” explains the composer. ”There is a blend of religiousness using choir singing Latin adaptations of liturgical text transformed to fit the film subject which is combined with exotic instruments such as the Tibetan “kangling” (bone trumpet) and Aztec “death flute”. There is also the traditional orchestra and sorrowful cello solos that balance the two worlds of the film.”

In an unusual collaboration with MovieScore Media’s producer Mikael Carlsson, Scott Glasgow was able to utilize the voices of Swedish choir Johannebergs Vokalensemble for the recording of the score. Also, for the film’s surreal film sequences, Carlsson himself provided the countertenor solos. The CD release of the score contains extensive liner notes by the composer, including the text for the Latin chants.

Composer Scott Glasgow graduated from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music in composition and earned his ­Bachelors of Music degree from Cal State Northridge in composition as well. Following his breakout work on the revitalized anime classic Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles (2006), Glasgow’s scores released by MovieScore Media include the urban thriller Chasing Ghosts (2005), the brilliant homage-laden score for the horror comedy Hack! (2007), the neo noirish thriller Toxic (2009) and Lo (2009), a macabre ensemble piece about love which was nominated ‘Best Score for a Comedy’ by the International Film Music Critics Association. His most recent release with the label was the thriller Poker Night (2015).

MMS16008 • THE CURSE OF SLEEPING BEAUTY (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Music Composed by SCOTT GLASGOW
Release date (digital): May 13, 2016
Release date (CD): May 27, 2016



1. Somnium I (2:59)
2. The Curse of Sleeping Beauty (2:30)
3. The Chamber (4:35)
4. Thomas’ World (1:57)
5. Linda (2:26)
6. Somnium II (3:36)
7. Mysterious Inheritance (3:46)
8. Exploring the Basement (2:31)
9. Moon Cypher (1:39)
10. Kaiser Garden Research (2:42)
11. Somnium III (2:15)
12. Mannequins (3:41)
13. The Jinn (1:49)
14. Billing’s End (2:55)
15. Connections (4:26)
16. Somnium IV (3:16)
17. Gateway to Darkness (2:06)
18. Descent into Hell (3:50)
19. Confront the Demon (1:53)
20. The Awakening (2:17)
21. Dies Irae (1:40)
22. Thomas’ Theme (1:52)

Quelle: http://moviescoremedia.com/the-curse-of-sleeping-beauty-scott-glasgow/


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Hier kann man sich 8 Stücke komplett anhören:




... na ja, mein Geschmack trifft das gehörte nicht wirklich. Mit Chris Young oder gar Elliot Goldenthal's genialen Werken würde ich das gehörte nicht vergleichen. 

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Bin da ähnlicher Meinung wie Csongor und Ronin - ein paar nette Chorpassagen, die man allerdings in Scores wie SALEM´S LOT oder jüngst THE WITCH weitaus besser bekommt, sowie viel fahrig zusammengestoppeltes Suspense-Scoring. Wo da Goldenthal drin sein soll, sehe ich nicht.

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