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Howe Records: Howard Shore - DENIAL


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Mick Jackson macht wieder einen Film und Howard Shore wird die Musik dafür schreiben.


Howard Shore has signed on to score the upcoming drama Denial. The film is directed by Mick Jackson (The BodyguardL.A. Story) and stars Rachel Weisz, Tom Wilkinson, Timothy Spall, Andrew Scott, Jack Lowden, Caren Pistorius and Alex Jennings. The movie is based on Deborah E. Lipstadt’s book History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier and tells the story of her legal battle for historical truth against David Irving, who accused her of libel when she declared him a Holocaust denier. David Hare (The HoursThe Reader) has written the screenplay. Gary Foster (DaredevilGhost RiderSleepless in Seattle) is producing the project with Russ Krasnoff (The SoloistEmperor). Shore has previously scored the Foster-produced features The Score and GloriaDenial is set to be released on September 30, 2016 by Bleecker Street.

Quelle: http://filmmusicreporter.com/2016/06/15/howard-shore-to-score-mick-jacksons-denial/



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Ein Fighting-for-Justice-Justizdrama - ähnlich wie SPOTLIGHT, wo ich Shores Musik leider nicht besonders spannend fand. Mal sehen, ob der Musik hier mehr Raum zur Entfaltung gewährt wird.

Da fällt mir ein: PHILADELPHIA habe ich schon lange nicht mehr gehört. Vielleicht Shores beste Arbeit in diesem Genre.

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  • 2 Monate später...

Kommt bei Shores eigenem Label heraus.


The full details of the soundtrack release for the upcoming drama Denial have been released. The album features the film’s original music written by Academy Award-winning composer Howard Shore (The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The AviatorThe Silence of the Lambs, HugoThe Hobbit). The soundtrack will be released digitally and physically on September 30, 2016 by Howe Records and is now available for pre-order on AmazonDenial is directed by Mick Jackson (The Bodyguard) and stars Rachel Weisz, Tom Wilkinson and Timothy Spall. The movie is based on the book History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier and recounts Deborah E. Lipstadt’s legal battle for historical truth against David Irving who accused her of libel when she declared him a Holocaust denier. The drama just premiered at the Toronto Film Festival and will be released in select theaters on September 30 by Bleecker Street. Visit the official movie website for more information.




Here’s the album track list:


1. Atlanta 1994
2. Denial
3. The Letter
4. London 1998
5. A Conspiracy of Good
6. The Steps
7. A Prayer
8. Krakow Square
9. All Rise
10. Professor van Pelt
11. A 1995 Pommard
12. The Dishonest Waiter
13. Judge Gray
14. Looking at Prejudice
15. A Return to London
16. The Judgement
17. In My Own Words
18. Epilogue

Quelle: http://filmmusicreporter.com/2016/09/12/denial-soundtrack-details/


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