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Meliam Music: Roque Banos - THE MAN WHO KILLED DON QUIXOTE


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Roque Banos has been hired to score the upcoming film adaptation of The Man Who Killed Don Quixote. The film is directed by Terry Gilliam (BrazilThe Fisher KingThe Brothers Grimm) and stars Adam Driver, Michael Palin, Stellan Skarsgard and Olga Kurylenko. The movie follows a jaded young advertising executive who returns to the Spanish village where he made a film based on Cervantes’ masterpiece years earlier and meets a villager who believes himself to be Don Quixote as he gets swept up in a fantastic extravaganza complete with damsels in distress, knights and giants. Gilliam also co-wrote the screenplay with Tony Grisoni (Fear and Loathing in Las VegasTideland) based on the novel by Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra. Gerardo Herrero (Son of the Bride) is producing the project with Mariela Besuievsky (The Secret In Their Eyes), Gabriele Oricchio and Amy Gilliam. Banos has previously scored the Herrero-produced feature The Last Circus. Alberto Iglesias was originally attached when the movie was set to go into production last year. The Man Who Killed Don Quixote is expected to premiere in 2018.
Quelle: http://filmmusicreporter.com/2017/05/19/roque-banos-to-score-terry-gilliams-the-man-who-killed-don-quixote/


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Gerade hat ja ein Gericht entschieden, dass der Film ohne Zustimmung des eigentlichen Rechteinhabers produziert wurde.


Das Pariser Berufungsgericht sprach sie seinem Dauerrivalen, Produzent Paulo Branco, und dessen Firma Alfama Films zu, die Anspruch darauf angemeldet und Gilliam deshalb verklagt hatten. Branco will nun Schadensersatz von all jenen verlangen, die an dieser "illegalen Produktion" und ihrer "illegalen Nutzung" beteiligt waren, da der Film in seiner Gänze Alfama gehöre. Alle sollen dafür zur Verantwortung gezogen werden. Und mit "alle" meint Branco nicht nur Gilliam, sondern wirklich alle, die The Man Who Killed Don Quixote in irgendeiner Weise unterstützt haben. Quelle: https://www.moviejones.de/news/news-auweia-terry-gilliam-verliert-the-man-who-killed-don-quixote_32200.html

Terry Gilliam hat übrigens auf Facebook schon geschrieben, dass man keine Angst haben sollte: Der Film wird veröffentlicht werden.



Terry Gilliam
Terry Gilliam It's not for nothing. The film exists and will be seen. Fear not.


Jedoch ob das wirklich passieren wird, steht nun in den Sternen und es auch befürchtet werden, dass es den Score bald nicht mehr zum Kaufen geben wird. Denn im Grunde ist alles, was für den Film erstellt wurde, ohne Erlaubnis passiert. Schwierige Sache..



Meliam Music has released a soundtrack album for Terry Gilliam’s The Man Who Killed Don Quixote. The album features the film’s original music composed by Roque Banos (Don’t BreatheEvil DeadIn the Heart of the SeaThe MachinistRisen). The soundtrack is now available to download on iTunes, where you can also check out audio samples. The Man Who Killed Don Quixote is co-written and directed by Gilliam and stars Adam Driver, Stellan Skarsgard, Jonathan Pryce and Olga Kurylenko. The movie follows a jaded young advertising executive who becomes pulled into a world of time jumping fantasy when a Spanish cobbler believes him to be Sancho Panza. The drama premiered last month at the Cannes Film Festival and has already been released in France and Spain. No word yet on a domestic release date.

Here’s the album track list:

1. I Am Don Quixote (2:59)
2. The Shoe Maker (2:47)
3. The Boss’s Wife (2:04)
4. Return to Los Sueños (3:22)
5. Quixote Vive! (4:35)
6. Release the Prisoners (3:28)
7. A Marvelous Day for Adventures (3:08)
8. Spanish Gold (2:35)
9. The Lost Kingdom of the Moors (3:36)
10. The Knight of the Mirrors (4:10)
11. Who Wrote This Ending! (4:33)
12. Angelica’s Love (3:49)
13. Waltz at the Castle (2:55)
14. The Ride to the Moon (3:34)
15. A Slap Dance and Kiss (3:08)
16. Escaping from the Castle (3:56)
17. The Ritual (2:12)
18. He Will Never Die – nor Will Giants (5:23)
19. A New Beginning (2:09)



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  • horner1980 änderte den Titel in Meliam Music: Roque Banos - THE MAN WHO KILLED DON QUIXOTE

Das nächste Update.. anscheinend hat der Ex-Produzent etwas übertrieben mit seinem Sieg und am Ende wird er wohl nur eine großzügige Abfindung bekommen, und der Film wird doch noch veröffentlicht werden. Wenigstens habe ich das so verstanden. 



It’s been a few days since we’ve had an update about Terry Gilliam’s “The Man Who Killed Don Quixote.” You know what that means! It’s time for yet another entry into the rights saga that surrounds the film, and surprise, surprise – it appears that Gilliam’s producer thinks Branco is exaggerating his court victory.

And since none of the people involved feel like they should talk about this situation to the English-speaking press, it’s time to bust out the good ol’ translations and try to figure out where the rights to Gilliam’s passion project really do lie.

Mariela Busuievsky and partner Gerardo Herrero are two producers that were crucial to actually bringing the almost three-decades-long troubled production to fruition. And since ex-producer Paulo Branco, who has been fighting Gilliam’s team for months now, claims to have won the rights back in court, Busuievsky has gone to the Spanish press to clarify just what is going on. Once and for all.

According to Busuievsky, who spoke with El Español, Gilliam didn’t do everything he was supposed to do in regards to Paulo Branco’s contract, however the rights to the film are in the hands of the production company, as they should be.

Without butchering the translation, allow us to paraphrase. The misunderstanding stems from the fact that Paulo Branco tends to overstate his victories. Since no single frame of film was shot under the contract between Branco and Gilliam, the ex-producer doesn’t have any claim to the finished film. However, since Gilliam did a poor job of terminating his contract with Branco, there will be a financial settlement that will have to be made between the two parties and the ex-producer has been using this to claim a right to the finished film.

As Busuievsky says, the latest ruling does say that Gilliam owes 10,000 euros and there will probably be more money required to put this whole mess to bed. However, these financial issues don’t affect the film’s release. According to the producer, they chose to remain quiet about the actual nitty gritty because it didn’t feel necessary, but when Branco went public with his victory and claimed rights to the film, they felt they had to step forward and air all the “dirty laundry.”

Now, the only question that remains (other than how much Gilliam will owe Branco) is when “The Man Who Killed Don Quixote” will be released. The producer says they are making plans for European territories now, and the US distribution will be coming shortly. She says that “there are many options” in regards to US distributors.

She ends by saying that the effect this whole mess has had on the film has been unfortunate because everyone is only talking about the legal mess and not the actual film. Hopefully, with the rights issues not up for debate, and the film scheduled for release, we can move on to the content of Gilliam’s passion project.
Quelle: https://theplaylist.net/don-quixote-rights-answer-20180622/



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Es ist ein wirklich sehr schöner Score geworden mit einem erhabenen Hauptthema für Don Quixote, das auch in den leiseren Passagen zu überzeugen weiß. Dazu kommen mystische Chorgesänge und spanisches Flair. Läuft seit ein paar Tagen bei mir in Dauerschleife.

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