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Der letzte Film von Orson Welles wurde nun fertig gestellt und wird eine Musik von Michel Legrand bekommen.



Variety is reporting that Michel Legrand is currently scoring Orson Welles’ final film The Other Side of the Wind. The satire starring John Huston, Bob Random, Peter Bogdanovich, Susan Strasberg & Oja Kodar was shot between 1970 and 1976 and never finished and released until restoration work began a few years ago. The movie follows the final days of a legendary director striving for a comeback. Frank Marshall (Raiders of Lost Ark, Jurassic World, The Sixth Sense) and Filip Jan Rymsza are producing the project. Legrand (The Thomas Crown Affair, Yentl, Summer of ’42) has previously scored Welles’ last completed feature, F for FakeThe Other Side of the Wind is expected to premiere later this year on Netflix.
Quelle: http://filmmusicreporter.com/2018/03/19/michel-legrand-scoring-orson-welles-the-other-side-of-the-wind/


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Das war schon länger klar, dass der erstmal Netflix exklusiv kommt. Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, war Netflix auch an den Kosten der Restaurierung beteiligt. Ich denke, der wird sich er noch eine begrenzte Kinoauswertung bekommen.

Jedenfalls nett, das mit Legrand der letzte noch lebende Welles-Komponist den Film vertont.

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Jap, Netflix hat sich daran beteiligt, damit es fertig gestellt wird.



On April 5, 2016, Wellesnet announced that Netflix has been negotiating for months on a two-picture deal worth $5 million for the completion of The Other Side of the Wind and a companion documentary. The potential deal requests the approval of Oja Kodar to finalize the agreement.[55] In mid-March 2017, it was confirmed Netflix would distribute the film.[56][57]

In March 2017, the original negative, dailies and other footage arrived in Los Angeles, allowing the resumption of post-production.[58]

In November 2017, it was reported that various members had been hired to the post-production team including Bob Murawski as editor, Scott Millan as sound mixer, and Mo Henry as negative cutter.[2]

In January 2018, a rough cut of the film was screened for a small, select group of invite-only attendees. Amongst those present were Filip Jan Rymsza, directors Quentin Tarantino and Rian Johnson; actors Danny Huston (son of the film's star, John Huston) and Crispin Glover; and The Other Side of the Wind cast and crew members Peter Bogdanovich, Lou Race, Neil Canton, and Peter Jason.[59]

In March 2018, Michel Legrand was announced as providing the score to the film. He had been secretly working on the film since December 2017. Orchestral recording began on March 19, 2018, in Belgium, and continued with a jazz ensemble later that week in Paris. Speaking of his work on the project, Legrand stated:

"I asked myself constantly, ‘How would Orson have reacted?’ The very subject of the film touched me: the idea of the passage of time, the renewal of inspiration. I am proud to be the link between these two Welles films. I take it as a gift from Orson, through the clouds."[1]
Quelle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Other_Side_of_the_Wind#2016-completion



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Am 20.3.2018 um 15:27 schrieb Oliver79:

Ich denke, der wird sich er noch eine begrenzte Kinoauswertung bekommen.

Glaube ich kaum. Wenn ANNIHILATION schon zu anspruchsvoll für ein Kinopublikum sein soll, dann erst recht ein exzentrisches Welles-Spätwerk, von dem selbst Oliver Stone meinte, es wäre "too experimental". 

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