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Sony Classical: Anne Dudley - THE HUSTLE


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Anne Dudley is scoring the upcoming comedy The Hustle. The film is directed by Chris Addison (Veep) and stars Rebel Wilson, Anne Hathaway, Alex Sharp, Tim Blake Nelson and Ingrid Oliver. The movie is a remake of 1988’s Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (scored by Miles Goodman) and revolves around a pair of scammers -one low-rent and the other high-class – competing to swindle a naive tech prodigy out of his fortune. Jac Schaeffer (Olaf’s Frozen Adventure) wrote the screenplay. Wilson is also producing the project with Roger Birnbaum (Rush Hour, The Magnificent Seven, While You Were Sleeping). The Hustle is set to be released in theaters nationwide on June 29, 2018 by MGM.
Dudley (The Full Monty, American History X, The Crying Game) has also recently recorded her score for Ol Parker’s musical comedy Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! starring Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgård, Julie Walters, Dominic Cooper, Amanda Seyfried, Christine Barankski, Lily James and Josh Dylan. The movie will be released in U.S. theaters on July 20, 2018 by Universal Pictures. She is also returning to score the fourth season of BBC’s Poldark, which is expected to be released this summer.
Quelle: http://filmmusicreporter.com/2018/04/11/anne-dudley-scoring-chris-addisons-the-hustle/



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Sony Classical will release the official soundtrack album for the comedy The Hustle. The album features the film’s original music composed by Academy Award winner Anne Dudley (The Full Monty, American History X, Poldark, Elle, The Crying Game). The soundtrack will be released on May 3. Check back on this page for the pre-order link. The Hustle is directed by Chris Addison and stars Anne Hathaway, Rebel Wilson and Alex Sharp. The movie follows two female scam artists, one low rent and the other high class, who team up to take down the dirty rotten men who have wronged them. The MGM Studios production will be released in theaters nationwide on May 10 by United Artists Releasing. Visit the official movie website for more information.


Here’s the album track list:

1. The Hustle
2. The Mark
3. Full Moon Tonight
4. A Kebab of Lies
5. A Likeability Contest
6. The Paris Train
7. “Place Your Bets”
8. The Apprentice
9. Lord of the Rings
10. One Hell of a Team
11. Bicycle Therapy
12. “You’re Not a Stranger”
13. “Playground of the Rich and Famous”
14. Not Nice Women
15. Superglue
16. Princess Hortense
17. She’s Ready
18. Triple Cheeseburger and Filet Mignon
19. Calling Interpol
20. “Au Revoir”
21. Doctor Frederika
22. A Beautiful Friendship




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