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Lakeshore Records: Brian Tyler - WHAT MEN WANT

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Brian Tyler vertont das Gegenstück zu dem 2000er Nancy Myers-Film "What Women Want" .. bin mal gespannt, wie das klingen wird.


Brian Tyler has signed on to score the upcoming romantic comedy What Men Want. The film is directed by Adam Shankman (Hairspray, Bringing Down the House, A Walk to Remember) and stars Taraji P. Henson, Tracy Morgan, Aldis Hodge, Max Greenfield and Wendi McLendon-Covey. The movie is inspired by Nancy Meyers’ 2000 feature What Women Want (scored by Alan Silvestri) and follows a female sports agent who has been constantly boxed out by her male colleagues when she gains the power to hear men’s thoughts. Will Packer (Ride Along, Think Like a Man, Girls Trip) and James Lopez (Breaking In) are producing the project. What Men Want is currently shooting and is set to be released on January 11, 2019 by Paramount Pictures.
Quelle: http://filmmusicreporter.com/2018/05/01/brian-tyler-to-score-adam-shankmans-what-men-want/


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Lakeshore Records will release a soundtrack album for the comedy What Men Want. The album features the film’s original music composed by Brian Tyler (Fast & Furious, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Crazy Rich Asians, Iron Man 3, Now You See Me). The soundtrack will be digitally on February 8 and is now available for pre-order on Amazon. What Men Want is directed by Adam Shankman and stars Taraji P. Henson, Aldis Hodge, Richard Roundtree, Wendi McLendon-Covey and Tracy Morgan. The movie follows a female sports agent who has been constantly boxed out by her male colleagues when she gains the power to hear men’s thoughts. The comedy will be released in theaters nationwide on February 8 by Paramount Pictures. Visit the official movie website for more information.

Here’s the album track list:


1. Somethin’ Like This (Main Title) (1:53)
2. What Men Want (2:52)
3. The Agency (2:18)
4. Rooftops (3:05)
5. Boom! (3:12)
6. Getting in Deeper (2:18)
7. Father and Daughter (2:17)
8. Downfall (2:35)
9. Drivin’ (3:11)
10. Vows (1:25)
11. Apologies and Epiphanies (1:53)
12. Back Stabbing Bitches (1:13)
13. Come and Join (1:23)
14. The NBA Draft (1:23)
15. Battle Royale (1:37)
16. Ali (0:52)
17. The Partner’s Club (1:04)
18. Overslept (1:22)
19. Ali and Jamal (1:03)
20. Mad Billions (1:04)
21. The Firm (1:17)
22. Slower Sex (0:26)
23. Open Your Inner Portal (Facebook Shaman) (2:10)
24. Photo Shoot (0:51)
25. Betrayal (1:02)
26. Ostracized (0:39)
27. The Offer (0:58)
28. Brandon (1:09)
29. Reconciliation (1:48)
30. Goodnight My Friends (2:15)


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