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MovieScore Media/Quartet Records: George Fenton - Red Joan


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George Fenton (Groundhog Day, Dangerous Liaisons, Hitch, You’ve Got Mail) is composing the original score for the upcoming British dramatic thriller Red Joan. The film is directed by Trevor Nunn (Twelfth Night or What You Will, Lady Jane) and stars Judi Dench, Sophie Cookson, Stephen Campbell Moore and Tom Hughes. The movie tells the story of Joan Stanley, the seemingly demure physicist who was also a long-serving British spy for the KGB. Lindsay Shapero wrote the screenplay. David Parfitt (Shakespeare in Love, My Week with Marilyn) is producing the project. Red Joan will premiere next month at the 2018 Toronto Film Festival.


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MovieScore Media will release a soundtrack album for the British thriller Red Joan. The album features the film’s original music composed and conducted by Academy Award nominee George Fenton (Groundhog DayDangerous LiaisonsHitchYou’ve Got Mail, Blue Planet). The soundtrack will be released digitally tomorrow, May 10. The download link will be added to this article within the next day. A CD version will be released by Quartet Records. Red Joan is directed by Trevor Nunn and stars Judi Dench, Sophie Cookson, Stephen Campbell Moore and Tom Hughes. The movie tells the story of Joan Stanley, the seemingly demure physicist who was also a long-serving British spy for the KGB. The thriller premiered at last year’s Toronto Film Festival and is now playing in select U.S. theaters. To learn more about the IFC Films release, visit the official movie website.


Here’s the track list of the album:

1. Red Joan Theme (Prelude) (0:44)
2. You’re Under Arrest (2:47)
3. Back to Cambridge (2:45)
4. The Ghost of Matter (2:22)
5. My Little Comrade (2:01)
6. The Tower (1:57)
7. Restraining Order (2:16)
8. Good at Drawing (2:43)
9. Leo’s Arrest (1:13)
10. Chadwick’s Arrival (1:58)
11. Making Land Tomorrow (1:39)
12. Maybe One Day (2:08)
13. The University (2:33)
14. Hiroshima (2:25)
15. Agent Lotto (1:54)
16. Inspection (2:27)
17. The Locket (1:50)
18. Photo (2:23)
19. Leo’s Destiny (2:54)
20. Special Branch (1:49)
21. Two Copies (1:25)
22. I’m Not a Traitor (1:56)
23. Max in Jail (2:47)
24. End Titles (5:16)
25. Red Joan Theme (Postlude) (0:40)




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