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Quartet Records: THE BRIDE WORE BLACK (Bernard Herrmann)

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Quartet Records is proud to present a new digital recording: the premiere release of Bernard Herrmann’s score for François Truffaut The Bride Wore Black (La mariée était en noir), coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the film.


Bernard Herrmann’s The Bride Wore Black, the second of his two collaborations with François Truffaut (Fahrenheit 451 was the first), has been eagerly sought after by collectors and film music fans around the world for many years. Despite the efforts of several specialized labels, including us, the search for the complete original elements has been unsuccessful. The orchestral sessions conducted by André Girard and Herrmann himself in Paris in 1968 are either destroyed or lost. So how can we recover this music, a prime score from Herrmann’s last years? The only solution was to record it again and bring this music back to life in state-of-the-art digital sound.


After two albums with Fernando Velázquez and the Basque National Orchestra (“Concert Suites” and the complete recording of The Orphanage), this seemed like a perfect project for them. The young composer/conductor and the orchestra enthusiastically and unhesitatingly embraced the idea. With access to Herrmann’s original, fully orchestrated score, painstakingly reconstructed by Rubén Villar, we were able to restore the score respecting every note the composer had written. We were thrilled to discover a lot of music not used in the final edit of the film: from the 35 minutes of score heard in the film, we have now more than 50!


Passionately conducted by Maestro Velázquez, this new complete recording of The Bride Wore Black reveals unexpected aspects of Herrmann’s second collaboration with Truffaut. The original narrative construction of the score, as intended by Herrmann, is unusually rich in themes and sync points. Its form hews closer to more traditional “Hollywood style” structures than most of the thrillers he had previously scored. The emotional and subliminal information are clearly and sharply contrasted. It also marks a transition in the composer’s career: from such a lightly colored Hitchcock score as The Trouble With Harry (obvious in M. Coral’s jolly theme) to the forthcoming dark and passionately romantic approach to his penultimate masterwork (one might say his own premonitory requiem...), Obsession. Beyond their presumed Hitchcock homages, the films of François Truffaut and Brian De Palma have a lot in common: churches, reception waltzes, portraits, close-ups on guns, airport scenes and powerful lengthy tour-de-force sequences enhanced by Herrmann’s unleashed orchestral genius ... and, not to forget, organ!


Recorded on the OSE orchestra stage in September 2018 by Marc Blanes (who also mixed and mastered), the album was produced by Jose M. Benitez and Edouard Dubois, with executive production entirely by Quartet Records. The booklet includes extensive liner notes by Frank K. DeWald, who discusses both film and score as well as providing a track-by-track analysis. After several years on our wish list, this dream project has finally come true.


01. The Bride Wore Black (Main Title) (1:09)

02. The Bride Wore Black (Leaving Home) (2:22)

03. The Bride Wore Black (To Bliss’) (1:39)

04. The Bride Wore Black (Bliss Returns) (1:33)

05. The Bride Wore Black (The Reception) (3:15)

06. The Bride Wore Black (Bliss’ Death / The Scarf) (1:51)

07. The Bride Wore Black (Coral) (1:31)

08. The Bride Wore Black (The Mail) (0:18)

09. The Bride Wore Black (The Invitation) (0:37)

10. The Bride Wore Black (Liquor Store) (0:54)

11. The Bride Wore Black (Tidying Up) (1:30)

12. The Bride Wore Black (Arak) (1:31)

13. The Bride Wore Black (Macabre Waltz) (1:30)

14. The Bride Wore Black (The Agony) (1:38)

15. The Bride Wore Black (Train Ride) (0:30)

16. The Bride Wore Black (Cookie) (1:45)

17. The Bride Wore Black (Setting Trap / Isolation) (0:47)

18. The Bride Wore Black (Julie and Cookie) (0:57)

19. The Bride Wore Black (The Wedding) (3:18)

20. The Bride Wore Black (Childhood Memories) (1:12)

21. The Bride Wore Black (Switching Rings) (0:52)

22. The Bride Wore Black (Morane’s End) (1:31)

23. The Bride Wore Black (Teacher’s Arrest) (0:29)

24. The Bride Wore Black (Police Call) (0:27)

25. The Bride Wore Black (Boarding Plane) (0:33)

26. The Bride Wore Black (Junkyard) (0:37)

27. The Bride Wore Black (Delvaux’s Arrest) (2:56)

28. The Bride Wore Black (Crossing Corey) (2:22)

29. The Bride Wore Black (Fergus’ Studio) (0:50)

30. The Bride Wore Black (Drawing Diana) (1:49)

31. The Bride Wore Black (Tomorrow) (1:22)

32. The Bride Wore Black (Missed Target / Sorrows) (1:37)

33. The Bride Wore Black (Julie Huntress) (0:37)

34. The Bride Wore Black (Fergus’ Love) (0:33)

35. The Bride Wore Black (Run Away) (2:37)

36. The Bride Wore Black (Corey’s Revelation) (0:34)

37. The Bride Wore Black (Fergus’ Corpse) (1:20)

38. The Bride Wore Black (Naked Julie) (0:15)

39. The Bride Wore Black (The Funeral) (1:22)

40. The Bride Wore Black (Julie Unveiled) (0:18)

41. The Bride Wore Black (Delvaux’s Supper) (1:03)

42. The Bride Wore Black (Finale) (0:23)

Bonus Tracks

43. The Bride Wore Black (Mandolin Concerto in C Mejor, RV 425) (I. Allegro) (A. Vivaldi) (1:48)

44. The Bride Wote Black (Bliss’ Death / The Scarf) (Film Version) (1:26)

45. The Bride Wore Black (The Invitation) (Alternate) (0:38)

46. The Bride Wore Black (Liquor Store) (Alternate) (0:56)

47. The Bride Wore Black (Main Title) (0:32)




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Bin begeistert, auch deshalb, weil das Label hier den Score neu hat einspielen lassen. Die Musik ist für Herrmann-Fans ohnehin ein Muss. Vielleicht kommt dann ja auch noch irgendwann "Endless Night" Schade, dass das Interesse hieran recht gering zu sein scheint (gemessen daran, dass ich der erste Kommentator bin) ...

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vor 18 Minuten schrieb Mephisto:

Das ist schon lange kein Maßstab mehr.

Was ist schon lange kein Maßstab mehr?

Aus dieser Quartet-Staffel interessiert mich diese Neueinspielung auch am meisten. Auch wenn mir die Originalaufnahmen natürlich immer lieber sind... als Interpret fremder Kompositionen ist Velázquez ja auch noch nicht sonderlich etabliert. Mal (vorsichtig skeptisch) schauen, wie er das so hingekriegt hat...

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Die Anzahl der Kommentare für Interesse...

Ich finde die Quartet-Veröffentlichungen sehr ausgewogen: Ein Klassiker in der möglichst vollständigen Form (BIG COUNTRY), mehr Fellini-Rota, eine längst vergriffene Musik in aufpolierter und verlängerter Form (WAR GAMES) und diese Neueinspielung, über die ich mich ebenfalls sehr gefreut habe. Man hat Glück, dass Herrmann seine Sachen selbst instrumentiert hat und die Partituren alle erhalten geblieben sind - die bestmöglichen Voraussetzungen. Die vollständigen Partituren zu den MGM-Rózsa-Epen wurden ja... ausgemistet. Da muss man dann mühsam die Partituren aus den Particellen (erweiterte Klavierauszüge) rekonstruieren.

Es ist schön, dass in einigen, wenn auch leider wenigen Fällen, kaum Kosten und Mühen gescheut werden, um verloren gegangene Filmmusiken wieder zugänglich zu machen. Ich für mich merke mittlerweile daran, dass ich mir einige Musiken auch in zweiter Fassung (BIG COUNTRY, WAR GAMES) zulege, wie lange ich inzwischen Filmmusik höre und sammle. THE BRIDE WORE BLACK ist natürlich ein Muss!

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Da ich schon bei den Newman und Moross CDs Alleinunterhalter war, habe ich hier auch nichts geschrieben. Etwas einseitig auf Dauer... :D

Abgesehen davon, dass hier zu einem unveröffentlichten Herrmann mal einfach so aus dem Blauen heraus eine Neuaufnahme ohne das ganze Fundraising-Brimborium erscheint, finde ich die Hörproben sehr ansprechend. Sie scheinen den Herrmann-Sound gut getroffen zu haben!

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Ich will mir jetzt nicht jede Sekunde zusammensammeln, um den Score in eine Schublade stecken zu können. Daher die Frage: Mit welchem Bernard Herrmann Score ist THE BRIDE... denn in etwa vergleichbar? Welcher Score von ihm blitzt womöglich hin und wieder heraus? Ist der Score überhaupt mit markanten Themen ausgestattet, oder sehr dominant Background-Musik?

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Ich habe das Gefühl, daß sich einige Labels zusammengetan haben, so nach dem Motto "Dem eifrigen Sammler ziehen wir dieses Jahr noch 'ne Menge Geld aus der Tasche" ?
(Was nicht negativ gemeint sein soll)

Was hier in den letzten 2 Wochen alles für Überraschungen von LLL, QR, Intrada etc herausgehauen werden...macht mich erst einmal sprachlos...
Wenn ich das alles kaufen will, muss ich erst einmal sparen... ?

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William Stromberg kommt verrückterweise nun eindeutig zu spät, denn er hatte anscheinend auch vor, THE BRIDE WORE BLACK neu einzuspielen. Im Herrmann-Forum hat er sich heute zu Wort gemeldet:

"Yes, I'm afraid Jim is right. I just found out about this recording yesterday and, although I'm happy for this team, I was a bit depressed because I wanted to record it next year. I think it would be foolish to do another one now. I'm sorry. I will be thinking of some other Herrmann scores, including Endless Night. No promises though."




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vor 3 Stunden schrieb Stese:

Ich will mir jetzt nicht jede Sekunde zusammensammeln, um den Score in eine Schublade stecken zu können. Daher die Frage: Mit welchem Bernard Herrmann Score ist THE BRIDE... denn in etwa vergleichbar? Welcher Score von ihm blitzt womöglich hin und wieder heraus? Ist der Score überhaupt mit markanten Themen ausgestattet, oder sehr dominant Background-Musik?

Es gab doch bereits knapp 11 Minuten vom Original auf Kritzerland und Elmer Bernstein hatte vor mehr als 20 Jahren auch schon eine Suite mit wiederum rund 11 Minuten auf seinem Herrmann-Sampler von Milan eingespielt. Letzere Suite kannst Du Dir sogar auf Youtube anhören. Hast Du die beiden Aufnahmen nie gehört?
Aber um die obige Frage zu beantworten: Ganz stark schimmert immer wieder MARNIE durch, denn das in sich kreisende Streicher-Hauptthema ist sehr verwandt mit dem von MARNIE, was sich aber auch dadurch erklärt, daß es in beiden Filmen um psychotische Frauenfiguen geht, die zum einen von Tippi Hedren und zum anderenvon Jeanne Moreau verkörpert werden. Außerdem gibt es ein paar ganz ähnlich ablaufende Sequenzen in Hitchcocks und in Truffauts Film - vor allem am Anfang.
Dann hat auch FAHRENHEIT 451 ganz deutlich seine Spuren hier hinterlassen - z.B. ganz klar etwa am Anfang von Track 7 "Coral" dieser Neuaufnahme zu vernehmen.
Das, was man so hört, ist im Großen und Ganzen durchaus akzeptabel, vor allem, wenn man das nicht besonders bekannte spanische Orchester bedenkt. Sicher wäre manches noch etwas verbesserungswürdig, es fehlt vielleicht noch ein wenig der Streicherglanz und da und dort ist im Orignal oder auc bei Bernstein etwas mehr Biß und Dynamik drin, aber ich freue mich trotzdem, daß der Score jetzt überhaupt endlich mal vollständig kommt.

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Herrman geht immer und ich finde es großartig, dass neben Tadlow und Intrada (zumindest früher) nun auch Quartett Neueinspielungen wagt. Zumindest gehen sie bei diesem Werk kein Risiko ein, da es bisher ja nur einen kleinen Ausschnitt von 11 Minuten bei Kritzerland gab.

Aber erstaunlich, dass auch Stromberg gerade diesen Score einspielen wollte. Ein ähnliches Problem gab es seinerzeit ja auch bei der "Obsession", die Tadlow einspielen ließ und die dann von Music Box als Originalscore veröffentlicht wurde.

Aber wenn Stromberg dass in Erwägung zieht,  "Endless Night" einzuspielen, war es am Ende doch für etwas gut. Wenn er es schon so andeutet, bin ich sicher, dass der früher oder später kommt. Und das wäre eine noch größere Bombe als "TBWB"!

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Das Stromberg-Statement ist an und für sich auch schon wieder Schnee von gestern, da Quartet selbst offensichtlich im Booklet der BRIDE WORE BLACK-CD eine Neueinspielung  von ENDLESS NIGHT wieder mit demselben Orchester für 2019 ankündigt. Das berichten diejenigen, die die Quartet-CD bereits erhalten haben. Insofern ist Stromberg da nun erneut ausgebootet worden.

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Man sollte auch in Stromberg nicht den ewigen Heilsbringer der Neuaufnahmen sehen. Schön, dass auch andere nun an so etwas herangehen. Die Hörproben zu dieser neuen Einspielung klingen nun wirklich vielversprechend.

Bei Stromberg war auch nicht alles Gold, was glänzt. Wenn ich allein an die saft- und kraftose Aufnahme von Korngolds Deception denke oder bei den etwas neueren Alben Herrmanns Fahrenheit, wo ihm gerade auch die schwelgerischen Passagen lieblos und lapidar geraten sind. Da hat man im Vergleich mit der längere Suite mit dem Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra unter Salonen die bessere Alternative.

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Schlimm, dass Quartet sich jetzt zu dieser Rechtfertigung genötigt sieht:


Hi to everyone,

I have not posted on this board – or even announced our new releases here – for several months because, besides being very busy, I’m a shy man and don’t know what I can contribute. I always prefer that our albums speak for themselves. But now, I think it will be good to clarify certain things in a positive mood.

I expected this brand-new recording might generate some controversy (what release doesn’t these days?), but I honestly did not expect the discussion to go where it has gone. Some comments that have been posted elsewhere – on the Herrmann Facebook board and on our own Facebook page (and that we deleted, because it's our Facebook page after all) – have implied that we stole this project from Mr. William Stromberg. I want to assure everyone that this is absolutely not true.

I'm a huge admirer of Mr. Stromberg and his work; I have all his recordings on both Marco Polo and Tribute. I think his approach to Herrmann is first-rate, as is his interpretation of Steiner (“King Kong” is one of the best re-recordings I've heard), and I'm looking forward to “Dial M For Murder.” But I can’t get into anyone's head and know what they’re thinking. Mr. Stromberg recorded his last album for Tribute seven or eight years ago, and until last September he hadn’t announced his return to the podium with Intrada, or if he had announced it before, I certainly did not know about it. I deeply regret it if he feels disappointed, but I can’t feel guilty about anything.

The story behind “The Bride Wore Black” is as follows: We started thinking about this album in November 2016, the work started in September 2017, and it was recorded a year later, in September 2018. Getting the funds was not easy, and those who have followed Intrada’s and Tadlow's Kickstarter campaigns know how much money we're talking about. A project of this magnitude can’t be organized in a few weeks.

Before preparing the new recording of The Orphanage with Fernando and The Basque National Orchestra last year, we managed to combine a commitment from the orchestra with some financial aid in order to start a series of re-recordings. We had been trying to do this for several years and were excited to see the arrangements coming together. We were hoping to make one new recording a year, starting with "The Orphanage" (a personal desire of Fernando), and continuing with other titles. "The Bride Wore Black" immediately came to mind. It was one of the most popular unreleased scores of Bernard Herrmann, a famous film by François Truffaut, the 50th anniversary of the film would be in 2018, and, above all, I have always felt a personal fascination for this underrated but solid score.

Recording was initially planned for October 2018, but due to a conflict in the orchestra schedule the sessions were advanced to September 13, 14 and 15. The earlier date was not a problem since everything had been prepared by Fernando and his team before the summer.

We prepared an official announcement of this recording, with suitable fanfare, and even made a video about the project. We also planned videos of the sessions, that we had intended to post on Facebook every day of the recording.

But suddenly, on Saturday, September 11, a post announcing a Kickstarter program to finance a new recording of "Dial M for Murder" appeared on both the Intrada forum and on this board. It was a big surprise – and a coincidence. My first human reaction was sadness, but a few hours later I decided to cancel the whole promotion prepared for the recording of "The Bride Wore Black" so as not to steal any thunder away from Intrada’s exciting project. Can you imagine how unpleasant it would be if a label started a Kickstarter campaign to finance a project, in a legitimate and honest way, and another label announced just 48 hours later that they were starting a self-financed new Herrmann recording with others to come later? Honestly, as a professional and colleague, I could not have done this. So we shelved our promotion and continued discreetly with our album. Several people in the business can confirm that this happened exactly as I am saying.

It seems totally insane to read comments on our Facebook page that accuse us of having “stolen this project from Intrada and Stromberg!" Intrada knew about our “Bride” recording in August 2018, and expressed gratitude to us for canceling our promotion and leaving the Intrada announcement without “competition” so that it would have the greatest chance of success. So why are posters trying to create a problem between two labels when none exists?

Responding to some comments I have seen on the Herrmann board and other places:

– Someone took us to task for using trumpets instead of French horns in the cue “The Wedding,” but they are wrong! We used French horns just as Herrmann’s score indicated! There were no trumpets at our sessions. What more can I say?

– Someone pointed out that Herrmann used lots of quick notes in “The Wedding” to create an effect. If this refers to the film version … well, this cue was cut and edited in a rather abrupt manner. We have recorded every note that Herrmann wrote in a coherent way.

– Someone criticized us for only recording the music included in the film and none of the unused material. The film contains 34 minutes of music, our album 57. And if you read Frank K. DeWald’s booklet notes you can discover what was in the film, and what was not.

– “The violins are a disaster because they have little brightness”... In fact, there are no violins in this score. The string section consists of only violas, cellos and basses.

– Someone wondered why our track titles differed from those on file at UCSB ... After a thorough search, the publisher couldn’t find any registered cue titles for this score beyond M1, M2, M3 ... so we had their permission to include our own titles as long as in the mechanical license agreement these were in parentheses after the official film titles. That wasn't necessary in the album, only in the agreement (you can check it on our website), so we decided to create titles that better reflected what is happening in the film. After all, Herrmann's manuscript has no titles other than M1, M2, M3 ...

– "I prefer the synthesizer version that one guy is doing instead of your trash recording" … I don’t have an answer to that.

Other posters seem disappointed because they would have preferred William Stromberg conducting. That’s OK, and I can understand that everyone has their preferences, but sorry, this is a recording of an unreleased score by Bernard Herrmann made by another team. No one could be sure that another version could happen. Do I have to apologize for producing this?

About the recording, everything in life can be done better, but something that makes this album special is the spirit that Fernando Velázquez has given it. A conductor is not simply a hand that waves a stick; his personality is also an important part of his job. That’s the art of live music: there are human beings playing, not machines. This and any other score would sound different with Velázquez or William Stromberg, with Nic Raine or Joel McNeely, or Elsa-Peka Salonen, David Newman, Carl Davis, Allan Wilson, Dirk Brossé, Diego Navarro, Bruce Broughton or any other talented conductor at the helm. And the same applies to the orchestras, the environment of any studio, or the mixing engineer. Some recordings are superb and others a disaster. Jerry Goldsmith was highly criticized for his recordings of Alex North and some of his own works, and even Bernard Herrmann was lambasted for taking some of his music too slowly on re-recordings. Many factors impact the final result, and every person has his or her own personal taste. Most of my friends prefer the James Conlon version of “Vertigo,” but I prefer the McNeely. And it's OK.

I would like to say that it is not wise to judge the music of “The Bride Wore Black” by the film recording. Some of the musicians who were at the recording session in Paris still remember how tense was the relationship between Herrmann and Truffaut, and the large number of changes that were improvised on the spot. The recording was not especially terrific; Herrmann conducted some parts but later ceded the work to Andre Girard. So, the choice we made with Fernando was to record the score as it was conceived by Herrmann, respecting the tempo and the intention of what was written. The sound is intentionally a bit raw and dry, due in part to the unusual orchestration but also to Fernando's preference (and our own), without any unreal or processed reverb. Some of the other film recordings from Herrmann’s last period were also beautifully raw and dry (“Sisters,” “It’s Alive,” “Taxi Driver”). This album is a declaration of love and respect for the composer and his music, bringing to life a score that nobody had cared about in 50 years. (Well, that's not entirely fair, since we and many other labels have made great efforts to find the original elements, albeit unsuccessfully.)

But the album is no longer ours, it’s yours, and everyone who spends their money to buy it has the full right to give their opinion, praise or criticize it. But, please, although I'm very used to the heat in the kitchen, it's not fair to say what has been said before even listening to it. This takes away the strength, the courage and the energy of those of us who are trying to save the music we love at a time when the music industry is totally in crisis. Are any of the major companies recording complete classic film scores with a symphony orchestra?

Whoever buys the CD and reads the liner notes will discover on page 21 that we are working (also with Fernando) on “Endless Night” for 2019. Yes, it's a fact. Initially, the intention was to record an album with “The Bride Wore Black” and “Endless Night” together. We mistakenly thought that the scores, about 35 minutes each, could be paired together. But when “Bride” grew to 57 minutes, we chose to focus solely on the Truffaut film.

“Endless Night” is booked with the orchestra for next spring, and the reconstruction work is almost finished, so we have already invested a lot of money. As I said before, "The Orphanage" started a new series with Fernando Velázquez and after these two Herrmanns others could follow. We have our own wish list, which includes “Vera Cruz,” “The Four Feathers,” an album pairing “The Soft Skin” and “Une femme est passé” (Delerue), another devoted to John Addison with “Guns for Batasi” and “Start the Revolution Without Me.” There was also “Murder by Death,” which doesn't make any sense now that Varese has given us the original tracks (at last!) All these are just wishes; nothing is confirmed yet. First, we need to see how our initial titles fare.

One recording every year, if finances and energies permit, and perhaps with the help of Kickstarter if necessary, would make this a beautiful long-term project, which together with the gems brought to us by Tadlow, Prometheus, Intrada and other brave souls, could preserve the legacy of film music. Personally, I’m very excited about this, and I don’t want to feel differently. At the end of the day, it's all about the music.



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José Benitez trifft hier selbstverständlich keine Schuld. Woher hätte  er auch wissen sollen, daß Stromberg nach einer Auszeit von 7-8 Jahren plötzlich auch mal wieder was in Planung gehabt hat? Wobei Stromberg selbst sich inzwischen sogar noch entschuldigt und außerdem zugegeben hat, daß eine eventuelle Neueinspielung von ihm noch gar nicht so weit gereift gewesen wäre.
Insofern: Eine doppelte Einspielung von BRIDE WORE BLACK oder ENDLESS NIGHT wird es auf keinen Fall geben, denn das wäre ja angesichts des immer kleiner werdenden Nischenmarkts für so etwas sowieso völlig sinnlos:

I would like to publicly apologize for mentioning that I was thinking about recording these scores next year. I had no knowledge of your recording and I was just getting the ball rolling on these scores when I saw your announcement. I should have kept my big mouth shut out of respect. I am very sorry about that. I’m disgusted that people on Facebook have been putting your recording down without even hearing it. That made me sick. I wish you nothing but the most success with your recordings and I’m very proud of your efforts. It sounds like you did an amazing job. Herrmann fans should be ecstatic. Again, sorry to open this stupid can of worms.

Best of luck and congrats!
William Stromberg


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Vollkommen lächerlich, und das zieht sich bei FSM gerade durch mehrere Threads, dass die Leute dort wie Autisten ständig Listen von Wunschscores für Neuaufnahmen posten. Dabei haben Morgan/Stromberg , Fitzpatrick und Feigelson/Fake sowie hier jetzt auch Benitez ("getting the funds was not easy") mehr als einmal deutlich gemacht, dass es hauptsächlich um die Kosten geht. Rechte (Moonraker) oder Verfügbarkeit von Notenmaterial (The Chairman) sind dann die nächsten Fragen, dir überhaupt erst einmal geklärt werden müssen. Und in diesem Fall lag Herrmanns Partitur zu Bride Wore Black sogar vor und musste nicht mühsam rekonstruiert, sondern nur digitalisiert werden:


but in this case it was primarily a matter of reconstructing the score in a different medium: digital. Not as in digital audio, but as in a computer notation program such as Finale or Sibelius (to be honest, I don't know which was used in this case) from which a full score and a set of parts can be generated with a keystroke.


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Am 14.12.2018 um 23:21 schrieb Stefan Schlegel:

Das Stromberg-Statement ist an und für sich auch schon wieder Schnee von gestern, da Quartet selbst offensichtlich im Booklet der BRIDE WORE BLACK-CD eine Neueinspielung  von ENDLESS NIGHT wieder mit demselben Orchester für 2019 ankündigt. Das berichten diejenigen, die die Quartet-CD bereits erhalten haben. Insofern ist Stromberg da nun erneut ausgebootet worden.

Ich kann das auch bestätigen, dass im Booklet auf Seite 21 geschrieben steht: "...we are already working on the restoration and recording of Endless Night for 2019."

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vor 22 Minuten schrieb Stese:

Ich kann das auch bestätigen, dass im Booklet auf Seite 21 geschrieben steht: "...we are already working on the restoration and recording of Endless Night for 2019."

Steht ja auch in Joses Erklärung oben:


“Endless Night” is booked with the orchestra for next spring, and the reconstruction work is almost finished


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Thomas Muething fand die Aufnahme fürchterlich:


Die Neueinspielung von Bernard Herrmanns THE BRIDE WORE BLACk unter Fernando Velazquez für Quartet Records ist leider ein komplettes Desaster. Das spanische Orchester ist völlig überfordert: Streicher, Bläser - furchtbar. Stromberg und seine tapferen Moskauer Gelegenheitsmusiker waren schon nicht die Crème de la crème, aber DAS? Intonation, Ensemble - alles daneben.

(Zitat aus der Facebook-Filmmusik-Gruppe)

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Das ist überall schon seit gestern bekannt und Muething ist bei FSM inzwischen zum "öffentlichen Diskussionsobjekt" geworden, da er dasselbe nämlich auch in dieser ebenfalls von jedem einsehbaren englischen Herrmann-Facebook-Gruppe geäußert und Postings dann anscheinend auch wieder entfernt hat. Schon ziemlich lachhaft das Ganze:

Bruce Kimmel dazu:

"Here's my guess: I'm going to assume that Mr. Muething removed his posts and in so doing removed the responses to them. I'm quite sure that's what happened here - so tell us why you did that, Thomas Muething - tell us now. We're waiting, truly. You said very nasty things, were called on whether you'd actually heard the CD or just samples, you refused to answer that and then you REMOVE your posts???"
Und Guenther Koegebehn von der Herrmann-Society gibt Kimmel Recht:
"I think you are right... Sadly there is no log to see if it happened or not. Deleted seems to be deleted."


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Also eine Überforderung des Orchesters höre ich in keinster Weise.

Und von der Tonqualität bin ich im positiven Sinne vom Atem beraubt worden, wie rauscharm das ganze klingt. Für mich ein Top-Kauf! 

Ich muss zugeben, dass kein Orchester/ Dirigent dieser Welt es besser machen könnte als das Original. Von daher habe ich nichts dagegen, wenn es weitere Neueinspielungen von Quartet Records geben würde.

Wenn ein Orchester als überfordert bezeichnet werden kann für mich, dann handelt es sich um die Originalaufnahme von Horners BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS. 

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