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Soundtrack Board

Watertower Music: Joseph Bishara - THE CURSE OF LA LLORONA


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The full details of the soundtrack album for the supernatural horror thriller The Curse of La Llorona have been revealed. The album features the film’s original music composed by Joseph Bishara (The Conjuring, Annabelle, Insidious, The Prodigy). The soundtrack will be released digitally and physically tomorrow, April 12 by WaterTower Music. Visit Amazon to pre-order the CD version and click here to download the album. The Curse of La Llorona is directed by Michael Chaves and stars Linda Cardellini, Patricia Velasquez and Raymond Cruz. The movie produced by James Wan follows a social worker who, while investigating the mysterious disappearance of two children, discovers her own family might also be in jeopardy. The thriller will be released in theaters nationwide on April 19 by Warner Bros. Pictures. Visit the official movie website for more information.


Here’ the album track list:

1. The Curse of La Llorona (1:39)
2. protected ones (4:04)
3. lost protector (1:26)
4. mirrored passing (2:09)
5. two by side (2:09)
6. corner Weeping (0:38)
7. in window appears (0:48)
8. curandero (1:59)
9. folk tale to some (1:44)
10. black tears (1:24)
11. take yours instead (2:45)
12. Weeping glimpses (2:14)
13. Weeping in curtains (1:50)
14. evening interrupted (1:05)
15. can’t be here (2:11)
16. she was Crying (1:24)
17. held from breath (2:09)
18. fringes of religion (2:13)
19. a dark spirit (2:33)
20. presence of evil (1:01)
21. hold til dawn (2:05)
22. for comfort (0:54)
23. Tears they drip (2:02)
24. screaming Weeping (1:11)
25. for the taking (1:10)
26. to be drowned (3:03)
27. everybody is sometimes (2:01)
28. barrier crossed (1:45)
29. throat pulled (1:00)
30. She’s coming (1:21)
31. curse throws (2:19)
32. the Weeping woman (1:56)
33. mark lifted (2:04)
34. Arrorró mi niño (Closing Arrangement) (2:13)



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