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Intrada: John Williams - Monsignor (Expanded)


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John Williams
Label: Intrada Special Collection Volume ISC 430
Film Date: 1982
Album Date: 2019
Time: 77:18
Tracks: 25

Rich, emotional John Williams classic gets expanded CD! 20th Century Fox presents, Frank Perry directs from Jack Alain Leger’s novel, Christopher Reeve, Genevieve Bujold, Fernando Rey, Adolfo Celi, Tomas Milian star. Newly ordained priest (Reeve) heads off to WWII service, witnesses violent death, ultimately lands position in Vatican post where he becomes embroiled in black market activities involving U.S. military and Mafia. Amidst moral challenges, priest meets and falls in love with young postulant (Bujold), adding to crisis of conscience. John Williams, deep in fertile period that included Raiders Of The Lost Ark, E.T. and Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi, anchors with beautifully expressive main theme spotlighting radiant trumpet of Maurice Murphy, celebrated soloist with London Symphony Orchestra who, interestingly, began his gem-filled career performing for Williams with LSO on initial Star Wars film in 1977. Williams created a multifaceted score combining not only the afore-mentioned expressive trumpet theme but also sequences ranging from deeply reflective to dramatically intense. Spotlight this time goes to magnificent 5-minute “Gloria”, scored for orchestra with organ and full chorus, heard in the film in celebratory sequence in Rome’s Cathedral of St. John and Paul. Intrada premiered the original 1982 Casablanca label LP program on a long out-of-print CD many years ago. That 1982 presentation contained much of the score in a unique mix made especially for the album, produced by Lionel Newman. Included were several sequences recorded expressly for the record, while two other cues heard in the actual film were dropped. Now, courtesy of 20th Century Fox and Universal Music Group, producer Michael Matessino works from the 1” 8-channel scoring session masters as well as the first-generation 1982 two-track album master, assembles the complete film soundtrack including the premiere release of the remaining two unreleased cues plus several minutes of additional unreleased soundtrack versions of sequences dropped in favor of special album takes on the 1982 LP. Maxing out this special Intrada CD is a fully re-mastered presentation of the 1982 Casablanca LP program in the best audio ever made available! Listeners can enjoy at last the complete soundtrack in the original film versions, mixed in stereo from the session elements AND the 1982 album with its unique mixes, all in one beautifully packaged release! Matessino provides informative liner notes, Kay Marshall designs the package. Eric Tomlinson records at EMI Abbey Road, John Williams composes, conducts the London Symphony Orchestra. Intrada Special Collection CD available while quantities and interest remain!

01. Theme From Monsignor (3:28)
02. Reunion In Italy (1:36)
03. Forgotten Vows (4:13)
04. The Meeting In Sicily (3:55)
05. Audience With The Holy Father (3:44)
06. Gloria (5:16)
07. Monsignor (2:14)
08. Appolini’s Decision (3:15)
09. Santoni’s Compassion (5:03)
10. At The Forum (5:10)
Total Original Soundtrack
Time: 38:01


11. Theme From Monsignor (3:27)
12. Monsignor (Main Title) (2:14)
13. Seeing Rome (1:41)
14. The Vatican (0:47)
15. You’re My Mystery (1:35)
16. Reunion In Italy (1:35)
17. Meeting In The Rain (1:25)
18. Forgotten Vows (Film Version) (2:48)
19. Gloria (5:17)
20. Love Theme (2:33)
21. The Book Shop (1:47)
22. Santoni’s Compassion (5:03)
23. Audience With The Holy Father (3:45)
24. Appolini’s Mistake (1:56)
25. End Title (2:55)
Total Score Time: 39:05
Total CD Time: 77:18





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  • horner1980 änderte den Titel in Intrada: John Williams - Monsignor (Expanded)
  Am 6.6.2019 um 21:17 schrieb TheRealNeo:

Keine Stempel'schen Luftsprünge? :)


Kaum neues Material oder?

Auf dem ursprünglichen Album scheint das wesentliche drauf gewesen zu sein.

Ich warte mal ab wie die Meinungen sind, wenn die ersten ihr Exemplar haben.

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  • 1 Jahr später...
Gast Stefan Jania
  Am 5.6.2019 um 07:03 schrieb TheRealNeo:

Hab die alte Intrada-CD. Muss ich erstmal wieder hören um zu entscheiden, ob ich davon gerne noch mehr haben möchte oder brauche.


Wenn Du Dich noch nicht entschieden hast: jetzt wäre es höchste Zeit.


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Gut dass bei Intrada die Zeiten der ultraschnellen Ausverkäufe vorbei zu sein scheinen. Ich erinnere mich noch an die langen Gesichter in den Foren, wenn Spekulanten kleine Auflagen aufgekauft haben, um sie Tage später bei eBay teuer zu verticken. So macht Intrada es richtig, wenn sie begehrte Titel wieder auflegen. ..

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