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Plantsounds: Valhalla (Ron Goodwin)


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In December 1985 composer Ron Goodwin attended his very last film scoring session.
It was at Easy Sound Studio in Copenhagen, and the film his music was recorded for, was an ambitious Danish animated feature called “Valhalla”, based on Peter Madsen’s comics of the same name.

At the time of it’s release in 1986, “Valhalla” had become the most expensive film in Danish film history, and the 4 years of production chaos had taken it’s toll on the many devoted crew members, who had worked tirelessly to see the film come to life.

Now, some 30 years later, the film remains a classic in Denmark, and part of reason for it’s continued success is due to the wonderful symphonic score by legendary English composer Ron Goodwin.

Originally Danish composers Bent Hesselmann and Jussi Adler Olsen (now a famous author) were assigned with scoring the film. Part of their music was incorporated into the score by Ron Goodwin, and their original contribution to the films 10 minute pilot receives a world premiere release on this album.

After “Valhalla”, Ron Goodwin gave up film scoring, and focused on conducting instead. He remained active until the days before his death in January 2003.

PlantSounds are extremely proud to present this Anniversary Edition of the music from “Valhalla”, which includes:
* The score, as presented on earlier releases by Replay and Label X, but remastered by Audioplanet for this release.
* Never before heard demos for Valhalla by Ron Goodwin (only available on the CD).
* Music from the 10 minute Pilot of Valhalla, composed by Bent Hesselman and Jussi Adler Olsen. World premiere release.(Only available on the CD).
* A 16 page booklet containing an in depth look at Valhalla, and the music. Written by Brian Iskov.

Amongst all pre-orders, we will select 20 orders at random who will receive a signed album by Peter Madsen.

Pre-order now to qualify for a €2.50 discount.




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Gast Stefan Jania

Das Label kennt wohl keiner. Da Du keinen Link gepostet hast: 


Den Score von Goodwin gibt es bei YouTube. Wer sich dafür interessiert, einfach suchen. Audio-Clips gibt es auch zum alten ausverkauften Release bei Amazon. Wer die alte CD hat, braucht die neue wahrscheinlich nicht.

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Gast Stefan Jania

Das Album hat gut 3 1/2 Jahre zur Veröffentlichung gebraucht. War sogar damals als Doppel-CD angekündigt. Ich frage mich, was das Label ursprünglich noch draufpacken wollte. 60 Minuten Bonus-Material auf CD 2? Ui! ;)  Dass Teile der Musik nicht von Goodwin sind, stand schon auf der alten Label-X CD aus den späten 90'ern. Und die Original-Bänder waren und sind verschollen.



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