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Soundtrack Board

Warner Classics: Alexandre Desplat - Adults in the Room


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Warner Classics has released a soundtrack album for the French/Greek drama Adults in the Room. The album features the film’s original music composed by Academy Award winner Alexandre Desplat (The Shape of Water, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The King’s Speech, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Godzilla). The soundtrack is now available to stream/download on Amazon Music. Adults in the Room is directed by Costa-Gavras and stars Christos Loulis, Alexandros Bourdoumis, Ulrich Tukur, Daan Schuurmans, Christos Stergiouglou, Dimitris Tarlow, Alexandros Logothetis and Josiane Pinson. The movie is based on the book of former fiance minister Yanis Varoufakis about the fatal first half of 2015,that granted Greece another bailout program. The drama premiered at this year’s Venice Film Festival and will be released in French theaters on November 6 following its debut in Greece last month.


Here’s the album track list:


1. Adults in the Room (5:08)
2. On Sale (2:58)
3. The MOU (2:13)
4. Francfort (2:35)
5. Yani’s Dance (2:20)
6. Ballet Tsipras (4:50)
7. Greek President (1:58)
8. Airports (3:01)
9. Bruxelles (1:33)
10. Wolfgang (2:48)
11. Bargain (2:59)
12. Fmi (1:34)
13. German-Greek Party (1:53)
14. Caricatures (3:16)
15. Referendum (5:04)
16. Europe (5:03)



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