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Little Woman von Alexandre Desplat


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“Little Women,” Alexandre Desplat

Director Greta Gerwig stunned composer Alexandre Desplat with her initial request about what she was looking for in music for her new version of “Little Women”: “Mozart meets David Bowie.”

The two-time Oscar winner (“Grand Budapest Hotel,” “The Shape of Water”) laughs about it now. “When I saw the film I understood what she meant,” he says. “There is something pop in the way she has directed the actors. The art direction has a modernity to it; also the hair, the costumes. It doesn’t play perfectly period, classical or tedious or restrained references to the past.

“The movie is not polite,” he adds. “It’s the extravagance of Bowie, the bigger-than-life attitude of Mozart.”

Desplat did turn to Mozart as a model for his orchestra, however: 40 strings, flute, clarinet and harp, plus not one but two pianos. Noting that there were four March girls – Jo (Saoirse Ronan), Meg (Emma Watson), Amy (Florence Pugh) and Beth (Eliza Scanlen) – “I thought, why not four hands on two pianos?”

But individual themes for the four key players was too much, the composer decided. “The genius of the film is not only telling that story of the 19th century, bringing it into the 21st century, but also the way Greta created a puzzle. When you think about your childhood, it’s not chronological. You remember moments; she rendered that so beautifully.

“For me, that was the challenge: to link these moments into one. So by keeping the same instrumentation, it becomes a delicate mix of deep emotion, melancholy and joyful, with youthful energy, at the same time keeping us close to the characters.”

The key to the score, Desplat reveals, was the opening scene, as Jo runs to her editor’s office in New York City: “How I should write for the strings, what kind of rhythms, the unpredictable change of chords. From that piece came everything.” He recorded his 90-minute score in New York too.






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