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Varese Sarabande: W.G. Snuffy Walden - The Stand: The Deluxe Edition


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Walden’s musical palette for The Stand contrasts acoustic guitar, violin, flute, and piano, written and performed in a roots/folk/spiritual manner.  The score is constructed around five distinctive character themes, plus a variety of ambient and aggressive motifs and musical designs, and a bit of roots-styled traveling music as well. The first disc of this album contains music in film order from the original single-disc soundtrack CD, released by Varèse Sarabande in 1994. The second disc contains then-previously unreleased bonus tracks compiled for the Stephen King Soundtrack Collection box set, released by Varèse in 2017, also mostly in show order.

According to Walden, the majority of the album consists of music taken from the original soundtrack recording, but a small percentage of them were newly revised for the 1994 album. “I recorded some pieces to make it work… to make it flow as its own piece." In a few cases, therefore, some of the album tracks are structured slightly differently from how they were heard in the film itself (“Sewing the Canvas,” “Mid Country: By the Stream,” and “Locked Up,” appear to be among them, from my comparisons).

The music tracks are mixed very low in the film, often to its detriment, which makes listening to it on CD the proper way to really appreciate the delicate elegance and structural power of Walden’s score. It remains a remarkably powerful and gracefully emotive work that deserves attention and appreciation.

You can watch the Trailer here: 


Limited Edition of 1000 copies

Disc One:

  1. Project Blue (1:33)
  2. The Dreams Begin (2:07)
  3. On The Road To Kansas (3:56)
  4. The Trashman In Vegas (1:57)
  5. Headin’ West (1:55)
  6. Larry & Nadine (The Rejection) (2:38)
  7. Mother Abigail (3:10)
  8. “Sorry Mister, I Don’t Understand” (Tom & Nick Meet) (2:53)
  9. Mid Country: By The Stream (3:21)
  10. Mother Greets The Multitudes (1:25)
  11. M-O-O-N…That Spells Suicide (2:12)
  12. “One Will Fall By The Way” (3:43)
  13. Beginning Of The End (3:21)
  14. The Stand (3:45)
  15. Tom & Stu Go Home (2:33)
  16. “Ain’t She Beautiful” (6:00)

Disc Two:

  1. Escaping (2:06)
  2. Streets Of New York (0:53)
  3. Trashy And The Dark Man (1:24)
  4. Sewing The Canvas (1:27)
  5. Corn Fields (2:06)
  6. Locked Up (2:03)
  7. New York No More (3:51)
  8. The Funeral (2:58)
  9. Leaving Mother Abigail’s (1:43)
  10. Las Vegas (3:14)
  11. Nadine Seduction (1:55)
  12. Table Talk (5:44)
  13. Boulder To Vegas (3:07)
  14. Trashy Lights Up (1:56)
  15. Nadine’s Dream (2:51)
  16. Captured (2:06)
  17. War Preparations (3:25)

Music Composed and Produced by W.G. Snuffy Walden

Performed by The Hollywood Studio Symphony

Conducted by Don Davis





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Allerdings. Sehr schöner Score, wenn man Gitarre mit Orchester vermischt mag. Schönes Thema und Variationen, Orchesteraction im Finale orchestriert von Don Davis. Immer noch einer meiner liebsten Scores überhaupt. Die alte Varese-CD ist schon lange OOP und wurde doch recht teuer gehandelt. Allerdings ist auch hier alles Wichtige auf der ersten CD vertreten. Die zweite CD ist eine nette Zugabe, aber nicht soo wahnsinnig essentiell. Da war ich damals bei der Erstveröffentlichung doch etwas enttäuscht, weil ich wohl auf mehr gehofft habe, was die zusätzliche Musik betrifft.


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