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"Dario Argento's Black Glasses" von Daft Punk


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A new film from Italian horror master Dario Argento is always cause for celebration. Sure, much of his recent work hasn’t quite lived up to the classics of his past, including “Suspiria,” “Deep Red,” and “Inferno,” but no matter what, if Argento releases a new film, there are legions of fans that will line up to view it. And for his next film, “Black Glasses,” it appears that he’s going to entice many more fans by teaming up with Daft Punk for the film’s music.
In a new interview with the Italian outlet, Repubblica (via Film Stage), the legendary horror director talked about his upcoming project, “Black Glasses,” and described the story of the film, as well as his surprising collaborators for the score.
“It will be my return to crime films,” Argento said of the film that finds his daughter, Asia Argento, in the lead role, “It’s the adventure, in the nocturnal Rome, of a Chinese girl and child. In the second part, the escape takes them into the rocky, bushy countryside of Lazio. [It’s] different from the sweetness of the Tuscan valleys, but for me beautiful.”
“They are my admirers, they know all my cinema,” the filmmaker explained. “They heard from French friends that I was shooting a new film and called me [to say], ‘We want to work with you.’”
In addition to being one of the biggest electronic groups working today, Daft Punk famously created the score for 2010’s “Tron: Legacy.” That score was perhaps more critically-acclaimed than the actual film that it was created for and has become the go-to for many film fans looking for a more electronic score to listen to. It’ll be interesting to hear what style they take on for Argento’s upcoming project.
“Black Glasses” was expected to begin production in May, but thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, it would appear that the filmmaker is now eyeing a September start date. Hopefully.
Quelle: https://theplaylist.net/daft-punk-dario-argento-black-glasses-20200427/?fbclid=IwAR1WF1HV-TyW9OS-leAptOtEso6rtw6o_KaAW941Gs2mhd36Bu5Tg-ZEEIU


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hahaha haben die sich mal angesehen was für Dreck, der in den letzten Jahren, wenn nicht Jahrzehnten gemacht hat? Das is wirklich unterste Schublade... das kann ich beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen, dass da wirklich was bei rumkommt... (gott ey, der TRON score war doch echt langweiligstes 0815 Scoring, das niemand brauchte... die 1-2 Dance Tracks entsprachen ja nicht dem Score...)

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