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Turbine: An American Werewolf in London - Ultimate Edition (Inkl. Soundtrack/Score)


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Gast Stefan Jania

Von Spook bei FSM:


Well I got the CD through as part of the UHD package. It definitely sounds like a spruced up bootleg.
The whole thing runs about 26 minutes and that's including the songs and brief dialogue intro.
Its kinda weird cause it doesn't sound as if its just recorded from the film as the music is 'clean' but the sound quality is definitely sub-par with a couple of moments sounding mono.
It also makes you realise that there's really not much of a score to release here. Even if the short tracks were worked into a suite it would be very 'bitty' sounding due to the nature of the short cues (one of the cue's is 10 seconds!) There's no alternates here and the 'metamorphisi' cue isn't there ( you've seen the track list on the cd posted previously above.. nothing is hidden.)
If it is unlicensed as folk have been hinting you wonder why they didn't just go the full hog and put in the 'bad moon rising' song anyway.
So I'm happy enough to have it as an extra as part of the package (.. and a damn fine package it is for a fan of the film!) but would have felt pretty unhappy if I'd paid all that money just to get it.

Dazu noch, was interessant ist, von David Kessler


There was a DVD released 15 years ago that had the instrumental score playing over some stills without any soundeffects, Someone took that, made a bootleg and that is probably what this is too as it was spliced up exactly like this release is.
I have the BD shipped to me (will get it tomorrow) but IF a label will release this in true form including all the songs and Bernsteins unused music, I will ofcourse buy it anyday.

Und von Dylan


The DVD suite included around half of the score used in the film (the most notable omissions being the cues composed for the scenes with Jack as a corpse). That suite had passable sound, but it definitely wasn't remastered, nor did it sound first generation to be honest.

My impression from the above post is that the source of the DVD suite (a sessions tape?) is what was used for this CD, but this time not omitting any cues (but also not including any unused or alternate cues). My guess is that what we all want is still in the Universal vaults.


Somit von mir ein erwartetes "Örgh". ?

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Am 17.11.2020 um 15:27 schrieb Stefan Jania:

Somit von mir ein erwartetes "Örgh". ?

vor 22 Stunden schrieb Csongor:

Das war leider zu erwarten. 

Ja, leider. Aber daran lässt sich auch schön ablesen, wie wenig Filmmusikkultur in (cinephilen) Filmkreisen letztlich wert ist - nämlich gar nichts. Das ist hübsches Beiwerk, das man gern noch "irgendwie dabei" hat, aber wirklich investieren will man da nix.

Gilt andersrum für die Filmmusikszene natürlich genauso. 

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Gast Stefan Jania

Filmmusik ist doch egal. Die interessiert doch nur ein paar sehr wenige Schwachköpfe wie uns. In Kommentaren werden überwiegend die tollen Songs erwähnt. ? Und die sind drauf. Naja, CCR fehlt. Darüber wird gejammert. ?

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  • 4 Wochen später...
Gast Stefan Jania

Eine nette Seele hat mir eine Kopie der Turbine-Bonus-CD zukommen lassen. Ich habe mich geirrt. Es ist noch schlimmer als erwartet. Ja, es ist genau das, was man schon vom Bootleg her kannte. Aber klanglich noch darunter. Hier ein Spektral-Vergleich meines verlustbehafteten MP3s von 2007 (oben) und das, was Turbine 2020 auf CD bietet (unten). Es handelt sich um den Track "Into The Alley" auf dem Bootleg bzw. "One Way Dead End Alley" bei Turbine.





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