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Music Box Records: La cloche Tibétaine / Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes (Georges Delerue)


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Remastered and expanded edition.
8-page CD booklet with French and English liner notes by Gilles Loison.

In collaboration with Warner Chappell Music France, Music Box Records proudly presents the third volume of the collection Great Television Soundtracks dedicated to two original television soundtracks composed and conducted by Georges Delerue: La Cloche tibétaine (The Tibetan Bell, 1974) and Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes (The Splendors and Miseries of Courtesans, 1975).

Based on the famous expedition and adventure across Asia, the French historical seven-episode series La Cloche tibétaine, directed by Michel Wyn, tells the story of the ‘yellow cruise’ organized by André Citroën in the early 1930s in order to link Beirut (Lebanon) to Bejing (China) through the ancient Silk Road with half-tracks vehicles.

Adapted from the novel by Honoré de Balzac, the French drama seven-episode series Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes, directed by Maurice Cazeneuve, tells the story of Lucien de Rubempré, an ambitious young man who manipulates other people’s lives to his own satisfaction.

For these two mini-series, Georges Delerue's gift for melody and enormous versatility are once again demonstrated with these stunningly colourful scores. The epic-scale score to La Cloche tibétaine showcases a wide range of dramatic passages, suspenseful musical cues tinged with ethnical flavored pieces and exotic touches. Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes features a darker score with its solemn main theme played by violin and orchestra in order to highlight the moving fate of the characters.

Remastered from the original recording sessions courtesy of Delerue's archives, this present edition features the slightly expanded score to La Cloche tibétaine and the word premiere release of Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes. The CD comes with an 8-page booklet with liner notes by Gilles Loison, discussing the series and the scores. The release is limited to 750 units



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