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Lakeshore Records: Thomas Newman - Operation Mincemeat


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Neues Projekt von Thomas Newman für Regisseur John Madden, für den er schon drei tolle Scores geschrieben hat.


Composer Thomas Newman (American Beauty, The Shawshank Redemption, Finding Nemo, 1917, Skyfall) is reuniting with director John Madden (Shakespeare in Love, Proof) on the upcoming war drama Operation Mincemeat. The film starring Colin Firth, Kelly Macdonald, Matthew Macfadyen, Penelope Wilton, Johnny Flynn & Jason Isaacs is based on the book of the same name by Ben Macintyre  takes place in 1943 when the Allies are determined to launch an all-out assault on Fortress Europe. The movie follows two intelligence officers as they concoct a disinformation strategy, aimed at preventing their massive invasion force from being massacred by German soldiers and planes when they touch down on the continent. Michelle Ashford (Masters of Sex) wrote the screenplay. Charles S. Cohen (The Insult), Iain Canning & Emile Sherman (The King’s Speech, Lion, Widows) and Kris Thykier (Kick-Ass, Woman in Gold) are producing the See-Saw Films and Cohen Media Group production. Newman has previously collaborated with Madden on The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel and its sequel, as well as on 2011’s The Debt. Operation Mincemeat is expected to premiere this year.



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  • 1 Jahr später...

Man glaub es nicht.. dieser Thomas Newman-Score bekommt nicht nur ein Release, sondern es wird sogar auf CD veröffentlicht. Freut mich besonders, nachdem seine Musik für den Film "Dog" überhaupt nicht veröffentlicht wurde. 



Lakeshore Records will release the official soundtrack album for the spy drama Operation Mincemeat. The album features the film’s original music composed by Academy Award nominee Thomas Newman (American Beauty, 1917, The Shawshank Redemption, Finding Nemo, Skyfall, Wall-E). The soundtrack is set to be released on April 22, 2022. Visit Amazon to pre-order the CD version. Operation Mincemeat is directed by John Madden and stars Colin Firth, Matthew Macfadyen, Kelly Macdonald, Penelope Wilton, Johnny Flynn, Jason Isaacs, Mark Gatiss, Hattie Morahan, Mark Bonnar, Paul Ritter, Alex Jennings and Simon Russell Beale. The movie is based on a true story and follows two British intelligence officers as they hatch an outlandish scheme to trick the Nazis and alter the course of World War II. The drama will be released in UK theaters on April 15 and will debut in the U.S. and other markets on May 11 on Netflix.


Here’s the album track list:

1. Submarine Rises
2. Iris
3. Room 13
4. Fresh as a Daisy
5. Briefcase in Madrid
6. Our Story Begins…
7. Single Diamond Ring
8. I’m Going to Get Lit Up (When the Lights Go Up in London)
9. Gulf of Cádiz
10. War Hero
11. Deader and Deader
12. Last Lovely Golden Day
13. Haversack Ruse
14. Toast
15. Holy Loch
16. Dull as Ditchwater
17. Fishwife
18. Jean Leslie
19. Peckin’
20. The Burial is Set
21. Officer in the Royal Marines
22. Dangerous Waters
23. A Missing Eyelash
24. Fifth Column
25. A Spy Under My Roof
26. Operation Mincemeat
27. Limited Casualties
28. Fallen Soldier
29. Personal and Most Secret




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