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CD includes digital download package - 24 bit Wav, MP3, Digital PDF

Dragon’s Domain Records, to be distributed through buysoundtrax.com, presents THE MARK SNOW COLLECTION, VOLUME 3, featuring two scores composed by Mark Snow (THE X FILES, SMALLVILLE, GHOST WHISPERER) for two television movies from 1994, while Snow was working on THE X FILES. With this collection we celebrate a pair of dramatic scores that Mark Snow (THE X-FILES, MILLENNIUM, THE GHOST WHISPERER) composed for television in 1994. The first is a murder mystery based on a true story, set in New Orleans. The second is a melodrama about two brothers competing for the same woman in a south Texas town. Both scores show how the composer can wield his versatile array of Synclaviers and digital samplers, mixed with the occasional live instrument, constructing exceptional melodies along with energetic and convincing simulated orchestral textures into effective and affecting dramatic musical storytelling.

MURDER BETWEEN FRIENDS premiered on NBC on January 10, 1994. Stephen Lang and Martin Kemp play best friends Kerry Meyers and Bill Fontannille in a suburban New Orleans neighborhood. After an argument in which both have stabbed and beaten each other, and during which Meyers’ wife Janet has been murdered, detectives try to piece together what happened and prosecutors prepare a trial in which Fontannille is charged as the murderer of Janet. But the trial ends in a hung jury and Fontannille is freed. After the proceeding ends in a mistrial, the prosecuting attorney continues to search out the truth and is able to bring about a conviction in a new trial using the then-new forensic science of blood spatter analysis. Snow’s music immediately conveys the setting with a stylish New Orleans male baritone vocalise sample, out of which exudes a bluesy, humid electric guitar solo, played over menacing Synclavier pads and low drones.

SHADOWS OF DESIRE, broadcast by CBS on September 20th, 1994, was directed by Sam Pillsbury, New York born and Massachusetts-raised, whose film career began in New Zealand. His long pedigree as screenwriter (THE QUIET EARTH) and director (WHERE THE RED FERN GROWS, FREE WILLY 3) generated work on numerous television movies throughout the ‘90s and ‘2000s. Set in Utah (but filmed in Texas), this film stars Nicollette Sheridan as Rowena Ecklund, who returns to her hometown for the funeral of her estranged mother, owner of the local café. Adrian Pasdar (NEAR DARK) plays the timid Jude Snow, who carries around a leg injury from a hunting accident as a youth and soon takes up with Rowena, despite the objections of the town’s official busybody, his mother Ellis. Jude and Rowena’s bond is threatened when bad-boy brother Sonny (Joe Lando) returns to the farm. He and Rowena had a fling back in high-school, one Sonny is eager to renew, despite any protestations from the lady, resulting in a dangerous amount of sibling rivalry. Snow’s music features an abundance of folksy acoustic guitar and digital violin melodies, which lay down a very likeable harmonic texture that nicely fits the film’s environment and characters.

Mark Snow is primarily known for his work in the medium of television, including many seasons of music scoring for shows such as THE X-FILES, MILLENNIUM, SMALLVILLE, GHOST WHISPERER, BLUE BLOODS, NOWHERE MAN and many others. In 1993, composer Mark Snow began a fruitful creative collaboration with producer Chris Carter on THE X-FILES, which culminated in a unique marriage of music and macabre storytelling. Snow’s work on THE X-FILES put him on the Hollywood scoring map, offering up a unique mix of atmospheric sound design and affecting layers of ambient melody on a weekly basis and this sound became very much in demand in the industry. Mark is considered one of television’s most capable composers. The large percentage of his musical output has centered around the subjects of the supernatural, the macabre and outright science fiction or dark fantasy but there have been occasions for him to break out and work on other projects, such as PRIVATE FEARS IN PUBLIC PLACES and WILD GRASS for Alain Resnais, the legendary French director. 

Mark Snow has worked on more than two hundred television movies and series, PC games and feature films including THE X-FILES, MILLENNIUM, SMALLVILLE, GHOST WHISPERER, BLUE BLOODS, and NOWHERE MAN, among others, returning to THE X FILES recently when the series made its triumphant return to television in 2016. Mark has been nominated for 14 Primetime Emmy awards since 1984 and won at least 19 ASCAP awards. The composer is also a founding member of the legendary New York Rock'n'Roll ensemble, along with fellow composer Michael Kamen. The band was signed to Atlantic Records and Mark toured and recorded with them for 5 years before turning his focus to writing music for film and television. 

Dragon’s Domain Records, to be distributed through buysoundtrax.com, presents THE MARK SNOW COLLECTION, VOLUME 3, featuring the world premiere releases of the original television soundtracks to MURDER BETWEEN FRIENDS and SHADOWS OF DESIRE, featuring music composed by Mark Snow. THE MARK SNOW COLLECTION, VOLUME 3 is a limited edition release of 500 units. The first 50 units sold through the website will include a booklet autographed by the composer.

THE MARK SNOW COLLECTION, VOLUME 3 starts shipping the week of March 8, 2021.

(Original Score)
01. Murder Between Friends - Opening Titles (1:25)
02. New Orleans 1984 (8:05)
03. We Played Ball Together (0:52)
04. The Baby and Billy's Return (4:01)
05. One Side of the Story (4:40)
06. I'll Kill You Billy! (5:15)
07. Erotic Interlude (1:10)
08. Billy Goes Back to the House (3:50)
09. Billy Gets Stabbed / Going Back Over the Evidence (3:37)
10. Legwork (5:06)
11. Epilogue: Final Justice (3:59)
12. Murder Between Friends - Closing Credits (0:50)

(Original Score)
13. Main Title (2:29)
14. After the Funeral (1:51)
15. We're Open (1:00)
16. Cafe Closed (0:58)
17. Deer Hunting Story (1:32)
18. First Kiss (1:16)
19. Montage & Bedroom Scene (2:06)
20. Brothers (0:40)
21. Rowena and Sonny (2:18)
22. I Asked Him if He Was My Daddy (2:03)
23. Visiting Her Mother’s Grave (1:14)
24. Cafe Confrontation and Sonny’s Death (1:24)
25. You Ain't Cain (1:48)
26. Family Pain (1:57)
27. A Sad Farewell and The Cafe Is Open (2:34)
28. Shadows of Desire - Closing Credits (0:53)
Total Time: 70:05


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MURDER BETWEEN FRIENDS habe ich noch als Promo/Bootleg hier. Snow eifert hier seinem alten Freund und Kollegen Michael Kamen nach und schrieb einen Score, der wohl gewollt an Kamens LETHAL WEAPON erinnern soll.


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vor 12 Stunden schrieb Alexander Grodzinski:

MURDER BETWEEN FRIENDS habe ich noch als Promo/Bootleg hier. Snow eifert hier seinem alten Freund und Kollegen Michael Kamen nach und schrieb einen Score, der wohl gewollt an Kamens LETHAL WEAPON erinnern soll.

Der Track klingt echt nett aber die anderen Samples klingen einfach nur nach Akte X.

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Muss ja nichts schlechtes sein. ;) Zu dem Zeitpunkt hatte er ja auch gerade mit Akte X angefangen. Und stilistisch passt es ja auch zu einem Thriller. Aber klar, ob man das dann braucht, wenn man schon die Akte-X-Boxen hat?

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Alexander Grodzinski:

Aber klar, ob man das dann braucht, wenn man schon die Akte-X-Boxen hat?

Ich persönlich nicht mehr so. Damals war die CD mit der Musik zu der Miniserie Night Sins auf BSX noch etwas besonderes, weil da LLL noch nicht mit den Boxen begonnen hatte. Ansonsten mag ich daneben seine symphonischeren Filmscores sehr. Super wären mal seine früheren orchestralen TV Arbeiten von Starsky and Hutch bis hin zu Hooker. Aber am meisten natürlich Hart to Hart.

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Am 25.2.2021 um 12:18 schrieb Trekfan:

Ich persönlich nicht mehr so. Damals war die CD mit der Musik zu der Miniserie Night Sins auf BSX noch etwas besonderes, weil da LLL noch nicht mit den Boxen begonnen hatte. Ansonsten mag ich daneben seine symphonischeren Filmscores sehr. Super wären mal seine früheren orchestralen TV Arbeiten von Starsky and Hutch bis hin zu Hooker. Aber am meisten natürlich Hart to Hart.

Wobei NIGHT SINS und auch CONUNDRUM schöne Scores sind, trotz der offensichtlichen X-Files-Anleihen. Aber das ist nun mal Snows Stil. ;) Und natürlich ist es für BSX/DD einfacher, die (fast) vollständig elektronischen Sachen von Mark zu veröffentlichen, wenn keine Orchestermusiker finanziell entschädigt werden müssen und wenn man eh auf Scores zurückgreifen kann, die man irgendwann schon mal als Promo bearbeitet hat. Wobei die Volume 1 dieser Snow-Collection ja zwei orchestrale Scores enthält. Seine alten Serienmusiken sehe ich daher, wenn überhaupt, mal bei einem dieser Sampler, die LLL veröffentlicht.

SHADOWS OF DESIRE klingt in den Hörproben allerdings weniger nach X-Files. Hat eher was von Folklore mit der Violine, wobei man natürlich auch hier die für Mark damals typischen Sounds hört.

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  • 1 Monat später...

Nachdem ich das Album durch habe, muss ich sagen, dass die Musik doch mehr ist als nur ein X-Files-Abklatsch. MURDER BETWEEN FRIENDS habe ich schon lange nicht mehr gehört und war doch überrascht, wie kurzweilig der ist. Natürlich gibt es immer wieder Momente, die so auch in den X-Akten vorkommen könnten, aber das ist nun mal, wie gesagt, Snows Stil. Ganz anders als beispielsweise bei der Volume 2 dieser Serie, bei der CAROLINE AT MIDNIGHT tatsächlich wie ein Zusammenbau von X-Files-Stücken klingt, zumal Snow das Hauptthema des Scores auch in einer X-Files-Folge benutzt hat.

SHADOWS OF DESIRE erinnert mich dann eher an MILLENNIUM, vor allem natürlich wegen der Solo-Violine. Der Score entstand aber vor der Serie, also handelt es sich noch nicht um die von Snow selbst gebauten Samples der Violine aus dem Main Theme von MILLENNIUM, die Snow danach nicht nur in der Serie, sondern auch in einigen Filmscores eingesetzt hat. Das Set läuft ja unter dem Motto „Southern Gothic" und das trifft es wohl ganz gut, besonders bei SHADOWS OF DESIRE.

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