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  • 1 Monat später...

BSX bietet momentan nicht nur einen 40%-Rabatt an, sondern auch eine „Mystery Box", in der 30 CDs (und ein paar DVDs) enthalten sind für 39,99 Dollar. Scheinbar muss da einiges raus. ;) 

Dear Valued Customers,

 As the season of gratitude approaches, we would like to take a moment to extend our heartfelt wishes to all of our customers celebrating Thanksgiving. We hope your holiday is filled with joy, warmth, and cherished moments with family and friends.

 In the spirit of giving and celebration, we are thrilled to announce an exclusive Thanksgiving/Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale! For a limited time, enjoy a fantastic 40% discount on all in-stock items in our store. Please keep in mind that this offer does not apply to our newly released products or the highly sought-after mystery box, but everything else is eligible for this generous savings opportunity.

We are also excited to reintroduce the beloved BSX Mystery Box! This delightful surprise package contains approximately 30 CDs, along with a few bonus DVDs, all for the incredible price of just $39.95, plus shipping. Each mystery box is a treasure trove of musical wonders, making it a perfect gift for loved ones or an indulgent treat for yourself as the holiday season approaches. Don't miss out on this chance to discover new favorites and hidden gems!

 Once again, we wish you and your loved ones a happy, safe, and fulfilling Thanksgiving holiday filled with memorable experiences.

 Warm wishes, 

The Staff of BSX Records and Dragons Domain Recordings

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