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Quartet Records: SECONDS (Jerry Goldsmith)

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Quartet Records, in collaboration with Paramount Pictures, presents a remastered, restored and slightly expanded edition of Jerry Goldsmith’s marvelous score for John Frankenheimer’s sci-fi-horror-drama cult classic SECONDS (1966)

SECONDS starred Rock Hudson – in an astonishing change of pace, as the film campaign ads said – as an unhappy middle-aged banker who agrees to a procedure that will fake his death and give him a completely new look and identity. But it comes with its own price.

Jerry Goldsmith’s fascinating score take us on a musical journey through one of his finest works, building on the psychological complexity of scores such as FREUD and his work on THE TWILIGHT ZONE while anticipating the effective contrast of sacred and profane on future projects such as his OMEN trilogy.

The soundtrack of SECONDS was released 13 years ago on La-La Land Records, paired with the Goldsmith score for I.Q. Mono music stems were the only source available at the time, and they remain so today since the session masters are gone. But thanks to new technology that has appeared in the intervening decade, this new edition –produced, restored and mastered by Chris Malone – has been significantly improved, eliminating all dialogue bleed and other defects inherent in the sources, as well as allowing us the opportunity to present all score cues as heard in the film.

In addition to the original score, we have included as bonus material the source music for the long cocktail sequence, which was specifically recorded for the film and conducted by Goldsmith – including a source piece by the master himself.

The package includes a 16-page booklet with authoritative liner notes by film music writer John Takis.

1. Main Title (2:59)

2. 34 Lafayette Street (2:19)

3. Quiet Isolation (2:31)

4. Nightmare (2:51)

5. Transformation (1:56)

6. Rehabilitation and Strange Arrival (2:20)

7. Restless Hours (3:13)

8. Peaceful Aftermath (0:49)

9. Reflections (2:01)

10. Begin Again (1:45)

11. End Title (1:13)

Bonus tracks

12. Cocktail Music #1 (3:34)

13. Cocktail Music #2 (1:07)

14. Cocktail Music #3 (1:04)

15. Keep Rockin’ (3:32)

16. Cleanup (2:15)

Ebenfalls als Vinyl.



NOTE: CDs and LPs ordered at the same time will be shipped separately, with separate shipping charges. See Shipping Page for details

Quartet Records, in collaboration with Paramount Pictures, presents the premiere vinyl edition of Jerry Goldsmith’s marvelous score for John Frankenheimer’s sci-fi-horror-drama cult classic SECONDS (1966)

SECONDS starred Rock Hudson – in an astonishing change of pace, as the film campaign ads said – as an unhappy middle-aged banker who agrees to a procedure that will fake his death and give him a completely new look and identity. But it comes with its own price.

Jerry Goldsmith’s fascinating score take us on a musical journey through one of his finest works, building on the psychological complexity of scores such as FREUD and his work on THE TWILIGHT ZONE while anticipating the effective contrast of sacred and profane on future projects such as his OMEN trilogy.

The soundtrack of SECONDS was released 13 years ago in CD on La-La Land Records, paired with the Goldsmith score for I.Q. Mono music stems were the only source available at the time, and they remain so today since the session masters are gone. But thanks to new technology that has appeared in the intervening decade, this vinyl edition –produced, restored and mastered by Chris Malone – has been significantly improved, eliminating all dialogue bleed and other defects inherent in the sources, as well as allowing us the opportunity to present all score cues as heard in the film.

This audiophile LP edition has been pressed in 180 GM ultra clean transparent vinyl, cut at 45 RPM for best sound quality, and it’s limited to 500 units only.


  1. Main Title (3:00)
  2. 34 Lafayette Street (2:17)
  3. Quiet Isolation (2:31)
  4. Nightmare (2:50)
  5. Transformation (1:55)


  1. Rehabilitation and Strange Arrival (2:18)
  2. Restless Hours (3:12)
  3. Peaceful Aftermath (0:50)
  4. Reflections (2:01)
  5. Begin Again (1:46)
  6. End Title (1:13)


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Das ist jedenfalls mal eine Wiederveröffentlichung, über die ich mich sehr freue. Schöne Entwicklung, dass die Aufbereitung mit Stems und eben mit Resten von Dialogen technisch immer besser gelingt. Hübsch auch die Source Cues, die es jetzt gibt und mir bei 60s/70s Scores immer Spaß machen. Wie üblich Sachen aus dem eigenen Paramount-Katalog dabei, um Lizenzgebühren zu sparen. Die Old Black Magic wird sogar noch bei Star Trek im 23. Jahrhundert gespielt. :)



"Cocktail Music #1" is "Love Around The Corner" by Lewis E. Gensler and Leo Robin, from the 1934 Paramount picture Here Is My Heart.

"Cocktail Music #2" is "That Old Black Magic" by Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer, from the 1942 Paramount picture Star Spangled Rhythm.

"Cocktail Music #3" is an original Goldsmith composition for Seconds.


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vor 6 Minuten schrieb peter-anselm:

LP heute bereits hier eingetroffen. Die Spanier sind wirklich fix......

Ich muss auch sagen, dass es Quartet richtig macht: Es wird ein Titel angekündigt und dieser ist dann auch lieferbar. Zudem erhält man dann Infos und Tracklist auch gleich dazu.

1. Keine große Vorankündigung

2. Keine Ankündigung, ab wann im Shop freigeschaltet

3. Keine Ankündigung ohne weitere Trackangaben

So muss es sein. Und zusätzlich wüsste ich nicht, dass ein Titel jemals verschoben werden musste, weil es Layout- oder Masterfehler / Pressfehler gab….

Mit Quartet Records bin ich genau so zufrieden wie mit Music Box Records. Irgendwie passt das für mich alles.

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