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Node Records: Aldo Shllako - The Comeback Trail


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Glaube @bimbamdingdong hat den vor ein paar Monaten mal hier irgendwo erwähnt, dass er es schade findet, dass der Score nicht veröffentlicht wird. Tja.. sein Wunsch wurde erfüllt. Die Musik von Aldo Shllako bekommt ein Release. 



Node Records has announced a soundtrack album for the crime comedy The Comeback Trail. The album features the film’s original music composed by Aldo Shllaku (The Doorman, Downrange, The Hill Where Lionesses Roar, The Poison Rose, Vanquish, Triumph). Visit Amazon or any other major digital music services to stream/download the soundtrack. The Comeback Trail is co-written and directed by George Gallo and stars Robert De Niro, Tommy Lee Jones, Morgan Freeman, Zach Braff, Emile Hirsch, Eddie Griffin and Kate Katzman. The movie follows two movie producers who owe money to the mob as they set up their aging movie star for an insurance scam to try and save themselves. The comedy opened in various international markets over the last two years and is currently awaiting a new release date in the U.S., where it was originally set to debut in 2020.


Here’s the track list of the album:

1. The Comeback Trail (1:27)
2. Warning: Killer Nuns (1:51)
3. The March (Main Title) (2:02)
4. Max’s Lair (1:57)
5. My Baby Script (3:09)
6. One Million Two (2:29)
7. Falling Star (3:06)
8. A Deadly Idea (3:06)
9. She’s Got Me (1:27)
10. I’m in Fellas (2:00)
11. Choke Him (2:19)
12. Connected Director (2:10)
13. Horse Kick (1:26)
14. Action! (2:57)
15. On a Mission (2:16)
16. Walter on the Bridge (1:42)
17. Action on the Bridge (2:55)
18. The Bull Story (3:35)
19. Amazing Footage (2:02)
20. Where is Duke (1:59)
21. The Standoff (3:59)
22. Movie Magic (2:13)
23. Life’s Big Mistake (4:36)
24. The World Premiere (3:10)
25. Into the Sunset (1:45)
26. Westward (End Credit) (4:08)
27. The Nun Funk (3:05)


Hier kann man schon mal in einen der Tracks reinhören.. 

The Comeback Trail Soundtrack: Listen to Aldo Shllaku's 'Westward' (comingsoon.net)

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