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MovieScore Media: Thomas Morse - The Sisters

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MovieScore Media hat ein neues Release angekündigt:


MovieScore Media presents the

Original Motion Picture Score


Music composed and conducted by

Thomas Morse

iTunes purchase link: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=156675747&s=143441

Listen to these clips from the score (more available at our web site and at iTunes):

- Memories of Father: http://www.moviescoremedia.com/audio/sisters1.mp3

- Sisters Theme Suite: http://www.moviescoremedia.com/audio/sisters2.mp3

- Vincent and Marcia: http://www.moviescoremedia.com/audio/sisters5.mp3

- The Crash: http://www.moviescoremedia.com/audio/sisters14.mp3

- The Wedding: http://www.moviescoremedia.com/audio/sisters10.mp3

Introducing yet another highly talented composer to the world-wide film music community, MovieScore Media proudly announces the release of Thomas Morse's beautiful orchestral score for Arthur Allan Seidelman's ensemble piece The Sisters, starring Erika Christensen, Maria Bello, Mary Stuart Masterson, Chris O'Donnell, Eric McCormack and Rip Torn.

Composer Thomas Morse, who studied film composition under Jerry Goldsmith and whose previous credits include The Big Brass Ring (based on Orson Welles' last script and starring William Hurt), the thriller Michael Angel (starring Dennis Hopper) and Jerry Bruckheimer's TV series The Amazing Race, has crafted a very emotional and sophisticated score for The Sisters. Recorded with a first-rate orchestra in Seattle, Morse's music is built around strong thematic material and well-tempered orchestrations focusing on strings, piano and woodwinds. Thomas' work is always true to the artistic intentions of the film, yet entrancing on a purely aural level, comments director Arthur Allan Seidelman.

In addition to film music, Thomas Morse is also a composer of concert music and he is currently working on an album featuring modern orchestral music entitled Kounterpoint. He has also worked as a pop arranger for artists such as Michael Hutchence and Guns n' Roses.

The Sisters, which is based on Anton Chekhov's famous novel 'The Three Sisters', is an intimate drama that was described as intelligent, observant entertainment designed for an adult audience by the San Francisco Chronicle, and hailed as a superbly crafted drama of depth and perception by CBS Radio. It was shown at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York and the Hollywood Film Festival and will be released on DVD on June 13, co-inciding with the online release of the score album on iTunes.

The Sisters: Original Motion Picture Score will be available exclusively from iTunes on June 13, 2006, with wider digital distribution to follow.


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