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James Horner Kickstarter: The Hand & The Dresser


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Es gibt vermutlich einen Cocktail an Gründen, weshalb die Leute (mich eingeschlossen) hier nicht aufspringen. Scheinbar haben sie auch keinen Großspender in der Hinterhand, der Intrada style von vornherein bereit war, die Sache zu pushen. Für die Witwe wären 20.000 Dollar vermutlich Portokasse, aber dann würden vielleicht andere Leute animiert, das über die Ziellinie zu bringen.

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Habe ein Update per Mail bekommen, in dem Esterhammer sehr zuversichtlich erscheint:

Hello all, 

A little heads up for those who might have missed it! 

7 days left on our REDUX campaign for James Horner’s The Hand and The Dresser. 2 world premiere re-recordings of the complete original scores side by side, made possible by you.

With a little bit of help spreading the word as we are approaching the finish line, we are confident this project will become a reality! 


Ist das Galgenhumor? Ist das drastische Überschätzung? Über 40000 in einer Woche zu sammeln, halte ich für maximal unwahrscheinlich. Zuversichtlich kann man nur sein, wenn es jemanden gibt, der ein paar Stunden vor Ende den fehlenden Rest dazu gibt. 

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb Trekfan:

Es gibt vermutlich einen Cocktail an Gründen [...] aber dann würden vielleicht andere Leute animiert, das über die Ziellinie zu bringen.


Exakt das dürfte das Hauptproblem sein -  es würde helfen Vertrauen aufzubauen, welches wohl fehlt und den Cocktail wesentlich genießbarer machen.. 

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Auf zu #3


James Horner: A New World (The Third Movement)

Hello all,

Thank you for your support in all our efforts bringing these two early scores by James Horner to life. It hurt us to see our labor of love not come to fruition.


In a very self-effacing way we have decided (even before this second campaign didn’t fully come to fruition, sort of as a 'Last Stand' plan) that we would consider doing a very special campaign for just THE DRESSER as this seems to be the score most people were looking forward to being recorded, including Sara Horner herself.

It will consist of the score to THE DRESSER only, with a number of stretch goals (each based on the cost of a 4-hour session, and the orchestral line-up) that will include THE HAND in various sections, starting with a few selected tracks from the score. This will go on as long as there is support and who knows; if all stretch goals are met the complete score to The Hand will have been recorded too. We sure hope to get at least a few cues done, paving the road for a complete score re-recording down the line.

Additional stretch goals will be added for Deluxe Limited Edition CDs & Blu-ray audio [Dolby Atmos mix].

The content of our campaign will remain almost unchanged. e.g. artwork, mockups, videos (minus the promo trailer), with the various reward tiers revised accordingly, as we feel that we have 'said it all' in our previous two attempts.

Last but NOT least, we will be offering the digital download & booklet for $20 and the Standard CD edition for $25 (FREE Shipping within the US).

Does this sound like something you would go for?

The budget to be raised for THE DRESSER is considerably lower compared to our previous campaigns, at $25,000 - a sum that includes two 4-hour recording sessions with the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, reconstruction & music prep, proof reading, mixing, mastering, travelling, artwork, liner notes; KS fees, - with digital downloads (in either Stereo & Dolby Atmos Binaural Mixes) & booklet + 500 limited run of stereo CD Copies.

The Hand stretch goals will be covering (for the most part) recording session costs such as reconstruction & music prep, proof reading, mixing, mastering, Craig Huxley's Blaster Beam remote sessions, etc. The manufacturing cost will remain the same as for just THE DRESSER recording.

And finally, we would like to address the rumor that the original masters of THE HAND will be released. According to our sources, there are legal issues with the original masters that prevent WB from licensing them, which means the original recording will most certainly never see the light of day!

Robin and Nikiforos


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