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Intrada: EDGE OF SANITY (Frederic Talgorn)

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Intrada presents the premiere release of composer Frédéric Talgorn's first film score: the 1989 MGM horror film Edge of Sanity. His approach to scoring the film, as with many of his scores after this first venture, comes from the orchestral tradition created by many film music legends. As he describes in the liner notes, “I’m from a mid-70s generation of people who discovered film music when John Williams put symphonic scoring back on the map. I realized the power of what you could do for the cinema with orchestral music thanks to composers like him, Jerry Goldsmith and Miklós Rózsa.” Bringing a fresh voice to a legacy of music scores sprawling decades behind him, Edge of Sanity brims with strong themes, fierce action, eerie suspense and even some brief moments of pastoral joy. Talgorn proved right out of the gate that he could bring a level of sophistication and artistry to any film he might score.

Seemingly lost for decades until its recent discovery in DAT format by the composer, the breadth of the music’s brash, richly melodic transgression remains as wonderfully shocking as ever, no more so than to Talgorn. “When I listen now, I’m surprised by some of this music,” he remarks. “You write what you are, and my obsession was to write for an orchestra. I didn’t even think of doing anything else, because the greatest film music I knew was orchestral. The energy you feel in this score comes from that beginner’s enthusiasm because I wanted to show what I could do." This long overdue album was well worth the wait. Talgorn produced the album for Intrada, with Doug Schwartz responsible for mastering.

The film presents a dark, twisted take on the classic tale of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Starring Anthony Perkins as the classic character, the film follows Dr. Jekyll, a troubled scientist who experiments with a new drug that unleashes his alter ego, the violent and depraved Mr. Hyde. As Hyde's rampages become increasingly brutal, Jekyll struggles to control his darker half while the film delves into themes of duality, madness, and the thin line between genius and insanity. The film combines elements of psychological horror with a gritty, atmospheric setting, offering a chilling exploration of the human psyche.

01. Opening Scene (2:45)
02. Main Title (2:32)
03. Susannah Theme (1:14)
04. Transformation (2:25)
05. Hyde Walks In The Street (0:42)
06. Frenzy (0:37)
07. Meet Susannah (0:41)
08. Blue Scene (4:16)
09. Return From Picnic (0:54)
10. Good Night, Henry (1:01)
11. Maggie Climbs The Stairs (2:03)
12. Maggie’s Murder (1:24)
13. Hyde Scribbles (0:32)
14. Looking For A Murder (1:22)
15. Visions From Nightmare (0:50)
16. Looking For Susannah (1:56)
17. Murder Of Frank’s Prostitute (1:19)
18. Jekyll And Elisabeth On The Stairs (0:55)
19. Hallucination (3:21)

20. Elisabeth Finds The Scribbles (1:42)
21. Looking For Jekyll (0:52)
22. In The Attic (1:52)
23. End Titles (2:21)
24. End Credits (2:33)
Total Score Time: 41:00

25. Opening Scene (Alternate Performance and Mix) (2:59)
26. Hallucination (Alternate Performance and Mix) (3:39)
Total Extras Time: 6:40)

27. At The Bordello (1:34)
28. In The Tavern (0:51)
29. Jekyll’s Waltz (2:22)
Total Source Music Time: (4:52)
Total CD Time: 52:43

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Am 26.6.2024 um 07:08 schrieb Osthunter:

Wie es aussieht, wird dieser Score zum Horrorfilm mit Anthony Perkins demnächst erscheinen. 


Der Anfang scheint wie direkt aus Pendereckis "De Natura Sonoris #1" gesampelt... :) 

Spannender Score. Denke, bei der VÖ werde ich zugreifen. 

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