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La-La Land Records: FRIDAY THE 13TH PART V: THE ULTIMATE CUT (Harry Manfredini)

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb scorefun:

Schon wieder ein "Ultimate Cut" ??? - Nein, danke...(Teil 4 wird übersprungen?)


Ist ja bald Halloween ;) Beim vierten Teil gab es doch eh einige Cues, die einfach aus den Musiken der vorherigen Filme zusammengeschnitten wurden. Vielleicht dachte sich LLL, dass sich deswegen da kein ULTIMATE CUT lohnt. Oder es war einfach nicht mehr Material vorhanden als das, was sie schon veröffentlicht hatten, eben weil so vieles aus den vorherigen Musiken verwendet wurde.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Trekfan:

Hat Gerhard bei FSM erklärt 

Wait... what happened to Part IV?

Couldn't find material for an Ultimate Cut


Und dann kommt eine 40th Anniversary 4-CD-Box davon zum Black Friday. ;)

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Also das is doch keiner der Friday Scores wert.

finde die alle unter alle Kanone von Komposition und Produktion.

ein Best of aller Scores zusammen reicht maximal für eine CD…

das is doch echt nur für komplettistische Jason Fans und Nostalgiker. Sollen sie lieber mal Walkers 3 Final Destinations rausbringen. Aber das wird wohl nie was…

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Order yours starting 9/10 at 12 noon pst at www.lalalandrecords.com and get your CD Booklet autographed by composer Harry Manfredini at no additional charge. Autographs are available while supplies last and are NOT guaranteed.

The release of FRIDAY THE 13 PART V – A NEW BEGINNING, would attempt to give the beloved series exactly that, a new beginning.. But the dark beating heart and soul of both Jason and the franchise - Harry Manfredini’s brilliant scores - unquestionably had to remain front-and-center in order to preserve what came before, while also pushing it into new territory. Now, in 2024, this film’s iconic score pushes further into new territory with the release of FRIDAY THE 13th PART V – A NEW BEGINNING: THE ULTIMATE CUT, the newly restored, remixed and expanded presentation of composer Harry Manfredini’s (F13 PARTS 1,2,3,4,5,6, 9, 10, HOUSE, DEEPSTAR SIX), score to the famed horror franchise’s fourth sequel. In 2021, the discovery of original FRIDAY score elements culminated in La-La Land’s “Ultimate” restoration of the first three films in the legendary franchise. Once again, engineer Jerry Lambert and album co-producer Brian Satterwhite, under supervision of Manfredini, have brilliantly restored and remixed the music with results nothing short of astounding! The score is richer, bolder and as unstoppable as Jason himself! Included in this deluxe assembly is music NEVER before released!

Produced by Dan Goldwasser and Brian Satterwhite, mixed by Jerry Lambert, meticulously assembled and edited by Satterwhite, and mastered by James Nelson, this special CD release features exclusive liner notes by Satterwhite that provide a detailed track-by-track breakdown along with an in-depth examination of the release’s restoration and remix process. The art direction is by Goldwasser and the original cover art is by Scott Saslow. A must-have for all FRIDAY fans and film score enthusiasts!


1. Graveyard 3:30
2. Here Comes Jason! 1:38
3. Main Titles* 2:12
4. Arriving at Pinehurst 0:59
5. Tommy Scares Reggie / Tommy Watches 0:55
6. Vic Chops* 1:04
7. Roy Gets His Hands Dirty 0:48
8. Pete in the Woods 0:48
9. Flare / Pete in the Front Seat 0:50
10. Jason in the Mirror 1:19
11. Tommy Fights Eddie 0:34
12. Lana and Billy and You Know Who* 1:20
13. Tommy at the Window* 1:01
14. The Eyes Have It* 1:59
15. Drive to Demon’s* 1:29
16. Tommy Meets Junior 2:27
17. Them Damn Enchiladas* 0:55
18. The Gang Waits While Heads Roll* 1:06
19. Robin Gets Ready for Dead 1:56
20. Bodies, Bodies, Bodies* 1:16
21. Pam and Reggie Meet “Jason” 4:38
22. Reckless to the Rescue 2:49
23. Chainsaw Pam 1:17
24. Tommy Confronts “Jason”* 2:34
25. Battle in the Barn* 2:15
26. Tommy’s Dream* 1:28
27. Jason’s Final Visit 1:41
28. End Titles 3:19

29. Heavy Metal Source 3:25
30. Punk Funk Source 1:04
31. “Ki-ki-ki…Ma-ma-ma…” 0:15
* contains previously unreleased material not used in film

This is a CD format release.

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