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Intrada: A MISTAKE (Frank Ilfman)

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Intrada announces the digital release of Frank Ilfman's latest score, A Mistake. The 2024 film, directed by Christine Jeffs and adapted from Carl Shuker’s novel, is a gripping medical drama that delves into the consequences of a critical surgical error. The story follows Elizabeth Taylor (played by Elizabeth Banks), a highly skilled surgeon who, during a routine operation, allows her younger colleague to take charge. This decision leads to a mistake with irreversible consequences, sparking an intense fallout. As Elizabeth faces mounting scrutiny from the patient’s family and the hospital’s administration, the film explores themes of accountability, ethics, and the ripple effects of human error. It examines how one moment of vulnerability can unravel professional reputations and personal lives, raising questions about blame, responsibility, and the pressure within high-stakes medical environments.

The movie premiered at the Tribeca Festival in June 2024 and received attention for its nuanced storytelling and a strong performance by Elizabeth Banks.

For the score, composer Frank Ilfman created a poignant, understated depth for the unfolding drama, aligning musically with the film's exploration of vulnerability, accountability, and personal resilience. It avoids grandiosity— instead emphasizing delicate, emotive themes that reflect the characters' internal struggles. Ilfman recorded the score at the famed Abbey Road Studios. The album is available digitally wherever music is available, including Amazon, Spotify, and many others.

Play all clips

01. Opening (1:48)
02. Relived (3:42)
03. The Water Front (3:09)
04. Blurred Glass (2:31)
05. After (4:33)
06. My Name Is Liz Taylor (1:53)
07. Night And Day (2:20)

08. I Am Sorry (1:47)
09. Where is He (1:33)
10. Richard Suicide (3:01)
11. The Infestation (3:39)
12. Time To Say Goodbye (3:48)
13. A Suite From A Mistake (4:15)
14. End Credits (4:33)

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